Content Posted in 2015
12,000 Women Against An Army, V. Miller and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
1917 Nian De Da Shuizai: Tianjin Yu Ta De Fudi, Lillian M. Li
1986 Health Care Legislation, Martha P. King , 1973
2003: Movies, ‘Shock and Awe,’ And The Troubled Blockbuster, Bob Rehak
2081: A Hopeful View Of The Human Future, Gerard K. O'Neill , 1950
20th Century Art: Selections From The Collection Of The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, William S. Lieberman , 1943
500 Años Del Pueblo Chicano = 500 Years Of Chicano History In Pictures, Elizabeth Sutherland Martinez , editor, 1946
5'-Azido-N-1-Naphthylphthalamic Acid, A Photolabile Analog Of N-1-Naphthylphthalamic Acid: Synthesis And Binding Properties In Curcurbita Pepo L, Judith G. Voet; K. S. Howley; and Jed S. Shumsky , '86
A 21st Century Memoir, Joseph Hafkenschiel , 1935
A Águia E Os Estorninhos: Galileu E A Autonomia Da Ciência, P. R. Mariconda and Hugh Lacey
Abandoned: The Story Of The Greely Arctic Expedition, 1881-1884, Alden L. Todd , 1939
Abandoned: The Story Of The Greely Arctic Expedition, 1881-1884, Alden L. Todd , 1939
Abbreviations Dictionary, Ralph DeSola , 1932
Abdominal Wound Infections, Gilles R.G. Monif , 1957
A Beam Design Aid For Structural Tubing, Faruq M. A. Siddiqui
A Better Life With Your Ulcer, H. Phelps Potter Jr., 1946
A Bibliography Of Secondary English Language Literature On Contemporary Chinese Politics, Michel C. Okesenberg , 1960
A Biographical Note In Honour Of Sanjaya Lall, Larry E. Westphal
Abraham Lincoln The Complete Politician, William L. Huganir , 1942
A Brahms Card Ballad: Poems Selected For Hungarians, John Ridland , 1953
A Brief History Of Premolecular Induction Studies, Scott F. Gilbert
A Brief History Of Psychology, Michael Wetheimer , 1947
Abstrakte Malerei Aus Amerika Und Europa =|Abstract Painting Of America And Europe, Robert Storr , 1972
A Buddhist Economic-System—In Practice: The Rules Of State Policy Making Of The Ideal Kings Sought A "Middle Way" Between Right And Left, Frederic L. Pryor
A Buddhist Economic System—In Principle: Non-Attachment To Worldly Things Is Dominant But The Way Of The Law Is Held Profitable, Frederic L. Pryor
A Catawba Assembly, Charles A. Miller , 1959
Accessing Similarity And Dimensional Relations: Effects Of Integrality And Separability On The Discovery Of Complex Concepts, Deborah G. Kemler Nelson and L. B. Smith
Access: Multiple Avenues For Deaf People, D. DeLuca, I. W. Leigh, K. A. Lindgren, and Donna Jo Napoli
Accidental Innovation: Supporting Valuable Unpredictability In The Creative Process, Robert Daniel Austin , '84; Lee Devin; and E. E. Sullivan
Accounts Of European Science, Technology, And Medicine Written By American Travelers Abroad, 1735-1860: In The Collections Of The American Philosophical Society, Darwin H. Stapleton , 1969
A Certain Kind Of Perfection: An Anthology Of Evangelical And Liberal Quaker Writers, Margery Post Abbott , 1967
A Choice Of Days: Essays From Happy Days, Newspaper Days, And Heathen Days, Edward L. Galligan , 1948
A Chosen Calling: Jews In Science In The Twentieth Century, Noah J. Efron , 1982
A Ciéncia E O Bem-Estar Humana: Uma Nova Maneira De Estruturar A Atividade Científica, Hugh Lacey
A Civil World Beyond Individual And Community, Kenneth J. Gergen
A Collision Of Truths: A Life In Conflict With A Cherished Faith, Robert Y. Ellis , 1956
A Combinatorial Introduction To Topology, Michael Henle , 1965
A Comparative Study Of Slave Societies, Frederic L. Pryor
A Comparison Of Pressure Induced And Concentration Induced Smectic A-Nematic-Isotropic Triple Points, J. L. Walker and Peter J. Collings
A Comparison Of Radar Observations Of Bird Migration At Haizhou Bay, China, And Guam, Marianas, Timothy C. Williams , '64 and M. Ying
A Comparison Of Two Theories Of Perceived Distance On The Ground Plane: The Angular Expansion Hypothesis And The Intrinsic Bias Hypothesis, Z. Li and Frank H. Durgin
A Condition On Circular Chains: A Restatement Of I-Within-I, J. Hoeksema and Donna Jo Napoli
A Confederate Yankee: The Journal Of Edward William Drummond, A Confederate Soldier From Maine, Caroline Thomas Bosbyshell , 1955
'A Continuing Task:' Cavell And The Truth Of Skepticism, Richard Thomas Eldridge
A Contradiction For Contextualism?, Peter Baumann
A Controvérsia Sobre Os Transgênicos: Questões Científicos E Éticos, Hugh Lacey
A Corrected Mixture Law For B/A, E. Carr Everbach, Z. Zhu, P. Jiang, B. T. Chu, and R. E. Apfel
A Course In Computational Number Theory, David M. Bressoud , 1971
A Creed For A Christian Skeptic, Mary McDermott Shideler , 1931
A Crooked Man: A Novel, Christopher Lehmann-Haupt , 1956
Action And Reaction In World Politics International Systems In Perspective, Richard N. Rosecrance , 1952
Action Research And Orders Of Democracy, Kenneth J. Gergen
Active Site Generation Of A Protonically Unstable Suicide Substrate From A Stable Precursor: Glucose Oxidase And Dibromonitromethane, D. J. T. Porter, Judith G. Voet, and H. J. Bright
Activin Disrupts Epithelial Branching Morphogenesis In Developing Glandular Organs Of The Mouse, O Ritvos, T. Tuuri, M. Eramaa, K. Sainio, K. Hilden, L. Saxen, and Scott F. Gilbert
Adam's Dream, T. Alan Broughton , 1962
Adam, Where Art Thou?: An Interpretative Report Of The Interfield Consultation Held At Epworth-By-The-Sea, St. Simons Island, Georgia, U.S.A., April 4-15, 1956, Creighton Lacy , 1941
Addicted To The Drug War, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
“Add Men And Stir?”: Männlichkeiten In Geschlechterhistorischer Lehre Und Forschung, Bruce Dorsey
A Decade Of Starspot Activity On The Eclipsing Short-Period RS Canum Venaticorum Star WY Cancri: 1988-1997, P. A. Heckert, G. V. Maloney, M. C. Stewart, J. I. Ordway, Mary Ann Hickman, and M. Zeilik
A Defense Of Modern Behaviorism, Barry Schwartz
Adélia Prado: Romanticism Revisited, Betsy Bolton
A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, Barbara Wertheim Tuchman , 1937
Adnotatio And Imperial Rescript In Roman Legal Procedure, William Turpin
A Doctor Is Born: A Novel, William S. McCune , 1931
Adolescence, Kathleen M. White , 1962
Adolescence In Theory And Practice: A Key To Understanding Middle Level Students, Lisa Smulyan , '76
Adolescent Portraits: Identity, Relationships, And Challenges, A. Garrod; Lisa Smulyan , '76; S. I. Powers; and R. Kilkenny
Adolescents And Abortion, Jeanne Marecek
A Dream Fulfilled: The Van Raalte Sculpture In Centennial Park: Given In Honor Of The Sesquicentennial Of Holland, Michigan, U.S.A., Jeanne McKee Jacobson , 1953
A Dream In Crisis, Ben Berger
Advanced Micropipette Techniques For Cell Physiology, Kenneth T. Brown , 1947
Adventure Is Underground The Story Of The Great Caves Of The West And The Men Who Explore Them, William R. Halliday , 1946
Advertising Tower: Japanese Modernism And Modernity In The 1920s, William O. Gardner
Advice For Undergraduates On Special Aspects Of Writing Mathematics, Stephen B. Maurer
A Dynamical System With A Z² Centralizer, Aimee S. A. Johnson and K. K. Park
AEI's Budget And Resource Allocation Projection Model, Paul N. Courant , 1968
Aesthetics And Ethics, Richard Thomas Eldridge
A Failure To Transfer Control Of Keypecking From Food Reinforcement To Escape From And Avoidance Of Shock, Barry Schwartz and Geoffrey R. Coulter , '72
A Family Resemblance, Richard Thomas Eldridge
A Feast Of Creatures: Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Songs, Craig Williamson , translator
Affective Forecasting And Well Being, Barry Schwartz and R. Sommers
A Field Guide To The Birds Of Japan, Elizabeth P. Swift , 1942
A Flawed Strategy For The Resurgence Of Central America, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Africa And Africans, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
Africa And Africans, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
Africa and The West: Intellectual Responses To European Culture, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
Africa: From Independence To Tomorrow, David Hapgood , 1947
African History, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
African Rain Forest Ecology And Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Pespective, William Webber , 1972 and Amy Vedder , 1973
Africans In Bondage: Studies In Slavery And The Slave Trade: Essays In Honor Of Philip D. Curtin On The Occasion Of The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Of African Studies At The University Of Wisconsin, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
African Wings, Poems, Craig Williamson
Africa Remembered: Narratives By West Africans From The Era Of The Slave Trade, Philip D. Curtin , 1965
Afro-American Folk Culture: An Annotated Bibliography Of Materials From North, Central, And South America, And The West Indies, Roger D. Abrahams , 1955
Afro-American Folktales: Stories From Black Traditions In The New World, Roger D. Abrahams , editor, 1955
After Africa: Extracts From British Travel Accounts And Journals Of The Seventeenth, Eighteenth, And Nineteenth Centuries Concerning The Slaves, Their Manners, And Customs In The British West Indies, Roger D. Abrahams , editor, 1955
After Auschwitz: A Love Story, Brenda S. Webster , 1958
After Her Brain Broke: Helping My Daughter Recover Her Sanity, Susan Inman , 1971
Afterlife, Nathalie Anderson
After The Diagnosis: Transcending Chronic Illness, Betsy Seifter , 1969
After The Facts: Psychology And The Study Of Gender, Jeanne Marecek
After Unification: Conversations With East Germans, Frederic L. Pryor
Against The Evidence The Becker-Rosenthal Affair, Andy Logan , 1942
Age Appropriate? Sundance’s Women Filmmakers Come Next, Patricia White
Ageing And Cancer As Diseases Of Epigenesis, Scott F. Gilbert
Agency: Social Construction And Relational Action, Kenneth J. Gergen
Agenda For The Nation Papers On Domestic And Foreign Policy Issues, Kermit Gordon , editor, 1938
Agenda Setting And Bargaining Power: The Mexican State Versus Transnational Automobile Corporations, D. C. Bennett and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
A Generalization Of Turán's Theorem To Directed Graphs, Stephen B. Maurer , '67; I. Rabinovitch; and W. T. Trotter Jr.
A General-Purpose System For Teleoperation Of The DRC-HUBO Humanoid Robot, Matthew A. Zucker, S. Joo, M. X. Grey, C. Rasmussen, E. Huang, M. Stilman, and A. Bobick
A Generation Of Peace, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
A Generation Of Peace: Poems, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
A Generative Theory Of Tonal Music, Ray S. Jackendoff , 1965
Agents Of Change: A Close Look At The Peace Corps, David Hapgood , 1947
Aggregate Data And Study Of Political Development, Raymond F. Hopkins
Aggregate Structure And Free Energy Changes In Chromonic Liquid Crystals, Alexandra J. Dickinson , '09; Nicholas D. LaRacuente , '10; Christopher B. McKitterick , '09; and Peter J. Collings
Aggregation Behavior And Chromonic Liquid Crystal Phase Of A Dye Derived From Naphthalenecarboxylic Acid, Michelle R. Tomasik , '07 and Peter J. Collings
Aggregation Behavior And Chromonic Liquid Crystal Properties Of An Anionic Monoazo Dye, Viva R. Horowitz , '05; L. A. Janowitz; Aaron L. Modic , '04; P. A. Heiney; and Peter J. Collings
Aggregation Kinetics Of Extended Porphyrin And Cyanine Dye Assemblies, Robert F. Pasternack; Cavan N. Fleming , '96; Stephanie C. Herring 99; Peter J. Collings; J. C. de Paula; G. DeCastro; and E. J. Gibbs
Aggregation Of Chlorophyll a Probed By Resonance Light Scattering Spectroscopy, J. C. de Paula, J. H. Robblee, and Robert F. Pasternack
Aggregation Of Copper(II) Derivatives Of Meso-Substituted Porphyrins In Frozen Aqueous Media, G. Dougherty and Robert F. Pasternack
Aggregation, Pretransitional Behavior, And Optical Properties In The Isotropic Phase Of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals Studied In High Magnetic Fields, T. Ostapenko, Y. A. Nastishin, Peter J. Collings, S. N. Sprunt, O D. Lavrentovich, and J. T. Gleeson
Aggregation Properties Of The Chromonic Liquid Crystal Benzopurpurin 4B, Christopher B. McKitterick , '09; Nathaniel L. Erb Satullo , '07; Nicholas D. LaRacuente , '10; Alexandra J. Dickinson , '09; and Peter J. Collings
Aggression Rituals, L. M. Harris, Kenneth J. Gergen, and J. W. Lannamann
A Ghost In Trieste, Joseph Cary , 1951
Aging Experience: Diversity And Commonality Across Cultures, Jennie Keith, C. L. Fry, A. P. Glascock, C. Ikels, J. Dickerson-Putman, H. C. Harpending, and P. Draper
Agrammatic Aphasia: A Cross-Language Narrative Sourcebook, Lise Menn , editor, 1962
A Green Reef: The Impact Of Climate Change, Stephen Henighan , 1984
Agricultural Research In The Private Sector In Africa: The Case Of Kenya, S. Huntington Hobbs IV, 1972
Agricultural Trade And Marketing Policies: Introduction, Raymond F. Hopkins
A Guide To Amphibians And Reptiles, Donald W. Stokes , editor, 1969
A Guide To Animal Tracking And Behavior, Donald W. Stokes , 1969
A Guide To Enjoying Wildflowers, Donald W. Stokes , 1969
A Guide To Nature In Winter: Northeast And North Central North America, Donald W. Stokes , 1969
Ahab And Becoming-Whale: The Nomadic Subject In Smooth Space, Tamsin E. Lorraine
A Handbook For Specific Learning Disabilities, William C. Adamson , editor, 1940
A Historical Guide To Mark Twain, Shelley Fisher Fishkin , editor, 1971
A History Of Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, And Muslim Perspectives On War And Peace, J. William Frost
A History Of Environmental Politics Since 1945, Samuel P. Hays , 1948
A History Of Israel: From The Rise Of Zionism Of Our Time, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
A History Of Macroeconometric Model-Building, Ronald G. Bodkin , 1957
A History Of The Jews In America, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
A History Of The Jews In The Modern World, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
A History Of Western Philosophy, William Thomas Jones , 1931
A Holobiont Birth Narrative: The Epigenetic Transmission Of The Human Microbiome, Scott F. Gilbert
A Hospital-Based Study On Trends In Deliberate Self-Harm In Children And Adolescents, C. Senadheera, Jeanne Marecek, C. Hewage, and W. A.A. Wijayasiri
AHSME, AIME, USAMO: The Examinations Of The Committee On High School Contests, Stephen B. Maurer , '67 and W. E. Mientka
A Hundred Little Hitlers: The Death Of A Black Man, The Trial Of A White Racist, And The Rise Of The Neo-Nazi Movement In America, Elinor Langer , 1961
A Hundred Merry Tales: And Other English Jestbooks Of The Fifteenth And Sixteenth Centuries, Paul M. Zall , editor, 1948
Aid For Development Within A Changing Political Framework, Raymond F. Hopkins
Aid Reversals, Credibility, And Macroeconomic Policy, E. Buffie, C. Adam, Stephen A. O'Connell, and C. Pattillo
AIDS: What Is Now Known, Peter A. Selwyn , 1976
Aid, Taxation, And Development In Sub-Saharan Africa, C. S. Adam and Stephen A. O'Connell
Aid Volatility, Monetary Policy Rules And The Capital Account In African Economies, C. S. Adam, Stephen A. O'Connell, and E. Buffie
A Imparcialidade Da Ciência E As Responsabilidades Dos Cientistas, Hugh Lacey
A Interação Da Atividade Científica, Visões Do Mundo E Perspectivas De Valores, Hugh Lacey
Airplants: Selected Poems, William H. Matchett , 1949
Airspeed And Heading Of Autumnal Migrants Over Hawaii, Timothy C. Williams , '64; J. M. Williams; and Philip David Kloeckner , '81
A Jewish Merchant In Romania: Isaac Llobell Of Barcelona, Stephen P. Bensch
Akhmatova, Anna, Sibelan E.S. Forrester
A Kiss Of Death From US To Nicaragua, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Alain Robbe-Grillet And The Novel Of Uncertainty, Marc Elihu Hofstadter , 1967
Albert, Donna Jo Napoli
Albert Gallatin: Jeffersonian Financier And Diplomat, Raymond Walters , 1933
Albertus C. Van Raalte: Dutch Leader And American Patriot, Jeanne McKee Jacobson , 1953
Alcohol Problems A Report To The Nation, Thomas F.A. Plaut , 1949
A Legal Guide To Homeland Security And Emergency Management For State And Local Governments, Ernest B. Abbott , editor, 1972
Alejandro And The Fishermen Of Tancay, Braulio Muñoz and N. K. Muñoz
A Letter From John Cam Hobhouse To James Smith: Here First Published To Celebrate The Christening Of The Albè Library, F. L. Randolph , 1973
Alexander James Dallas, Lawyer, Politician, Financier, 1759-1817, Raymond Walters , 1933
Alex Katz: American Landscape, Robert Storr , 1972
Algorithmics, Stephen B. Maurer , '67
Alice Hamilton, A Life In Letters, Barbara Sicherman , 1955
A Lion In The Laundromat, Sally Hess
Aliyah The Peoples Of Israel, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
Alliance With A Predator, W. M. LeoGrande and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Alligator Bayou, Donna Jo Napoli
All I Really Needed To Know I Learned During Gastrulation, Scott F. Gilbert
All My Enemies, Stanley Baron , 1943
All My Enemies: A Novel, Stanley Wade Baron , 1943
Allocation Of Complex, Sequential Operants On Multiple And Concurrent Schedules Of Reinforcement, Barry Schwartz
All The Right People, Barbara P. Norfleet , 1947
All The Small Poems And Fourteen More, Valerie Worth Bahlke , 1955
All The Visions, Rudy Rucker , 1967
A-Logic, Richard B. Angell , 1940
A Look Back To See Ahead: Annotated Bibliography, Boris Blai , 1938
Alphabet Animals, Charles Sullivan , 1955
Althusser And Ideological Criticism Of The Arts, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Always In Season: Twelve Months Of Fresh Recipes From The Farmer'S Markets Of New England, Elise Richer , 1992
Alzheimer's Waltz, Pamela Miller Ness , 1972
A Man Jumps Out Of An Airplane: Stories, Barry Yourgrau , 1970
Amatory Cures For Material Dis-Ease: A Kristevian Reading Of The Sickness Unto Death, Tamsin E. Lorraine
Ambiguous Bodies/Unbelievable Selves: The Case Of Herculine Barbin, Tamsin E. Lorraine
Ambling And Scrambling On The Appalachian Trail, James M. Flack , 1933
A Medley Of Philosophy Of Mathematics, Alan Richard Baker
America-Firsters Have It Backward, Stephen S. Golub
America In Poetry: With Paintings, Drawings, Photographs, And Other Works Of Art, Charles Sullivan , editor, 1955
America In Poetry: With Paintings, Drawings, Photographs, And Other Works Of Art, Charles Sullivan , 1955
America In Poetry: With Paintings, Drawings, Photographs, And Other Works Of Art, Charles Sullivan , 1955
American Beauties: Women In Art And Literature: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings, Photographs, And Other Works Of Art From The National Museum Of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Charles Sullivan , 1955
American Catholic Pacifism: The Influence Of Dorothy Day And The Catholic Worker Movement, Nancy L. Roberts , editor, 1976
American Caves And Caving: Techniques, Pleasures, And Safeguards Of Modern Cave Exploration, William R. Halliday , 1946
American Civilization In The First Machine Age: 1890-1940, Gilman M. Ostrander , 1945
American Civil Procedure: An Introduction, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., 1953
American Classic, Laurence Lafore , 1938
American Colloquy, David Freeman Hawke , 1948
American Crime From An International Perspective, Frederic L. Pryor
American Democracy: From Tocqueville To Town Halls To Twitter , Andrew J. Perrin , 1993
American Dream Cars 1946-1972, Robert McMinn , 1957
American Expatriate Painters Of The Late Nineteenth Century, Michael Quick , 1969
American Folk: Classic Tales Retold, Charles Sullivan , 1955
American Foreign Policy: FDR To Reagan, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., 1956
American Grace: How Religion Divides And Unites Us, Robert D. Putnam , 1963
American Impressionism, Amy Fine Collins , 1978
American Playwrights: 1918-1938: The Theatre Retreats From Reality, Eleanor Flexner , 1930
American Political History As Social Analysis Essays, Samuel P. Hays , 1948
American Political Interest Groups: Readings In Theory And Research, Betty H. Zisk , 1951
American Politics: A Very Short Introduction, Richard M. Valelly , '75
American Precursors Of Evo-Devo: Ecology, Cell Lineage, And Pastimes Unworthy Of The Deity, Scott F. Gilbert
American Support Of Free Elections Abroad, Theodore Paul Wright , 1949
American Views Of Soviet Russia, 1917-1965,, Peter G. Filene , 1960
America's Ailing Cities: Fiscal Health And The Design Of Urban Policy, John Yinger , 1969
America's Ancient Treasures, Rachel Folsom , 1966
America's Double Standard On Aid, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
America's Working Women, Linda Gordon , 1961
Am I A Woman In These Matters? Notes On Sinhala Nationalism And Gender In Sri Lanka, Jeanne Marecek
A Miscellany Of Behaviorism From B.F. Skinner, Barry Schwartz
Amitav Ghosh (1956- ), Bakirathi Mani
Ammunition Train: A Civil War Story Of Adventure, William S. McCune , 1935
A Moody Fellow Finds Love And Then Dies: A Novel, Douglas Watson , 1994
Amphotericin-B Phospholipid Interactions Responsible For Reduced Mammalian Cell Toxicity, W. R. Perkins, S. R. Minchey, L. T. Boni, C. E. Swenson, M. C. Popescu, Robert F. Pasternack, and A. S. Janoff
Amusings From A Life: Tales, Poems, Translations And Nonsense, Crosby Lewy , 1940
A Muslim Manual Of War, Being Tafrīj Al-Kurūb Fi Tadbīr Al-Hurūb, George T. Scanlon , editor and translator, 1950
A Mutually Facilitative Relationship Between Learning Names And Learning Concepts In Preschool Children: The Case Of Artifacts, Deborah G. Kemler Nelson; Kelly Ann O'Neil , '05; and Yvonne Marx Asher , '07
Analog And Computer Electronics For Scientists, Galen W. Ewing , 1938
An Alternate World: Herodotus And Italy, Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Analytical Simulation Models For Solar Heating System Design, Arthur E. McGarity, C. S. ReVelle, and J. L. Cohon
Analyzing Free-Operant Behavior, Barry Schwartz
Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide To Qualitative Observation And Analysis, John Lofland , 1958
Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide To Qualitative Observation And Analysis, John Lofland , 1958
Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide To Qualitative Observation And Analysis, John Lofland , 1958
An American Choice: The Muriel Kallis Steinberg Newman Collection, William S. Lieberman , editor, 1943
An Amethyst Remembrance, Douglas Worth , 1962
An Antibody To The Drosophila Period Protein Recognizes Circadian Pacemaker Neurons In Aplysia And Bulla, Kathleen King Siwicki, S. Strack, M. Rosbash, J. C. Hall, and J. W. Jacklet
An Assumption Leading To Abuse, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
A Nation Rebuilds: The Story Of The Chinese Industrial Cooperatives In Pictures, Theodore Herman , 1935
A Naturalist In Trinidad, C. Brooke Worth , 1931
A Navy Medical Officer In World War Ii, David A. Goldsmith , 1938
Anchoring In Action: Manual Estimates Of Slant Are Powerfully Biased Toward Initial Hand Orientation And Are Correlated With Verbal Report, D. M. Shaffer; E. McManama; C. Swank; Morgan Williams , '14; and Frank H. Durgin
Ancient Glass At The Newark Museum From The Eugene Schaefer Collection Of Antiquities, Susan H. Auth , 1960
Andean Cosmologies Through Time: Persistence And Emergence, John Holmes McDowell , editor, 1969
Andean Left Turns: Constituent Power And Constitution-Making, M. A. Cameron and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
And In Conclusion...: Life After Ninety-Plus Years, Mary S. Shern , 1942
And Other Neighborly Names: Social Process And Cultural Image In Texas Folklore, Roger D. Abrahams , 1955
Andrew Bradford, Colonial Journalist, Anna Janney DeArmond , 1932
Andrew Bradford, Colonial Journalist, Anna Janney DeArmond , 1932
And The Crooked Places Made Straight: The Struggle For Social Change In The 1960s, David M. Chalmers , 1949
And The Crooked Places Made Straight: The Struggle For Social Change In The 1960s, David Chalmers , 1949
An Earnest Effort: Three Years Of College Aid To Boston Schools, Jeptha J. Carrell , 1945
A Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Against Poliovirus And Its Reaction With Related Antigens, J. Icenogle, Scott F. Gilbert, J. Grieves, J. Anderegg, and R. Rueckert
An Evolutionary Theory Of Economic Change, Sidney G. Winter , 1956
A New Beginning, Gretchen Fanoe Foy , 1969
A New Economic View Of American History, Peter Passell , 1966
A New Era In U.S. Health Care: Critical Next Steps Under The Affordable Care Act, Stephen M. Davidson , 1961
Angel Of His Presence, Mary Roelofs Stott , 1940
Anglo-American Folksong Style, Roger D. Abrahams , 1955
Animal Play: Evolutionary, Comparative, And Ecological Perspectives, John A. Byers , editor, 1970
Animal Poems, Valerie Worth , 1955
Animals In A Bacterial World: A New Imperative For The Life Sciences, M. McFall-Ngai, M. G. Hadfield, T. C. G. Bosch, H. V. Carey, T. Domazet-Lošo, A. E. Douglas, N. Dubilier, G. Eberl, T. Fukami, Scott F. Gilbert, U. Hentschel, N. King, S. Kjelleberg, A. H. Knoll, N. Kremer, S. K. Mazmanian, J. L. Metcalf, K. Nealson, N. E. Pierce, J. F. Rawls, A. Reid, E. G. Ruby, M. Rumpho, J. G. Sanders, D. Tautz, and J. J. Wernegreen
An Infrared Color-Magnitude Relationship, Mary Ann Hickman, G. C. Sloan, and R. Canterna
An Innovative Frame Of Mind, Lee Devin
An Interferometric Technique For B/A Measurement, E. Carr Everbach and R. E. Apfel
An International Perspective On Land Scattering, Frederic L. Pryor
An Interpretive Theory Of Pronouns And Reflexives, Ray S. Jackendoff , 1965
An Interview With Albert W. Tucker, Stephen B. Maurer and A. W. Tucker
An Interview With Sharon Corr Of The Corrs, Steve C. Wang
An Introduction: The Symposium On "The Evolution of Individuality" By Leo W. Buss, Scott F. Gilbert, S. Sarkar, and A. I. Tauber
An Introduction To Bach Studies, D. R. Melamed and Michael Marissen
An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Art, Richard Thomas Eldridge
An Investigation Into The Local Economic Impact Of The Schuylkill Navigation In Berks And Schuylkill Counties, 1825-1860, Darwin H. Stapleton , 1969
An Invitation To Social Construction, Kenneth J. Gergen
Anna Lavinias Underbara Resa, Palmer Brown , 1941
Anna Lavinia Und Die Andere Seite Der Welt, Palmer Brown , 1941
Annette Messager: Faire Parade 1971-95 : 23 Mars - 21 Mai 1995, Musée D'Art Moderne De La Ville De Paris, Les Musées De La Ville De Paris, Robert Storr , 1972
Annotated Checklist Of The Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, And Amphibians Of The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, John A. Yntema , 1951
An Oceanic Mass Migration Of Land Birds, Timothy C. Williams , '64 and J. M. Williams
An Off-Axis Rotating Atom Trap, J. Wu, Frank Mosacatelli, and E. Oh
Anomie, System Reform, And Challenges To The UN System, Raymond F. Hopkins
A Nonconventional Approach To Supramolecular Formation Dynamics. The Kinetics Of Assembly Of DNA-Bound Porphyrins, Robert F. Pasternack, E. J. Gibbs, Peter J. Collings, J. C. dePaula, L. C. Turzo, and A. Terracina
A Non-Silver Manual: Cyanotype, Brownprint, Palladium And Gum Bichromate With Instructions For Making Light-Resists Including Pinhole Photography, Sarah Van Keuren , 1966
A Nose For Trouble, Nancy Hope Wilson , 1969
A Note On Income Inequality In East And Central Europe, Frederic L. Pryor
A Note On Some Sources For Delaware Business, Economic, And Technological History, Darwin H. Stapleton , 1969
A Note On Volatility, Frederic L. Pryor and E. Sulcove
Antibiotic Selection In Obstetrics And Gynecology, Gilles R.G. Monif , 1957
Anti-Semitism, Robert Weinberg
Antitrust Cases, Economic Notes, And Other Materials, Frank Easterbrook , 1970
An Unexpected Forest, Eleanor Lincoln Morse , 1968
An Upper Limit On The Contribution Of Galactic Free-Free Emission To The Cosmic Microwave Background Near The North Celestial Pole, John E. Gaustad, P. R. McCullough, and D. VanBuren
Anything and Everything: A Monstrous Conspiracy In Three Acts And A Couple Dozen Songs, Theodor H. Nelson , 1959
Anything and Everything: The 1957 Hamburg Show At Swarthmore College, Theodor H. Nelson , 1959
A Panel Of Stress-Responsive Luminous Bacteria For The Detection Of Selected Classes Of Toxicants, S. Belkin, D. R. Smulski, S. Dadon, Amy Cheng Vollmer, T. K. Van Dyk, and R. A. LaRossa
Ape Cave And The Mount St. Helens Apes, William R. Halliday , 1946
A Pile Of Stones: Short Stories By Hugh Nissenson, Hugh Nissenson , 1955
A Pillage Of Art, Judith Grant , 1950
A Plan, But No Clear Objective; General Powell To Secretary Powell: We Need To Talk Colombia, W. M. LeoGrande and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
APL: An Introduction: A U-Program Work Text, Howard A. Peelle , 1965
A Poetic Journey: From Fear - Through Love - To Faith And Felicity, Ellis R. Mottur , 1952
Apostles Of Discord A Study Of Organized Bigotry And Disruption On The Fringes Of Protestantism, Ralph Lord Roy , 1950
Appalachian Dulcimer Traditions, Ralph Lee Smith , 1951
Appalachian Dulcimer Traditions, Ralph Lee Smith , 1951
Appellate Advocacy: Principles And Practice: Cases And Materials, Ursula Bentele , 1965
Appendix: Baba Yaga: The Wild Witch Of The East. Who Is This Wild Witch, And Why Is She Riding In A Mortar?, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Applications of mixture laws for predicting the compositions of tissue phantoms, P. Jiang, E. Carr Everbach, and R. E. Apfel
Appreciative Inquiry As Dialogue: Generative And Transformative, Kenneth J. Gergen
Apprenticeship, Wages, And Guilds In Puigcerdà (1260-1300), Stephen P. Bensch
Approximations: And Other Poems, R. Bruce Daniels , 1946
April Flowers, Donna Jo Napoli
A Primer Of Gynecologic Oncology, Robert C. Wallach , 1956
A Primer On Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Scott F. Gilbert
A Profile History Of The United States, Gilman Ostrander , 1945
A Program Without Practice, Kenneth J. Gergen
A Prosodic Template In Historical Change: The Passage Of The Latin Second Conjugation Into Romance, S. Davis and Donna Jo Napoli
A Prosperous Way Down: Principles And Policies, Elisabeth C. Odum , 1947
A Puzzle About Infra-Industry Trade: A Comment, Frederic L. Pryor
Aquatic Microbial Communities, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
A Radical Approach To Real Analysis, David M. Bressoud , 1971
A Radio Discussion Of America And The Peacemongers, Robert Edmonds Kintner , 1931
Arbitration In The San Francisco Hotel And Restaurant Industries, Van Dusen Kennedy , 1935
Archives Of Empire: Seher Shah’s Geometric Landscapes And The Spectacle Of Force, Bakirathi Mani
Arden I Księstwo Mediolanu: Jan Kott W Obczyźnie, Allen J. Kuharski
Area, Jane Jonas Srivastava , 1963
Are Acquiring Firm Shareholders Better Off After An Acquisition Than They Were Before?, Ellen B. Magenheim and D. C. Mueller
A Realist Psychology Revealed, Kenneth J. Gergen
A Reappraisal Of 'Changing The Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation And Subjectivity', Jeanne Marecek
A Reformation Debate: Karlstadt, Emser And Eck On Sacred Images: Three Treatises In Translation, Bryan D. Mangrum , 1960
Are International Labor Standards Needed To Prevent Social Dumping?, Stephen S. Golub
Are Muslim Countries Less Democratic?, Frederic L. Pryor
A Reply By Richard Eldridge: Stanford Humanities Center, Richard Thomas Eldridge
A Reply To The Comments: The Millennium Survey Again, Frederic L. Pryor
A Republic Divided, Kathleen Hall Jamieson , 1968
A Republic, If We Can Build It, Richard M. Valelly
Are There Genuine Mathematical Explanations Of Physical Phenomena?, Alan Richard Baker
Are There Limits To Social Being?, Kenneth J. Gergen
Are Women Human?, Mary McDermott Shideler , 1939
Argentina, 1943-1976: The National Revolution And Resistance, Donald C. Hodges , 1946
Argentina, Paraguay, And Uruguay, Diego Armus, J. Supplee, and T. Whigham
Argentina's "Dirty War": An Intellectual Biography, Donald C. Hodges , 1946
A River Runs Through It: Mapping The Sources And New Directions Of Ecotheology, Mark I. Wallace
Armenia In The Twentieth Century, Ronald Grigor , 1962
A Robotic Wide-Angle Hα Survey Of The Southern Sky, John E. Gaustad, P. R. McCullough, W. Rosing, and D. Van Buren
A Rosy View Of America's Economy—With Dark Spots, Stephen S. Golub
A Round Of Visits: James In The Company Of Some European Peers, Philip M. Weinstein
Arshile Gorky, 1904-1948: Exposición, Robert Storr , 1972
Art And Cult Under The Tyrants In Athens, Harvey Alan Shapiro , 1971
Art And The Transfiguration Of Social Life: Gaddis On Art And Society, Richard Thomas Eldridge and P. Cohen
Artful Making: What Managers Need To Know About How Artists Work, Robert Daniel Austin , '84 and Lee Devin
Arthropods: Crustaceans, Spiders, And Myriapods, Scott F. Gilbert
Artificial Intelligence: Robotics, Lisa A. Meeden
Artificial Substrates, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Art, Industry, And Women's Education In Philadelphia, Nina deAngeli Walls , 1962
Artistic Methods And Business Disorganization, Lee Devin and Robert Daniel Austin , '84
Art, Myth, And Culture: Greek Vases From Southern Collections, Harvey Alan Shapiro , 1971
Art Of The Twenties, William S. Lieberman , editor, 1943
Arugula, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
A Scandal In The Seminary, Pieter M. Judson
A Sense Of Place: Small Communities Near Ithaca, New York, Andrea Clardy , editor, 1965
A Service Of Baptism, Confirmation, And Renewal: An Alternate Text, 1976: Introduction, Text, Commentary, And Instructions, Laurence Hull Stookey , 1959
As Ever, Gene: The Letters Of Eugene O'Neill To George Jean Nathan, Nancy L. Roberts , editor, 1976
As Formas Nas Quais As Ciências São E Não São Livre De Valores, Hugh Lacey
As Her Whimsey Took Her: Critical Essays On The Work Of Dorothy L. Sayers, Alzina Stone Dale , 1952
A Short History Of Michigan, John Kern , 1961
A Short History Of The Future: Feminism And Clinical Psychology, Jeanne Marecek and Rachel T. Hare-Mustin , '49
Asian Ideas Of East And West: Tagore And His Critics In Japan, China, And India, Stephen N. Hay , 1951
Aside From Teaching English, What In The World Can You Do?, Dorothy Koch Bestor , 1930
Aside From Teaching, What In The World Can You Do?: Career Strategies For Liberal Arts Graduates, Dorothy Koch Bestor , 1935
"A Sight-Draft Dated Yesterday:" Faulkner's Uninsured Immortality, Philip M. Weinstein
A Simple Conceptual-Model For 2-Photon Absorption, Frank Moscatelli
A Singer And Her Songs: Almeda Riddle's Book Of Ballads, Roger D. Abrahams , editor, 1955
A Single Pearl, Donna Jo Napoli and J. LaMarche
Ask A Busy Person: Attentional Myopia And Helping, Matthew Richard Wallaert , '05; Andrew Ward; and T. Mann
Asking The Right Questions: Feminist Psychology And Sex Differences, Rachel T. Hare-Mustin , '49 and Jeanne Marecek
Ask The Bones: Scary Stories From Around The World, Arielle North Olson , 1953
A Sort Of Peace: Echoes And Images Of The Vietnam War : Poems, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
A Spark Lighted In Portland The Record Of The National Board Of Fire Underwriters, Alden L. Todd , 1935
Aspectos Cognitivos E Sociais Das Práticas Científicas, Hugh Lacey
A Spectroscopic And Thermodynamic Study Of Porphyrin/DNA Supramolecular Assemblies, Robert F. Pasternack, J. I. Goldsmith, S. Szép, and E. J. Gibbs
Aspiring To Home: South Asians In America, Bakirathi Mani
Assemblers, Compilers, And Program Translation, Peter Calingaert , 1952
As Sementes E O Conhecimento Que Elas Incorporam, Hugh Lacey
Assessing The Value Of Transgenic Crops, Hugh Lacey
Assessment And Social Construction: Conflict Or Co-Creation?, R. Iversen, Kenneth J. Gergen, and R. Fairbanks II
Assessment: A Sourcebook For Social Work Practice, Julia B. Rauch , 1957
Assisi Embroidery: Technique And 42 Charted Designs, Pamela Miller Ness , 1972
A State Of Nations: Empire And Nation-Making In The Age Of Lenin And Stalin, Ronald Grigor Suny , editor, 1962
Ästhetische Erfahrung Und Bedeutung In Kunstpraxen: Brechts "Erinnerung An Die Marie A.", Richard Thomas Eldridge
A Storyteller: Mario Vargas Llosa Between Civilization And Barbarism, Braulio Muñoz
A Studied Madness, Heywood Hale Broun , 1940
A Study Of Cyril Tourneur, Peter Murray , 1950
A Study Of Integration In Racially Imbalanced Urban Public Schools: A Demonstration And Evaluation, Jerome Beker , 1955
A Study Of John Webster, Peter Murray , 1950
A Survey Of Bounds For Classical Ramsey Numbers, F. R. K. Chung and Charles M. Grinstead
A Survey Of The Economic Systems Of Wild Chimpanzees And Baboons, Frederic L. Pryor
A Symbiotic View Of Life: We Have Never Been Individuals, Scott F. Gilbert, J. Sapp, and A. I. Tauber
A Tale Of Treasure Trove, Julien Cornell , 1930
A Tale of Two Collapses: The Twin Declines of the Christian Faith and the Traditional Family, James Kurth
A Texas Suffragist: Diaries And Writings Of Jane Y. McCallum, Janet G. Humphrey , editor, 1965
At Home In The Commune: Liberals In The Tyrol, Pieter M. Judson
Atlantic Community In Crisis: A Redefinition Of The Trans-Atlantic Relationship, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., 1956
Atlas Of Experimental Immunobiology And Immunopathology, Byron H. Waksman , 1940
Atlas Of Great Lakes Indian History, Helen Hornbeck Tanner , 1937
Atlas Of Oral Implantology, A. Norman Cranin , 1948
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide And Global Warming: Proceedings Of The First Presidential Symposium On World Issues, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, September 29-30, 1989, John Cairns Jr. , 1947
Atomic Structure And Chemical Reactions: Middle And High School: Innovative Resources For The Science Classroom, Nevin Katz , 1967
A Transaction Of Free Men The Birth And Course Of The Declaration Of Independence, David Freeman Hawke , 1948
A Treasury Of Modern Drawing: The Joan And Lester Avnet Collection In The Museum Of Modern Art, William S. Lieberman , 1943
A Treatise On Markets: Spot, Futures, And Options, Joseph M. Burns , 1960
Attending To Continuity And Organizational Goals, Barry Schwartz
Attention, Intentions, And Follow-Through In Preventive Health Behavior: Field Experimental Evidence On Flu Vaccination, Erin Todd Bronchetti, D. B. Huffman, and Ellen B. Magenheim
Attention To Functional Properties In Toddlers' Naming And Problem-Solving, Deborah G. Kemler Nelson
At The End Of The Road: Reflections On Life In An Adirondack Valley, Ruth Mary Lamb , 1956
Attic Of The Wind, Doris Herold Lund , 1939
A Two-Chain Path Integral Model Of Positronium, L. Larrimore, R. N. McFarland, P. A. Sterne, and Amy Lisa Graves
At Your Own Risk: The Case Against Chiropractic, Ralph Lee Smith , 1951
Audience, Theater, Betsy Bolton
Auks, Rocks, And The Odd Dinosaur: Inside Stories From The Smithsonian's Museum Of Natural History, Peggy Thomson , 1943
Aulophobia: Fear Of Flutes, Nathalie Anderson
Auslander Systems, K. N. Haddad and Aimee S. A. Johnson
Aus Lyrik Über Leben Lernen: Literatur, Ethik Und Emotion, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Austria-Hungary, Pieter M. Judson
Austrian Non-Reception Of A Reluctant Goldhagen, Pieter M. Judson , '78
Author's Response [To J. Forge, 'Science And The "Modern Values Of Control"', A Review Of Lacey (1999a)], Hugh Lacey
Autobiography, Lois W. Tice , 1955
Autocorrelation Of Electrical Noise - An Undergraduate Experiment, J. Loren Passmore , '94; B. C. Collings; and Peter J. Collings
Automatic Teaching The State Of The Art, Eugene Galanter , editor, 1950
Automobile Air Pollution: An Economic Analysis, Donald N. Dewees , 1963
Autonomy And Gender: Some Questions For Therapists, Rachel T. Hare-Mustin , '49 and Jeanne Marecek
Autoshaping: Driving Toward A Psychology Of Learning, Barry Schwartz
Autour De Racine: Studies In Intertextuality, Richard E. Goodkin , 1975
Autumnal Bird Migration Observed From Ships In Western North Atlantic Ocean, C. P. McClintock; Timothy C. Williams , '64; and J. M. Teal
Autumnal Bird Migration Over The Windward Caribbean Islands, Timothy C. Williams , '64
Autumn, Casa Batlló, Nathalie Anderson
Ava: My Story, Kenneth Turan , compiler, 1967
Avatares De La Medicalización En América Latina (1870-1970), Diego Armus
Averages, Jane Jonas Srivastava , 1963
A Visit To The Excavation, Nathalie Anderson
Avoiding The Extinction Of Humanity: A Practical Plan, John M. Goodman , 1960
Avos/Avoska, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
A Whiff Of Danger, Nancy Hope Wilson , 1969
A Woman Like That: Lesbian And Bisexual Writers Tell Their Coming Out Stories, Joan Moffitt Larkin , 1960
A Woman Of Quality, Jan Vlachos Westcott , 1933
A Woman's Guide To Therapy, Susan Stanford Friedman , 1965
Axton Landing: A Novel, Tony Holtzman , 1955
A Young Person's History Of Israel, David Bamberger , 1962
A Zero-Based Look At Zero-Base Budgeting: Why Its Failures In State Government Are Being Duplicated In Washington, Thomas H. Hammond , 1969
Baba Yaga: The Wild Witch Of The East In Russian Fairy Tales, Sibelan E.S. Forrester , translator; H. Goscilo; and M. Skoro
Babushka, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Bacchus In The Laboratory: In Defense Of Scientific Puns, Scott F. Gilbert
Bach, Johann Sebastian: Biography, D. R. Melamed and Michael Marissen
Bach's Oratorios: The Parallel German-English Texts, With Annotations, J. S. Bach and Michael Marissen
Backwater Park: A Play, Laurie Daniels Blazich , 1963
Baggage, Nathalie Anderson
Ba Jin, Haili Kong
Baker To Brady To Chance?: Tinkering With The Latin American Debt Crisis, D. Felix and John P. Caskey
Balance Of Power, Paul Seabury , 1946
Balancing Acts: Women Principals At Work, Lisa Smulyan , '76
Baptism, Christ's Act In The Church, Laurence Hull Stookey , 1959
Baptism Of Fire, Linda Grant DePauw , 1961
Baptized Into Wilderness: A Christian Perspective On John Muir, Richard Cartwright Austin , 1956
Barcelona And Its Rulers, 1096-1291, Stephen P. Bensch
Bare Witness, Richard Martin , 1967
Barriers To Market Socialism In Eastern Europe In The Mid 1960s, Frederic L. Pryor
Barrow Sinister, Elsie Lee , 1933
Barry Feldman: Heads: One Hundred Self-Portraits, Barry Feldman , 1968
Bars And Windows: Diary Of A Poet/Painter, Pat Paxson , 1960
Basal Localization Of The Presumptive Auxin Transport Carrier In Pea Stem Cells, M. Jacobs and Scott F. Gilbert
Base Pair Selectivity In The Binding Of Copper (II) Tetrakis (4-N-Methylpyridyl) Porphine To Polynucleotides Under Closely Packed Conditions, G. Dougherty and Robert F. Pasternack
Battle For Human Nature: Science, Morality And Modern Life, Barry Schwartz
Battle For Peace In Sudan: An Analysis Of The Abuja Conferences, 1992-1993, Ann Mosely Lesch , 1966
Bearing Crosses: A Historiography Of Genetics And Embryology, Scott F. Gilbert
Beast, Donna Jo Napoli
Beastly Sodomites And The Shameless Urban Future, Farid Azfar
Beautiful Wreckage, Nathalie Anderson
Beautiful Wreckage: New & Selected Poems, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
Beauty, Nathalie Anderson
Beauty, Health, And Permanence: Environmental Politics In The United States, 1955-1985, Samuel P. Hays , 1948
Beauty Of The Lord: Awakening The Senses, Richard Cartwright Austin , 1956
Be Careful What You Wish For: The Dark Side Of Freedom, Barry Schwartz
Becoming Faulkner: The Art And Life Of William Faulkner, Philip M. Weinstein
Becoming-Imperceptible As A Mode Of Self-Presentation: A Feminist Model Drawn From A Deleuzian Line Of Flight, Tamsin E. Lorraine
Becoming National: A Reader, Ronald Grigor Suny , editor, 1962
Becoming The Buddha: The Ritual Of Image Consecration In Thailand, Donald K. Swearer
Becoming Visible: An Illustrated History Of Lesbian And Gay Life In Twentieth-Century America, Fred Wasserman , 1978
Beethoven: A Documentary Study, H. C. Robbins Landon , 1946
Begriffe Analysieren?, Peter Baumann
Behavioral Contrast In Pigeon Depends Upon The Location Of The Stimulus, Barry Schwartz
Behavioral Contrast In The Pigeon: A Study Of The Duration Of Key Pecking Maintained On Multiple Schedules Of Reinforcement, Barry Schwartz; Bruce Hamilton , '70; and A. Silberberg
Behavior As An Ecological Factor, David E. Davis , 1938
Behaviorism, Intentionality, And Sociohistorical Structure, Hugh Lacey and Barry Schwartz
Behaviorism: Limited But Exacting, Or Comprehensive But Empty, Barry Schwartz and Hugh Lacey
Behaviorism, Science And Human Nature, Barry Schwartz and Hugh Lacey
Behaviorisms: Theoretical And Teleological, Hugh Lacey
Behavior Of Retail Prices: A Note On Market Integration In The U.S., Frederic L. Pryor
Behavior Theory's Econometric Garb: The Emperor's New Clothes, Barry Schwartz
Beijing: From Imperial Capital To Olympic City, Lillian M. Li, A. J. Dray-Novey, and Haili Kong
Beijing Mazeltov: Epithalamian For Elizabeth Cole, Craig Williamson
Bells, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Bells Of Change: Kathak Dance, Women And Modernity In India, Pallabi Chakravorty
Benjamin Henry Latrobe and Moncure Robinson: The Engineer As Agent Of Technological Transfer, Darwin H. Stapleton , 1969
Benjamin Rush Revolutionary Gadfly, David Freeman Hawke , 1948
Bent Wings: F4u Corsair Action And Accidents: True Tales Of Trial And Terror!, Fred Crash Blechman , 1946
Beowulf And Other Old English Poems, Craig Williamson , translator
Bernard, Luther Lee, Robert C. Bannister
Bersiul, Nathalie Anderson
Betrayal: Michael Dukakis And The Battle To Save Historic Prowse Farm, Robert L. Keighton , 1953
Better Together: Restoring The American Community, Robert D. Putnam , 1963
Between A Rock And A Hard Place, Robert Storr , 1972
Between Cosmopolitanism And Hermeticism: Classical Tragedy Into Polish Theater, Allen J. Kuharski
Between Power And Plenty: Foreign Economic Policies Of Advanced Industrial States, Peter J. Katzenstein , editor, 1967
Between Two Worlds: The Riddle Of Wholeness, Frederic Wiedemann , 1971
Between Voice And Silence: Women And Girls, Race And Relationship, Carol Gilligan , 1958
Beyond Automation Managerial Problems Of An Exploding Technology, John Diebold , 1949
Beyond Automation Managerial Problems Of An Exploding Technology, John Diebold , 1949
Beyond Autonomy And Community: Relational Being, Kenneth J. Gergen
Beyond Bias: Perspectives On Classrooms, Sara Lawrence Lightfoot , 1966
Beyond Brechtian Universalism? Revolution And The Third World In Heiner Muller's "The Task", Hansjakob Werlen
Beyond Byzantium: The Last Phase Of Yeats's Career, Arra M. Garab , 1951
Beyond Death and Taxes: A Guide To Total Wealth Control, Gregory J. Englund , 1969
Beyond Death and Taxes: Old Questions, New Answers: A Guide To The New Estate Planning, Gregory J. Englund , 1969
Beyond Equality: Labor And The Radical Republicans, 1862-1872, David Montgomery , 1950
Beyond Knowing In Organizational Inquiry, Kenneth J. Gergen
Beyond Marxism: The Faith And Works Of Hendrik De Man, Peter Dodge , 1948
Beyond Nations: Rethinking The History Of Habsburg Central Europe, Pieter M. Judson
Beyond Racial Politics, Or Not?: Chicago's Experiment In Coalition Politics, Keith Reeves , '88
Beyond Representation: Philosophy And Poetic Imagination, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Beyond Requirements: Software Making As Art, Robert Daniel Austin , '84 and Lee Devin
Beyond The Empiricist/Constructionist Divide In Social Psychology, Kenneth J. Gergen
Beyond The Enlightenment: Relational Being, Kenneth J. Gergen
Beyond The Pawpaw Trees: The Story Of Anna Lavinia, Palmer Brown , 1941
Beyond The Pawpaw Trees: The Story Of Anna Lavinia, Palmer Brown , 1941
Beyond The Pawpaw Trees: The Story Of Anna Lavinia, Palmer Brown , 1941
Beyond The Self-Society Antimony, Kenneth J. Gergen
B. F. Skinner, Hugh Lacey
Bhikkhu Buddhadāsa's Interpretation Of The Buddha, Donald K. Swearer
Bias In Radar Data Recording Techniques, Timothy C. Williams , '64
Bibliografia Teatralna, Allen J. Kuharski
Bibliographical Resources About India: An Annotated List Of English-Language Reference Works Published In India, 1965-70, Melanie Skagen , 1965
Bibliography For "Greek Drama", Grace M. Ledbetter
Bibliography Of Russian Mathematics Books, George E. Forsythe , 1938
Bifold Adam: Shakespeare, Milton, And The Actor’s Voice, Nora Johnson
Big Dams: The Confluence Of Engineering and Politics, Faruq Mahmud Anam Siddiqui
Big Mama Stories, Eleanor Arnason , 1964
Bilingualism: A Pearl To Overcome Certain Perils Of Cochlear Implants, T. Humphries, P. Kushalnagar, G. Mathur, Donna Jo Napoli, C. Padden, C. Rathmann, and S. Smith
BIO, Scott F. Gilbert
Biochemistry, D. Voet and Judith G. Voet
Bioethics And The New Embryology: Springboards For Debate, Scott F. Gilbert, A. L. Tyler, and E. J. Zackin
Biological Chemistry, Henry R. Mahler , 1943
Biological Chemistry, Henry R. Mahler , 1943
Biological Data In Water Pollution Assessment: Quantitative And Statistical Analysis: A Symposium, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Biological Methods For The Assessment Of Water Quality A Symposium Presented At The Seventy-Fifth Annual Meeting, American Society For Testing And Materials, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Biological Monitoring In Water Pollution, John Cairns Jr. , 1947
Biology and the Jewish Question After the Revolution: One Soviet Approach to the Productivization of Jewish Labor, Robert Weinberg
Bioluminescence: Living Lights, Lights For Living, J. Woodland Hastings , 1947
Biomedical Ultrasound–Past, Present, and Future, E. Carr Everbach
Biotransformation And Fate Of Chemicals In The Aquatic Environment: Proceedings Of A Workshop Held At The University Of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan, 14-18 August 1979, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Bird Migration Through A Mountain Pass Studied With High Resolution Radar, Ceilometers, And Census, Timothy C. Williams , '64; J. M. Williams; P. G. Williams; and P. Stokstad
Birds On The Wing, Timothy C. Williams , '64
Birobidzhan, Robert Weinberg
Bishop Langton's Mission For Edward I, 1296-1297, George Peddy Cuttino , 1935
Black Doves Speak: Herodotus And The Languages Of Barbarians, Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Black History For Beginners, M. Denise Dennis , 1975
Black Magic: Religion And The African American Conjuring Tradition, Yvonne Patricia Chireau
Black Troops, White Commanders, And Freedmen During The Civil War, Harold Westwood , 1930
Black Zion: African American Religious Encounters With Judaism, Yvonne Patricia Chireau and N. Deutsch
Blake's Prophetic Psychology, Brenda S. Webster , 1958
Blank Check For The Hard Line In El Salvador, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Blessed Be The Name Of The Father: Generational Echoes, Kenneth J. Gergen, J. S. Gergen, and C. Martini
Blessing For A Long Time: The Sacred Pole Of The Omaha Tribe, Robin Ridington , 1962
Blind Rain: Poems, Bruce Bond , 1976
Blinking Statistics Correlated With Nanoparticle Number, S. Wang; C. Querner; M. D. Fischbein; Lauren J. Y. Willis , '05; D. S. Novikov; Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch; and M. Drndić
Blissymbol Reference Guide, Jinny Storr , 1932
Blissymbols For Use, Jinny Storr , 1936
Blood Against The Moon: The Adventures Of A Civil War Surgeon By William S. McCune, M.D., William S. McCune , 1930
Blood Libel In Late Imperial Russia: The Ritual Murder Trial Of Mendel Beilis, Robert Weinberg
Blood, People, And Crowds In Matthew, Luther, And Bach, Michael Marissen
Bloody Joy: Love Poems, David Kresh , 1961
Bloom, Richard Martin , 1967
Blue Genes: A Memoir Of Loss And Survival, Christopher Lukas , 1956
Blue Hanuman, Joan Moffitt Larkin , 1960
Blue Light Second Harmonic Generation In The Organic Crystal Ortho-Dicyanovinyl-Anisole, Carl H. Grossman; Samuel Aryeh Schulhofer-Wohl , '98; and Erik Robert Thoen , '95
Blues For New Orleans: Mardi Gras And America's Creole Soul, Roger D. Abrahams , 1955
Board Of Economists: Why Tax Our Patience?, J. Thottam, D. Bradford, T. Renwick, D. Mitchell, M. Sawicky, and Philip N. Jefferson
Bobby The Bold, Donna Jo Napoli
Bob Dylan: Watching The River Flow: Observations On His Art-In-Progress, 1966-1995, Paul Williams , 1969
Bodies In Motion: Preliminary Notes On Queer Theory And Rabbinic Literature, Gwynn Kessler
Bodies Of Knowledge: Multiculturalism And Science, Scott F. Gilbert
Bogardus, Emory Stephen, Robert C. Bannister
Bonus Babies, Barry Schwartz
Book Displays: A Library Exhibits Handbook, Anne Christian Tedeschi , 1956
Book Of Peoples Of The World: A Guide To Cultures, W. Davis, K. David Harrison, and C. H. Howell
Books In Review, Richard M. Valelly
Born Of Parting: A Translation Of Marina Tsvetaeva's Cycle 'Razluka', M. Tsvetaeva and Sibelan E. S. Forrester , translator
Born Of The Same Roots: Stories Of Modern Chinese Women, Vivian Ling Hsu , editor, 1965
Bound, Donna Jo Napoli
Boundaries Of Jewish Identity, Naomi B. Sokoloff , editor, 1975
"Bounty Hunters" And The Drug War, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Bravo, Tavo!, Brian Meunier and P. Edgerton
Breaking The Mold: Women, Men, And Time In The New Corporate World, Lotte Lazarsfeld Bailyn , 1951
Breakthroughs In Antipsychotic Medications: A Guide For Consumers, Families, And Clinicians, Ronald J. Diamond , 1968 and Peter J. Weiden , 1977
Breakthroughs On Hunger: A Journalist's Encounter With Global Change, Richard M. Harley , 1972
Breath, Donna Jo Napoli
Brewed In America A History Of Beer And Ale In The United States, Stanley Baron , 1943
Bridges Between Psychology And Linguistics: A Swarthmore Festschrift For Lila Gleitman, Donna Jo Napoli and J. A. Kegl
Bridging Change: A Wyoming Valley Sketchbook, Sally Teller Lottick , 1958
Brief History Of The Branches Of Friends, Mary Ellen Chijioke , 1967
Bringing Feminist Issues To Therapy, Jeanne Marecek
Bring Wine And Crusty Bread, Donna Jo Napoli
Britain And Switzerland, 1845-60 A Study Of Anglo-Swiss Relations During Some Critical Years For Swiss Neutrality, Ann G. Imlah , 1955
Britain Faces Europe, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., 1956
British Civil Liberties And The Law, David G. Smith
British Columbia's Inland Rainforest: Ecology, Conservation, And Management, Susan K. Stevenson , 1969
British-Owned Railways In Argentina: Their Effect On Economic Nationalism, 1854-1948, Winthrop R. Wright , 1958
Broadcasting And The News, Robert Edmonds Kintner , 1931
Broken Hearts Or Broken Bonds: Love And Death In Historical Perspective, M. S. Stroebe, M. M. Gergen, Kenneth J. Gergen, and W. Stroebe
Broken Wire Analysis Of Transmission Line Systems, Faruq M. A. Siddiqui and J. F. Fleming
Bruce Cratsley: White Light, Silent Shadows, Bruce Cratsley , 1966
Bruce Nauman, Robert Storr , 1972
Building A Kenyan Monetary Regime For The Twenty-First Century, C. S. Adam, B. O. Maturu, N. S. Ndung’u, and Stephen A. O'Connell
Building Canandaigua: A Collection, Barbara C. Swartout , 1953
Building Optimism And Preventing Depressive Symptoms In Children, Jane Gillham, K. J. Reivich, and A. J. Shatté
Building The Ultimate Dam: John S. Eastwood And The Control Of Water In The West, Donald C. Jackson , 1975
Building Utopia: Erecting Russia's First Modern City, 1930, Richard Cartwright Austin , 1956
Building Virtual Communities: Learning And Change In Cyberspace, K. Ann Renninger and W. Shumar
Bund, Jewish, Robert Weinberg
Bureaucratic Learning And Statutory Design: The Governmental Origins Of The 1965 Voting Rights Act, Richard M. Valelly
Bureaucrats And Brainpower: Government Regulation Of Universities, Paul Seabury , 1946
Bureaucrats And Politicians In Western Democracies, Robert Putnam , 1963
Buryin' Daddy: Putting My Lebanese, Catholic, Southern Baptist Childhood To Rest, Teresa Nicholas , 1976
Business And Developing Countries A Study Of The Role Of Private Enterprise In Economic Development, John Diebold , 1949
Business Decisions And Technological Change, John Diebold , 1949
Business In The Age Of Information, John Diebold , 1949
Business Reports, Investigation And Presentation, Francis William Weeks , 1938
Business Success In Tough Times, Neil Raphel , 1973
Busted: A Vietnam Veteran In Nixon's America, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
Busted Policy: An Alternative To The Failed War On Drugs, Kenneth Evan Sharpe and Eva Bertram , '86
But It's Ours: Nostalgia And The Politics Of Authenticy In Post-Socialist Hungary, Maya Nadkarni
Buyer Beware, Barry Schwartz
Byron, An Exhibition To Commemorate The 150th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lord Byron, April 19, 1824: April-May 1974, Charles Patterson Van Pelt Library, The University Of Pennsylvania : A Memorial Catalogue, Francis Lewis Randolph , 1973
Cabin, A Mountain Adventure, Barbara G. Hallowell , 1946
Cactus Blossoms: A Novel, Mary Kramer-Schaps , 1969
Cafã© Con Leche: Race, Class, And National Image In Venezuela, Winthrop R. Wright , 1958
Calculation Of Neutron Spectra For Hydrogen In Zeolites: Rotational Motions And Translational Motions In The Born-Oppenheimer Limit, Amy Lisa Graves and G. J. Martyna
Calculus, Gudmund R. Iversen
Calculus: A Practical Approach, Patricia Clark Kenschaft , 1961
Calendar: Christ's Time For The Church, Laurence Hull Stookey , 1959
Calibrated Cylindrical Mach Probe In A Plasma Wind Tunnel, Xingyu Zhang , '12; Daniel R. Dandurand , '11; Timothy G. Gray , '01; Michael R. Brown; and Vyacheslav S. Lukin , '00
Called To Counsel: Counseling Skills Handbook, John R.k Cheydleur , 1966
Call Me Anna: The Autobiography Of Patty Duke, Kenneth Turan , 1967
Call To Order, Carol Nackenoff
Calming John Bartram's Passion: Sweden's Scientific Certification Of Philadelphia's Botanist, Robert E. Savage
Cambridge Companion To William Faulkner, Philip M. Weinstein
CAMC Examines America, Stephen B. Maurer
Campus, Nathalie Anderson
Campus Illustrated, Tim Coss , editor and publisher, 1955
Canadian Business Corporations: An Analysis Of Recent Legislative Developments, J. Robert S. Prichard , 1971
Canalization, Scott F. Gilbert
Can Consumers Be Wise? Aristotle Speaks To The 21st Century, Barry Schwartz and D. G. Mick
Cannibals, Witches, And Divorce: Estranging The Renaissance, Marjorie B. Garber , editor, 1966
Can There Ever Be Too Many Flowers Blooming?, Barry Schwartz
Can't Kick The Habit, Eva Bertram , '86 and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Can't Matter/Must Matter: Setting Up The Loom In Faulknerian And Postcolonial Fiction, Philip M. Weinstein
Can You Say No To Too Many Choices?, Barry Schwartz
Capital Case Sentencing: How To Protect Your Client, Ursula Bentele , 1965
Capital Formations, Robert S. DuPlessis
Capitalism And Commercialization, Robert S. DuPlessis
Capitalism And Democracy, Barry Schwartz
Capitalism And Freedom?, Frederic L. Pryor
Capitalism, Bureaucratic Authoritarianism, And Prospects For Democracy In The United States, D. C. Bennett and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Capitalism Reassessed, Frederic L. Pryor
Capitalism, The Market, The 'Underclass,' And The Future, Barry Schwartz
Capital Mobility, Monetary Policy, And Exchange Rate Management In Kenya, Stephen A. O'Connell, B. O. Maturu, F. M. Mwega, N. S. Ndung'u, and R. W. Ngugi
Capital Rising: How Capital Flows Are Changing Business Systems All Over The World, Peter S. Cohan , 1979
Captain For Elizabeth, Jan Vlachos Westcott , 1933
Careers In Education For The New Woman, Kiki Skagen , 1965
Careers In The Age Of Automation, John Diebold , 1949
Care Of The Nursing-Home Patient A Textbook For Nurse's Aides, Nursing Assistants, Orderlies, And Attendants, Philip W. Brickner , 1950
Caribbean Quakers, Harriet Frorer Durham , 1945
Carmen: A Gypsy Geography, Ninotchka Devorah Bennahum , 1986
Carol Nagy (Jacklin) (1939-2011), Jeanne Marecek and B. Thorne
Carpenter's Heaven, Gwinn Owens , 1947
Carrying The Darkness: American Indochina : The Poetry Of The Vietnam War, William Daniel Ehrhart , editor, 1973
Cases And Materials On Federal Income Taxation: Individuals, Corporations, Partnerships, John K. McNulty , 1956
Catalonia, Stephen P. Bensch
Catastrophic Diseases: Who Decides What?: A Psychosocial And Legal Analysis Of The Problems Posed By Hemodialysis And Organ Transplantation, Alexander Morgan Capron , 1966
Catch The Light: Selected Poems (1963-2003), Douglas Worth , 1962
Catherine The Great, Katharine Scherman , 1938
Catskill Day Hikes For All Seasons, David White , 1965
Catskill Trails, David White , editor, 1965
Caught In The Belly Of A Paradox: A Response To Ronald M. Green's Review Of The Journal Of Religious Ethics, Donald K. Swearer
Caught In The Crunch: Earthquakes And Volcanoes In New Zealand, John Tabor , 1977
Cavell And Hölderlin On Human Immigrancy, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Cavell And The American Jeremiad, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Cavell On American Philosophy And The Idea Of America, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin: An Autobiography And Other Recollections, Katherine Haramundanis , editor, 1958
Celebrity, Nathalie Anderson
Celery Wine: The Story Of A Country Commune, Elaine Finkelstein Zablocki , 1963
Cell-Cell Receptors In Embryogenesis, Scott F. Gilbert
Cells In Search Of Community: Critiques Of Weismannism And Selectable Units In Ontogeny, Scott F. Gilbert
Cell Surface Receptors In Development And Immunity: A Speculative Review, Scott F. Gilbert
Cellular Dialogues In Organogenesis, Scott F. Gilbert
Cellular Politics: Ernest Everett Just, Richard B. Goldschmidt, And The Attempt To Reconcile Embryology And Genetics, Scott F. Gilbert
Censure, But Please No Fine, Barry Schwartz
Cent Ans De Recherches Sur Molière: Sur Sa Famille Et Sur Les Comédiens De Sa Troupe, Elizabeth Maxfield Miller , 1931
Central American Traps: Challenging The Reagan Agenda, M. J. Blachman and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Century Of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement In The United States, Eleanor Flexner , 1930
Century Of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement In The United States, Eleanor Flexner , 1930
Century Of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement In The United States, Eleanor Flexner , 1930
Change And Development: Issues Of Theory, Method, And Application, E. Amsel and K. Ann Renninger
Change Is Possible: Stories Of Women And Minorities In Mathematics, Patricia Clark Kenschaft , 1961
Changes In Income Distribution In Poor Agricultural Nations: Malawi And Madagascar, Frederic L. Pryor
Changing Meanings Of "German" In Habsburg Central Europe, Pieter M. Judson , '78
Changing The Representation Of Scandalous Murders In The United States, Bruce Dorsey
Changing Tunes, Donna Jo Napoli
Channel Fever, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
Chapin, Francis Stuart, Robert C. Bannister
Charité Municipale Et Autorité Publique Au XIXe Siècle: L'Exemple De Lille, Robert S. DuPlessis
Charles Marville, Popular Illustrator: The Origins Of A Photographic Sensibility, Constance Cain Hungerford
Charles R. Crane: The Man Who Bet On People, David Hapgood , 1947
Charles Williams A Critical Essay, Mary McDermott Shideler , 1938
Charter Of Liberty, Carol Nackenoff
Chaste, Silent and Obedient: English Books For Women, 1475-1640, Suzanne W. Hull , 1943
Chateaubriand, Byron Et Venise: Un Mythe Contesté, Michele Marechal-Trudel , 1943
Cheating (Shpargalka), Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Check-Cashing Outlets In The U.S. Financial System, John P. Caskey
Check Lists For Success: The Ultimate Handbook For World Operations Management, 48 Check Lists To Take You From Acquisitions To Vendor Surveys, Peter C. Napier , 1958
Cheek To Cheek, Nathalie Anderson
Cheerful: A Picture-Story, Palmer Brown , 1941
Cheerful: A Picture-Story, Palmer Brown , 1941
Child And Adolescent Development, Kelvin L. Seifert , 1967
Child And Adolescent Development, Kelvin L. Seifert , 1967
Child And Adolescent Development, Kelvin L. Seifert , 1967
Child Development: An Introduction, Steven R. Yussen , 1969
Children, Laura Lein , 1969
Children In Amish Society: Socialization And Community Education, Gertrude Enders Huntington , 1947
Children Of Promise: African-American Literature And Art For Young People, Charles Sullivan , 1955
Children's Conceptions Of Disordered Behavior, E. Maas, Jeanne Marecek, and J. R. Travers
Children’s Play Interests, Representation, And Activity, K. Ann Renninger
China Briefing 2000: The Continuing Transformation, Tyrene White
China's Developmental Experience, Michel Oksenberg , 1960
China's Longest Campaign: Birth Planning In The People's Republic, 1949-2005, Tyrene White
China’s One-Child Policy, Tyrene White
China's Silk Trade: Traditional Industry In The Modern World, 1842-1937, Lillian M. Li
Chinese History In Economic Perspective, T. G. Rawski and Lillian M. Li
Chiral Symmetry Breaking And Surface Faceting In Chromonic Liquid Crystal Droplets With Giant Elastic Anisotropy, J. Jeong, Z. S. Davidson, Peter J. Collings, T. C. Lubensky, and A. G. Yodh
Choice, Freedom, And Autonomy, Barry Schwartz
CHOMP: Covariant Hamiltonian Optimization For Motion Planning, Matthew A. Zucker, N. Ratliff, A. D. Dragan, M. Pivtoraiko, M. Klingensmith, C. M. Dellin, J. A. Bagnell, and S. S. Srinivasa
Choreographing History, Susan Leigh Foster , editor, 1971
Christian Animism, Green Spirit Theology, And The Global Crisis Today, Mark I. Wallace
Christian Community: A Report Of The Student Planning Conference On The World Mission Of The Church, Creighton Lacy , 1941
Christian Dior, Richard Martin , 1967
Christianity Amid Rising Men And Nations, Creighton Lacy , 1941
Christianity And Nature Symbolism, Mark I. Wallace
Chronic Back Pain: Moving On, Julie Biddle Zimmerman , 1968
Chuck Close, Robert Storr , 1972
Chukovskaya, Lidiya, Sibelan E.S. Forrester
Ciència E Democracia: Ensaios Sobre A Realidade De Estudos Cientificos, Hugh Lacey
Ciência, Respeito À Natureza E Bem-Estar Humano, Hugh Lacey
Ciência, Valores E Alternativas: Apresentação, Hugh Lacey and P. R. Mariconda
Ci Lu Hu De You Yu: Duanmu Hongliang Duan Pian Xiao Shuo Xuan, D. Hongliang; H. Goldblatt , translator; and Haili Kong , translator
Cinema Solidarity: The Documentary Practice Of Kim Longinotto, Patricia White
Circadian Fluctuations Of Period Protein Immunoreactivity In The CNS And Visual System Of Drosophila, D. M. Zerr, J. C. Hall, M. Rosbash, and Kathleen King Siwicki
Circular Dichroism And The Interactions Of Water Soluble Porphyrins With DNA: A Minireview, Robert F. Pasternack
Circus, Charles Sullivan , 1955
Cities In Chinese History, Lillian M. Li
Citizens View Taxation And Tax Reforms For Wisconsin, Martin David , 1955
City Of Light, Lauren Belfer , 1975
Civic Education And The Ideal Of Public Reason, Krista Karbowski Thomason
Civil War Issues In Philadelphia, 1856-1865, William Dusinberre , 1950
Clash Of Extremes: The Economic Origins Of The Civil War, Marc Egnal , 1965
Classical And Quantum Transition State Theory For The Diffusion Of Helium In Silica Sodalite, Michael J. Murphy , '98; G. A. Voth; and Amy Lisa Graves
Classical Conditioning Beyond The Laboratory, Hugh Lacey
Classical Electromagnetic Radiation, Mark A. Heald and J. B. Marion
Classical Music Criticism, Robert D. Schick , 1951
Classification In Young And Retarded-Children: The Primacy Of Overall Similarity Relations, Deborah G. Kemler Nelson
Classifying Cells: Middle And High School: Innovative Resources For The Science Classroom, Nevin Katz , 1967
Class Politics In The Information Age, Donald C. Hodges , 1946
Classroom And Writing Center Collaborations: Peers As Authorities, Lisa Smulyan , '76 and Kristin Anne Bolton , '88
Classroom Demonstrations: Learning Tools Or Entertainment?, Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch, A. P. Fagen, J. P. Callan, and E. Mazur
Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Tool For Critical Reflection, Betsy Rymes , 1987
Clausewitz And The Two Contemporary Military Revolutions, James Kurth
Clearcutting: A View From The Top, Eleanor C.J. Horwitz , 1962
Climatic Fluctuations As A Cause Of The Differential Economic Growth Of The Orient And Occident: A Comment, Frederic L. Pryor
Clinical Pediatric Neurosciences For Primary Care, Joseph H. Piatt Jr., 1975
Clinical Psychology: The Politics Of Madness, Jeanne Marecek and Rachel T. Hare-Mustin , '49
Clinophobia, Nathalie Anderson
Clio's Consciousness Raised: New Perspectives On The History Of Women, Mary S. Hartman , editor, 1963
Cloning, David Shear , 1959
Cloth And The Emergence Of The Atlantic Economy, Robert S. DuPlessis
Clouds Over Vellanti, Elsie Lee , 1933
Cluster Analysis In Cross-Cultural Research, B. A. Maxwell, Frederic L. Pryor, and C. Smith
Cocaine Politics In The Andes, Peter R. Andreas , '87 and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Cochlear Implants And The Right To Language: Ethical Considerations, The Ideal Situation, And Practical Measures Toward Reaching The Ideal, T. Humphries, P. Kushalnagar, G. Mathur, Donna Jo Napoli, C. Padden, C. Rathmann, and S. Smith
Coddling Or Common Sense?, Julie Biddle Zimmerman , editor, 1968
Codification Of Research Ethics: Views Of A Doubting Thomas, Kenneth J. Gergen
Cognition And Eros: A Critique Of The Kantian Paradigm, Robin May Schott , 1976
Cognition As Interaction, Kenneth J. Gergen
Cognitive Psychology, Ulric Neisser , 1952
Cognitivism And Its Discontents: An Introduction To The Issue, Kenneth J. Gergen and G. Gigerenzer
Cold Hands, Nathalie Anderson
Cold River: Poems, Joan Moffitt Larkin , 1960
Cold Sweat, Nathalie Anderson
Collaboration Without End: The Case Of The Positive Aging Newsletter, M. M. Gergen and Kenneth J. Gergen
Collaborative Action Research: A Developmental Process, S. N. Oja and Lisa Smulyan , 76
Collected Correspondence, And London Notebooks, H. C. Robbins Landon , editor, 1946
Collected Edition Of Heywood Broun, Heywood Hale Broun , 1940
Collective Bargaining In The Pacific Coast Pulp And Paper Industry, Clark Kerr , 1932
Collective Fluorescence Enhancement In Nanoparticle Clusters, S. Wang, C. Querner, T. Dadosh, Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch, D. S. Novikov, and M. Drndic
College Entrance Mathematics In The Year 2000, Stephen B. Maurer , '67
Colleges Should Teach Intellectual Virtues, Barry Schwartz and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Colonial Chesapeake Society, Lois Green Carr , editor, 1943
Colonial Romance: Williams's Dark "Supplying Female", Peter Schmidt
Colorado, A History Of The Centennial State, Carl Abbott , 1966
Colorado, A History Of The Centennial State, Carl Abbott , 1966
Color Atlas Of Pediatric Dermatology, Neil S. Prose , 1971
Color Atlas Of Scleritis, Joseph M. Ortiz , 1972
Columnar Molecular Aggregation In The Aqueous Solutions Of Disodium Cromoglycate, D. M. Agra-Kooijman, G. Singh, A. Lorenz, Peter J. Collings, H.-S. Kitzerow, and S. Kumar
Combining Work And Welfare: An Alternative Anti-Poverty Strategy, Heidi I. Hartmann , 1967
Coming, Paul Williams , 1969
Coming Home--To China, Creighton Lacy , 1941
Coming Of Age In Shakespeare, Marjorie B. Garber , 1966
Coming Of Age In Utopia: The Odyssey Of An Idea, Paul M. Gaston , 1952
Comix, Nathalie Anderson
Commentary: "The Epigenotype" By C. H. Waddington, Scott F. Gilbert
Comment [On 'Extending The East Asian Miracle: Microeconomic Evidence From Korea' By M. N. Bailey and E. Zitzewitz], Larry E. Westphal
Comments On "Subject To Romance", Jeanne Marecek
Commercial Lighting Efficiency Resource Book, Kathryn M. Conway , 1976
Commercial Transactions Cases, Text And Problems On Contracts Dealing With Personalty, Realty And Services, Ellen A. Peters , 1951
Common Skin Disorders: A Manual For Physicians And Patients, Ernst Epstein , 1949
Communicata & The Book: Between And Beyond The Covers, Cynthia Miller , 1979
Communicating With Blissymbolics, Jinny Storr , 1938
Communication As Coordination, Kenneth J. Gergen
Communication Revolution, D. A. Ehrenfeld , 1949
Communications, Michael Marissen and J. H. Roberts
Communism And The Churches, Ralph Lord Roy , 1950
Community Development Block Grants: A Strategy For Neighborhood Groups, Margaret J. Stone , 1975
Community Information Service: A Directory Of Public Library Involvement, Carol A. Becker , 1957
Community Organization Practice, Campbell Murray , 1936
¿Cómo Deben Influir Los Valores En La Ciencia?, Hugh Lacey
Como devem os valores influenciar a ciência?, Hugh Lacey
Comparable GNPs Per Capita: Addendum, Frederic L. Pryor
Comparative Studies In Local Economic Development: Problems In Policy Implementation, Peter B. Meyer , editor, 1965
Comparing Depth From Motion With Depth From Binocular Disparity, Frank H. Durgin, D. R. Proffitt, T. J. Olson, and K. S. Reinke
Comparing Futures For The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Ellen Hanak , 1979
Comparison Of Structure And Properties Of Femtosecond And Nanosecond Laser-Structured Silicon, Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch, J. E. Carey, J. M. Warrender, M. J. Aziz, E. Mazur, and F. Y. Génin
Comparison Of Women Who Enter Feminist Therapy And Women Who Enter Traditional Therapy, Jeanne Marecek, D. Kravetz, and S. Finn
Compassion: Toward A Science Of Value, William Eckhardt , 1953
Compensatory Justice, John W. Chapman , editor, 1943
Competing Visions Of Empire: Labor, Slavery, And The Origins Of The British Atlantic Empire, Abigail L. Swingen , 1997
Competition In Government-Financed Services, John C. Hilke , 1973
Competition In The Investment Banking Industry, Samuel L. Hayes III, 1957
Complex Emergencies, Peacekeeping And The World Food Programme, Raymond F. Hopkins
Complex Emergencies, Peacekeeping And The World Food Programme, Raymond F. Hopkins
Complexity, Alan Richard Baker
Complexity, Networks, And Non-Uniqueness, Alan Richard Baker
Complexity Unfavoured, Alan Richard Baker
Composite Poisson Models For Goal Scoring, Philip J. Everson and P. Goldsmith-Pinkham
Computational Modeling Of A Stereoselective Epoxidation: Reaction Of Carene With Peroxyformic Acid, Stephanie Megan Koskowich , '07; Winslow C. Johnson , '07; Robert S. Paley; and Paul R. Rablen
Computational Study Of Molecular Hydrogen In Zeolite Na-A. II. Density Of Rotational States And Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectra, Jennifer A. MacKinnon , '95; J. Eckert; D. F. Coker; and Amy Lisa Graves
Computational Study Of Molecular Hydrogen In Zeolite Na-A. I. Potential Energy Surfaces And Thermodynamic Separation Factors For Ortho And Para Hydrogen, Cherry-Rose K. Anderson , '95; D. F. Coker; J. Eckert; and Amy Lisa Graves
Computer-Generated Imagery, Bob Rehak
Computer Guided Instruction For Creation Of Root Locus Plots, Erik Allen Cheever , '82 and A. Moser
Computer Lib: Dream Machines, Theodor H. Nelson , 1959
Computer Lib: You Can And Must Understand Computers Now, Theodor H. Nelson , 1959
Computer Literacy For Middle Management, Rudolph E. Hirsch , 1950
Computer Methods For Mathematical Computations, George E. Forsythe , 1938
Computer Science: A First Course, Alexandra I. Forsythe , 1939
Computer Science: CRAFTY Curriculum Foundations Project, Bowdoin College, October 28-31, 1999, Charles F. Kelemen
Computer Science: Programming In Basic, Alexandra I. Forsythe , 1939
Computer Science: Programming In Fortran IV With WATFOR WATFIV, Alexandra I. Forsythe , 1939
Computers, Education, And Special Needs, Susan Jo Russell , 1968
Computer Simulation Of Autumnal Bird Migration Over The Western North Atlantic, P. K. Stoddard; J. E. Marsden; and Timothy C. Williams , '64
Computing Concrete Pullout Strength, Faruq M. A. Siddiqui and Jan W. Beseler , '88
Comradeship And The Uses Of The Past: Miscellaneous Jottings On The Study Of Su Tung-P'o, Lloyd R. Craighill , 1949
Con Carlos Fuentes En Filadelfia, Braulio Muñoz
Conceiving Israel: The Fetus In Rabbinic Narratives, Gwynn Kessler
Conceiving The Forms: Play Analysis For Production Dramaturgy, Lee Devin
Conceptual Breakthroughs In Developmental Biology, Scott F. Gilbert
Conceptual History Of Modern Embryology, Scott F. Gilbert
Concourse, Nathalie Anderson
Conditions That Support The Development Of Mathematical Thinking, K. Ann Renninger, S. Stein, J. Koenig, and A. Mabbot
Conejito: Opening The West, Howard Y. Clymer , 1942
Configuration Spaces Of Convex And Embedded Polygons In The Plane, Don H. Shimamoto and Mary K. Wootters , '08
Conflicts Of Law And Morality, Kent Greenawalt , 1958
Conflict Transformation, Cultural Innovation, And Loyalist Identity In Northern Ireland, Lee A. Smithey
Conformations Of A Model Protein Revealed By An Aggregating Cuᴵᴵ Porphyrin: Sensing The Difference, G. de Luca, A. Romeo, L. M. Scolaro, and Robert F. Pasternack
Confronting Drunk Driving: Social Policy For Saving Lives, H. Laurence Ross , 1955
Confronting Revolution: Security Through Diplomacy In Central America, M. J. Blachman, W. M. LeoGrande, and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Confronting The Curse: The Economics And Geopolitics Of Natural Resource Governance, Marcus Noland , co-author, 1981
Confronting The Unipolar Moment: The American Empire And Islamic Terrorism, James Kurth
Congenital Human Baculum Deficiency: The Generative Bone Of Genesis 2:21-23, Scott F. Gilbert and Z. Zevit
Congregations And Communities, Joy Charlton
Congress's Own Think Tank: Learning From The Legacy Of The Office Of Technology Assessment (1972-1995), Peter D. Blair , 1973
Conjuring Scriptures And Engendering Healing Traditions, Yvonne Patricia Chireau
Connecting Arithmetic To Algebra: Strategies For Building Algebraic Thinking In The Elementary Grades, Susan Jo Russell , 1968
Connections With Prescribed Curvature And Yang-Mills Currents: The Semisimple Case, D. Deturck, H. Goldschmidt, and Janet Talvacchia
Conscience And The State: Legal And Administrative Problems Of Conscientious Objectors, 1943-1944, Julien Cornell , 1930
Conscience And The State: Legal And Administrative Problems Of Conscientious Objectors, 1943-1944: Printed With The Conscientious Objector And The Law, Julien Cornell , 1930
Consciousness Of Battle: An Interim Report On A Theological Journey, Mary McDermott Shideler , 1930
Conservation And The Gospel Of Efficiency The Progressive Conservation Movement, 1890-1920, Samuel P. Hays , 1948
Consider The Lilies: Plants Of The Bible, John Paterson , 1953
Constant Compass Orientation For North American Autumnal Migrants, Timothy C. Williams , '64
Constant Enough: On The Kinds Of Perceptual Constancy Worth Having, Frank H. Durgin; Anna Jane Ruff , '09; and Robert Calverley Russell , '08
Constituency Ties And Deviant Expectations Among Tanzanian Legislators, Raymond F. Hopkins
Constitutionalizing Terms Of Inclusion: Friends Of The Indian And Citizenship For Native Americans, 1880s-1930s, Carol Nackenoff
Constraints Upon Acceptable Theories: Chomsky's Analogy Between Language Acquisition And Theory Formation, Hugh Lacey
Constructing Human Nature: The Primordial As Prophetic, Kenneth J. Gergen
Constructing Nationalities In East Central Europe, Pieter M. Judson , '78 and M. L. Rozenblit
Constructing Nationalities In East Central Europe, Pieter M. Judson , editor, 1978
Constructing The Quebec Referendum: French And English Media Voices, Gertrude Joch Robinson , 1950
Constructing Worlds Together: Interpersonal Communication As Relational Process, Kenneth J. Gergen, S. M. Schrader, and M. Gergen
Construction In Contention: Toward Consequential Resolutions, Kenneth J. Gergen
Constructionism And Realism: How Are We To Go On?, Kenneth J. Gergen
Constructionist Dialogues And The Vicissitudes Of The Politcal, Kenneth J. Gergen
Construction Of Self In The Postmodern Age, Kenneth J. Gergen
Construir La Realidad: El Futuro De La Psicoterapia, Kenneth J. Gergen
Consumption Makes Us Sad? Science Says We Can Be Happy With Less, Barry Schwartz
Contaminated Land: Reclamation, Redevelopment, And Reuse In The United States And The European Union, Peter B. Meyer , co-author, 1965
Contemporary Fashion, Richard Martin , editor, 1967
Contending Theories Of International Relations: A Comprehensive Survey, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., 1956
Contending Theories Of International Relations: A Comprehensive Survey, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., 1956
Content Area Reading: Integration With The Language Arts, Jeanne McKee Jacobson , 1953
Contested Traditions: Gender And Mourning Practices In Egypt, Farha Ghannam
Contest Problem Book V: American High School Mathematics Examinations And American Invitational Mathematics Examinations, 1983-1988, G. Berzsenyi and Stephen B. Maurer
Contextual Analysis, Gudmund R. Iversen
Continuity And Change: Paradigm Shifts In Neural Induction, Scott F. Gilbert
Continuity In Young Children’s Actions: A Consideration Of Interest And Temperament, K. Ann Renninger and Thomas Gary Leckrone , '89
Contrasting Monetary Regimes In Africa, P. Honohan and Stephen A. O'Connell
Contributions To Modern Psychology Selected Readings In General Psychology, David Beardslee , 1949
Control And Freedom: The Structure Of Buddhist Meditation In The Pāli Suttas, Donald K. Swearer
Control Of Complex, Sequential Operants By Systematic Visual Information In Pigeons, Barry Schwartz
Convergence Under xp Of xq Invariant Measures On The Circle, Aimee S. A. Johnson and D. J. Rudolph
Conversation And The Genealogy Of Recognition, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Conversation In London Between Stephen Laird, Berlin Correspondent, Time Inc., 1940-1941, And Walter Graebner, London Correspondent, Time Inc., 1937-1942, Stephen Laird , 1936
Conversations On John's Gospel And Bach's St. John Passion, M. Fassler, S. Fraade, Michael Marissen, and W. Meeks
Conversations With A Colorful Composter, T. Thacher Robinson , 1950
Conversazione A Quattro, Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Cookies, Whales And Turtle Tales, Ellen NicKenzie Lawson , 1966
Cooking With Jack Lirio, Jack Lirio , 1949
Cooperation For What? The Democratic-Labor Alliance In The Reagan-Bush Era, Richard M. Valelly , '75
Cooperation Under Anarchy, Kenneth A. Oye , 1971
Cooperatives and Development: Agricultural Politics In Ghana And Uganda, Neal P. Sherman , 1968
Cooperativity Of The Assembly Process In A Low Concentration Chromonic Liquid Crystal, Benjamin Roy Mercado , '14; Kenneth Joseph Nieser , '13; and Peter J. Collings
Coping With Torture: Images From The Sudan, Ann Mosely Lesch , editor, 1966
Corkscrew Counts: A Story About Multiplication, Donna Jo Napoli
Corporate Strategies In The Dominican Republic: The Politics Of Peasant Movements, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Corporate Valuation: A Guide For Managers And Investors, Michael C. Ehrhardt , 1977
Corporations At The Crossroads: Governance And Reform, Deborah A. DeMott , editor, 1970
Corporatism And Change: Austria, Switzerland, And The Politics Of Industry, Peter J. Katzenstein , 1967
Corporatism As An Economic System: A Review Essay, Frederic L. Pryor
Correlation Length And Chirality Of The Fluctuations In The Isotropic Phase Of Nematic And Cholesteric Liquid Crystals, Jacob J. Krich , '00; Mark B. Romanowsky , '03; and Peter J. Collings
Correlation Of Ultrasound-Induced Hemolysis With Cavitation Detector Output In Vitro, E. Carr Everbach, I. R. S. Makin, M. Azadniv, and R. S. Meltzer
Cottons Consumption In The Seventeenth- And Eighteenth-Century North Atlantic, Robert S. DuPlessis
Counseling Adolescents With Problem Pregnancies, Jeanne Marecek
Counting-Out Rhymes: A Dictionary, Roger D. Abrahams , editor, 1955
Country Night, Country Donegal, Nathalie Anderson
Covert: My Years Infiltrating The Mob, Bob Delaney , 1976
Cowboys, Charles Sullivan , 1955
Crawlers: Poems, Nathalie Anderson
Crazy Jack, Donna Jo Napoli
Creating An Economy That Won’t Cheat The Future, Barry Schwartz
Creating A New World Economy: Forces Of Change & Plans For Action, Gerald Epstein , editor, 1973
Creating A Tradition Of Biomedical Research: Contributions To The History Of The Rockefeller University, Darwin H. Stapleton , editor, 1969
Creation Of Stereotyped, Functional Behavioral Units, Barry Schwartz
Creative Responses To Bach From Mozart To Hindemith, Michael Marissen
Crêche, Nathalie Anderson
Credit Et Non Videt: L'Autre Du Visible, Scepticisme Et Religion (De Jésuites À Port-Royal), Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Credit Unions And Asset Accumulation By Lower-Income Households, John P. Caskey and D. Humphrey
Crime And Criminality In British India, Anand A. Yang , 1970
Criminal Law And Approaches To The Study Of Law: Cases And Materials, John M. Brumbaugh , 1948
Criminal Man, Nicole Hahn Rafter , translator, 1962
Crisis Of Abundance: Rethinking How We Pay For Health Care, Arnold S. Kling , 1975
Crisis of the Seventeenth Century, Robert S. DuPlessis
Critical Cultural Awareness: Contributions To A Globalizing Psychology, J. C. Christopher, D. C. Wendt, Jeanne Marecek, and D. M. Goodman
Critical Essays On Flannery O'Connor, Beverly Lyon Clark , 1970
Critical Essays On W.H. Auden, George W. Bahlke , editor, 1955
Critical Histories Of Omniscience, Rachel Sagner Buurma
Critical Issues In American Nursing In The Twentieth Century: Perspectives And Case Studies, Darwin H. Stapleton , 1969
Critical Issues In American Philanthropy: Strengthening Theory And Practice, Jon VanTil , 1961
Critical Point For The Blue-Phase-III-Isotropic Phase Transition In Chiral Liquid Crystals, Z. Kutnjak; C. W. Garland; Colin G. Schatz , '97; Peter J. Collings; C. J. Booth; and J. W. Goodby
Critical Thinking Questions, Chapters 1-22, Amy Cheng Vollmer
Critical Visions In Film Theory: Classic And Contemporary Readings, Patricia White
Criticism And The Risk Of The Self: Stanley Cavell’s Modernism And Elizabeth Bishop’s, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Critique And Commitment In The Therapeutic Context: A Reply To Alan Bleakley, Kenneth J. Gergen
Cross-Culturally Recurrent Personality Factors: Analyses Of Three Factors, B. DeRaad and Dean Peabody
Cross-Cultural Trade In World History, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
Crosscurrents In American Culture: A Reader In United States History, Bruce Dorsey and W. Register
Crosscurrents, New Art From MoMA, Robert Storr , 1972
Crossing The Line: From Editor To Activist To Inmate: A Writer's Journey, Samuel H. Day Jr., 1949
Cross Power And Crosstalk In Waveguide Couplers, J. P. Donnelly; H. A. Haus; and Lynne Molter , '79
Crowding Out Morality: How The Ideology Of Self-Interest Can Be Self-Fulfilling, Barry Schwartz
Crown Corporations In Canada: The Calculus Of Instrument Choice, J. Robert S. Prichard , 1971
Cruising With The Avatar, Nathalie Anderson
Crum Creek: Past, Present And Future, Anne M. Rawson , 1950
Crum Creek Spirituality: Earth As A Living Sacrament, Mark I. Wallace
Crush The Sunnis, James Kurth
C-Terminal Juxtamembrane Region Of Full-Length M2 Protein Forms A Membrane Surface Associated Amphipathic Helix, Shenstone C. Huang , '16; Bryan M. Green , '16; Megan E. Thompson , '14; Richard Chen , '13; J. Thomaston; W. F. DeGrado; and Kathleen P. Howard
C.T. Hsia He Duanmu Hongliang Yanjiu, Haili Kong
Cuervo Tales, Robert Roper , 1968
Cuidar, Controlar, Curar: Ensaios Históricos Sobre Saúde E Doença Na América Latina E Caribe, G. Hochman and Diego Armus
Culturally Inclusive Psychology From A Constructionist Standpoint, Kenneth J. Gergen
Culture And Economic Systems, Frederic L. Pryor
Culture, Gender, And Suicidal Behavior In Sri Lanka, Jeanne Marecek
Culture Rules: A Note On Economic Systems And Values, Frederic L. Pryor
Curas De Reposo Y Destierros Voluntarios: Narraciones De Tuberculosos En Los Enclaves Serranos De Córdoba, Diego Armus
Curing Violence, Mark I. Wallace and T. H. Smith
Current Algebra And Anomalies, Roman Jakiw , 1961
Cyberfutures: Culture And Politics On The Information Superhighway, Jerome R. Ravetz , editor, 1950
Cycle Lengths In Aᵏb, Charles M. Grinstead
Cymophobia: Fear Of Waves, Nathalie Anderson
Cytoplasmic Action In Development, Scott F. Gilbert
Czechoslovak Aggregate Production In The Interwar Period, Frederic L. Pryor, Z. P. Pryor, M. Stadnik, and G. J. Staller
Dale Carnegie: The Man Who Influenced Millions, Giles Kemp , 1972
Dance In South Asia: New Approaches, Politics, And Aesthetics, Pallabi Chakravorty
Dance Matters: Performing India, Pallabi Chakravorty and N. Gupta
Dancing Female: Lives And Issues Of Women In Contemporary Dance, Sharon E. Friedler and S. B. Glazer
Dancing In The Wind: Poetry And Art Of The British Isles, Charles Sullivan , editor, 1955
Dancing the Sacred and Dancing the Secular, Pallabi Chakravorty
Dancing Through Minefields: Toward A Qualitative Stance In Psychology, Jeanne Marecek
Danilo Kiš, Sibelan E.S. Forrester
Daphne's Tremor: Tsvetaeva And The Feminine In Classical Myth And Statuary, Sibelan E.S. Forrester
Dark Moon, Lost Lady, Elsie Lee , 1933
Dark Shimmer, Donna Jo Napoli
Darwinian Discourse. Review Of "Social Darwinism In European And American Thought, 1860-1945" By M. Hawkins And "Darwinian Myths: The Legends And Misuse Of A Theory" By E. Caudill, Robert C. Bannister
Darwinism's Struggle For Existence: Heredity And The Hypothesis Of Natural Selection, Robert C. Bannister
Das Ende Der Erzählung, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Das Energi, Paul Williams , 1969
‘Das ist Zukunftssaat’: Political Travel And German Nationalism In Austria 1900-1933, Pieter M. Judson
Das Paradoxen Bei La Rochefoucauld Und Einegen Representativen Englischen Nachfolgern, Harold E. Pagliaro
Data Communications: A Manager's View, John Seaman , editor, 1956
Daughter Of Fire: A Portrait Of Iceland, Katharine Scherman , 1939
Daughter Of The Pacific, Yoko Matsuoka , 1939
Daughter Of Venice, Donna Jo Napoli
David Ireland, Robert Storr , 1972
Dawn Clark Netsch: A Political Life, Cynthia Grant Bowman , 1966
Daylight Raid From My Studio Window, 7 July 1917, Nathalie Anderson
Days Of Emperor And Clown: The Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936, Laurence Lafore , 1938
Dead-End Drug Wars, Peter R. Andreas , '87; Eva C. Bertram , '86; M. J. Blachman; and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Dead On A High Hill: Essays On War, Literature And Living, 2002-2012, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
Deaf Around The World: The Impact Of Language, G. Mathur and Donna Jo Napoli
Deaf Jokes And Sign Language Humor, R. Sutton-Spence and Donna Jo Napoli
Dealing With Genes: The Language Of Heredity, Maxine Singer , 1952
Death Files For Congress: A Novel Of Suspense And Politics, Theda O. Henle , 1940
Debt Commitments And Aggregate Demand: A Critique Of The Neoclassical Synthesis And Policy, S. M. Fazzari and John P. Caskey
Debtor-Creditor Law: Cases And Materials, Theodore Eisenberg , 1969
Debt, Price Flexibility, And Aggregate Stability, John P. Caskey and S. M. Fazzari
De Colores Means All Of Us: Latina Views For A Multi-Colored Century, Elizabeth Sutherland Martinez , 1946
Deconstruction And Its Alternatives, Richard Thomas Eldridge
De-Democratising American Foreign Policy: Dismantling The Post-Vietnam Formula, M. J. Blachman and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Deep Down In The Jungle...: Negro Narrative Folklore From The Streets Of Philadelphia, Roger D. Abrahams , 1955
Deep Down In The Jungle...: Negro Narrative Folklore From The Streets Of Philadelphia, Roger D. Abrahams , 1955
Deep In Our Hearts: Nine White Women In The Freedom Movement, Penny Patch , 1966
Deep The Water, Shallow The Shore: Three Essays On Shantying In The West Indies, Roger D. Abrahams , 1955
Defending The Japanese State: Structures, Norms, And The Political Responses To Terrorism And Violent Social Protest In The 1970s And 1980s, Peter J. Katzenstein , 1967
Defending The One Percent? Poor Arguments For The Rich?, Peter Baumann
Defense Of The Realm British Strategy In The Nuclear Epoch, Richard N. Rosecrance , 1952
Delaware Supreme Court: Golden Anniversary 1951-2001, Randy J. Holland , 1969
Delayed Implantation, Allen C. Enders , editor, 1950
Deleuze And Guattari's Immanent Ethics: Theory, Subjectivity, And Duration, Tamsin E. Lorraine
De Matisse À Picasso: Collection Jacques Et Natasha Gelman, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Demilitarized Zones: Veterans After Vietnam, William Daniel Ehrhart , editor, 1973
Democracy’s Power And Paradox. Review Of "The Democratic Wish: Popular Participation And The Limits Of American Government" By J. A. Morone, David G. Smith
Democratic Citizenship, Richard M. Valelly
Demographic Effects On Personal Saving In The Future, Frederic L. Pryor
Dentine Lead Concentration As A Predictor Of Neuropsychological Functioning In Inner-City Children, I. M. Shapiro and Jeanne Marecek
Dependent-Independence In Adult-Child Relationships, L. T. Winegar, K. Ann Renninger, and J. Valsiner
Depolarized Resonance Light Scattering By Porphyrin And Chlorophyll a Aggregates, J. Parkash, J. H. Robblee, J. Agnew, E. J. Gibbs, Peter J. Collings, Robert F. Pasternack, and J. C. de Paula
Depression: Its Diagnosis And Treatment. Lithium: The History Of Its Use In Psychiatry, Nathan Kline , 1938
De Profundis, Nathalie Anderson
Depth Compression Based On Mis-Scaling Of Binocular Disparity May Contribute To Angular Expansion In Perceived Optical Slant, Z. Li and Frank H. Durgin
Depth of Penetration of Fields from Rectangular Apertures Into Lossy Media, Erik Allen Cheever , '82; J. B. Leonard; and K. R. Foster
Depths Of The Earth: Caves And Cavers Of The United States, William R. Halliday , 1946
Depths Of The Earth: Caves And Cavers Of The United States, William R. Halliday , 1946
Derrida And Wittgenstein, Newton Garver , 1951
De Sa Propre Main: Recueils De Choses Morales De Dauphine De Sartre, Marquise De Robiac (1634-1685), Nancy M. O'Connor , 1965
Desargues, Girard (1591-1661), Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Descartes, René (1596-1650), Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Descendants Of The Quillen (Quillin) Family Of The Delmarva Peninsula, Vernon W. McCabe , 1956
Describing Uncertainty In Games Already Played, Philip J. Everson
Descriptive Sketches, Paul M. Zall , editor, 1948
Design And Operation Of Civil And Environmental Engineering Systems, C. ReVelle and Arthur E. McGarity
Designing The Nation's Capital: The 1901 Plan For Washington, DC, Jon A. Peterson , 1957
Design: Jewelry: Betty Cooke, Richard Martin , 1967
Designs For Evaluating Social Programs, Lawrence P. Clark , 1972
Desire, Nathalie Anderson
Destiny's Herald: Elias Canetti's “Crowds and Power” And Its Continuing Influence, Hansjakob Werlen
Detecting Deception, Kenneth J. Gergen
Detection Of DNA Damage By Use Of Escherichia Coli Carrying recA'::lux, uvrA'::lux, And alkA'::lux Reporter Plasmids, Amy Cheng Vollmer, S. Belkin, D. R. Smulski, T. K. Van Dyk, and R. A. LaRossa
Determinants Of The Size Of The Nonprofit Sector, Frederic L. Pryor
Deutschnationale Politik Und Geschlecht In Österreich 1880-1900, Pieter M. Judson
Developing Countries In The Uruguay Round: Bargaining Under Uncertainty And Inequality, Raymond F. Hopkins
Developing Crisis Stable Super Power Force Structures Using Temptation And Protection Ratios, Arthur E. McGarity and C. ReVelle
Developmental Biology, M. Baressi and Scott F. Gilbert
Developmental Biology: A Guide For Experimental Study, Mary S. Tyler , 1971
Developmental Dyslexia: Neural, Cognitive, And Genetic Mechanisms, Glenn D. Rosen , 1977
Developmental Field Theory And The Molecular Analysis Of Morphogenesis: A Comment On Dr. Slavkin's Observations, J. M. Opitz and Scott F. Gilbert
Developmental Genetics, Scott F. Gilbert
Development And Aid In Sub-Saharan Africa, Stephen A. O'Connell and Lindsay Renée Dolan , '12
Development, Evolution, And Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Scott F. Gilbert
Development Of An Evolutionarily Novel Structure: Fibroblast Growth Factor Expression In The Carapacial Ridge Of Turtle Embryos, G. A. Loredo; Alla K. Brukman , '00; M. P. Harris; David A. Kagle , '99; E. E. Leclair; R. Gutman; Erin M. Denney , '99; E. Henkelman; B. Patrick Murray , '01; J. F. Fallon; R. S. Tuan; and Scott F. Gilbert
Development Of Complex, Stereotyped Behavior In Pigeons, Barry Schwartz
Development Of Language And Thought, Stella Christie and D. Gentner
Deviance And Identity, John Lofland , 1958
Deviance In Dark, Kenneth J. Gergen, M. M. Gergen, and W. H. Barton
Devil On The Stairs: Looking Back On The Eighties, Robert Storr , 1972
Dewey's Aesthetics, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Dharma Dancing: Ballroom Dancing And The Relational Order, C. J.S. Picart and Kenneth J. Gergen
Diabetes Mellitus: Diagnosis And Treatment, Mayer B. Davidson , 1957
Diabetes Mellitus: Diagnosis And Treatment, Mayer B. Davidson , 1957
Diachronic Biology Meets Evo-Devo: C.H. Waddington's Approach To Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Scott F. Gilbert
Diagnosis: The Human Cost Of The Rage To Order, F. Newman and Kenneth J. Gergen
Diagnostic Ultrasound Induced Inertial Cavitation To Non-Invasively Restore Coronary And Microvascular Flow In Acute Myocardial Infarction, X. Feng, S. Gao, J. Wu, J. Lof, S. Radio, F. Vignon, W. Shi, J. Powers, E. Unger, E. Carr Everbach, J. Liu, and T. R. Porter
Dialectical Thinking And Adult Development, Michael Basseches , 1972
Dialogue: Life And Death Of The Organization, Kenneth J. Gergen, M. M. Gergen, and F. J. Barrett
Diaspora: An Inquiry Into The Contemporary Jewish World, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
Diderot And La Mettrie, Jean A. Perkins , 1949
Diderot And Sterne, Alice Green Fredman , 1945
Did Monetary Forces Cause The Great Depression?, Peter Temin , 1959
Did You Ever?, Doris Herold Lund , 1939
Did You Ever Dream?, Doris Herold Lund , 1939
Did Your Brain Make You Do It?, John Robert Monterosso , '92 and Barry Schwartz
Die Atlantische Gemeinschaft In Der Krise: Eine Neudefinition Der Transatlantischen Beziehungen, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., 1956
Die Lehrerbildung Zwischen Pädagogischer Hochschule Und Universität: Probleme Des Lehrerstudiums, Helmut de Rudder , 1952
Die Liberalen Und Ihre Interessierte Anti-Interessenpolitik 1848, Pieter M. Judson
Die Poetische Dimension: Therapeutische Möglichkeiten, Kenneth J. Gergen
Die Qual Der Wahl: Prof. Barry Schwartz Weiß: Mit Der Auswahl Kommen Die Probleme, Barry Schwartz and D. Schönlebe
Die Schutzvereine Und Das Grenzland: Strategien Zur Verwirklichung Von ‘Imagined Borderlands’, Pieter M. Judson
Die Unpolitische Bürgerin Im Politisierenden Verein: Zu Einigen Paradoxa Des Bürgerlichen Weltbildes Im 19.Jahrhundert, Pieter M. Judson
Differences In Defensive Volatiles Of The Forked Fungus Beetle, Bolitotherus Cornutus, Living On Two Species Of Fungus, A. E. Holliday; Faye M. Walker , '09; E. D. Brodie III; and Vincent A. Formica
Differential Expression Of Gap Junction mRNAs And Proteins In The Developing Murine Kidney And In Experimentally Induced Nephric Mesenchymes, K. Sainio, Scott F. Gilbert, E. Lehtonen, M. Nishi, N. M. Kumar, N. B. Gilula, and L. Saxen
Diffuse Optical Tomography In The Presence Of A Chest Wall, H. Y. Ban, D. R. Busch, S. Pathak, Frank Mosacatelli, M. Machida, J. C. Schotland, V. A. Markel, and A. G. Yodh
Diffusion-Limited Reactions In Spherical Cavities, Amy Lisa Graves; Elizabeth L. Grossman , '92; Dane D. Morgan III, '92; and B. J. Berne
Dignity, Discourse, And Destiny: The Life Of Courtney C. Smith, Darwin H. Stapleton , 1969
Dilemmas Of Schooling: Teaching And Social Change, Ann Berlak , 1959
Dimensions Of Hope, Mary Roelofs Stott , 1940
Dimensions Of The Worldwide Merger Boom, Frederic L. Pryor
Diplomacy Lessons: Realism For An Unloved Superpower, John Brady Kiesling , 1979
Diplomaism, David Hapgood , 1947
Diplomatic Chronicles Of The Middle East: A Biography Of Ambassador Raymond A. Hare, Paul J. Hare , 1959
Dipole Trapped Spheromak In A Prolate Flux Conserver, Michael R. Brown; C. D. Cothran; Jerome Fung , '06; M. Chang; Jason Alexander Horwitz , '07; M. J. Schaffer; J. Leuer; and E. V. Belova
Directed Acyclic Graphs, Stephen B. Maurer , '67
Directed Graphs, Stephen B. Maurer , '67
Directing For Film And Television, Christopher Lukas , 1956
Direct Manipulation Of Perceived Angular Declination Affects Perceived Size And Distance: A Replication And Extension Of Wallach And O’Leary (1982), Morgan J. C. Williams , '14 and Frank H. Durgin
Disaffected Democracies: What's Troubling The Trilateral Countries?, Robert Putnam , 1963
Discipline, Nathalie Anderson
Disciplines And Interdisciplinarity In The New Century, Lewis Pyenson , 1969
Discovering Afro-America, Roger D. Abrahams , editor, 1955
Discovering Another Russia: The Journal Of A Camping Trip, David Hartsough , 1962
Discovering Difference: Contemporary Essays In American Culture, Christoph K. Lohmann , editor, 1958
Discovery And Exploration Of The Oregon Caves: Oregon Caves National Monument, William R. Halliday , 1946
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Stephen B. Maurer , '67 and A. Ralston
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Stephen B. Maurer , 1967
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Stephen B. Maurer , 1967
Discrete-Trials Spaced Responding In The Pigeon: The Dependence Of Efficient Performance On The Availability Of A Stimulus For Collateral Pecking, Barry Schwartz and D. R. Williams
Discrimination And Reverse Discrimination, Kent Greenawalt , 1958
Discriminative Stimulus Location As A Determinant Of Positive And Negative Behavioral Contrast In The Pigeon, Barry Schwartz
Disease And Empire: The Health Of European Troops In The Conquest Of Africa, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
Disease In The History Of Modern Latin America: From Malaria To AIDS, Diego Armus
Disease, Medicine And Health, Diego Armus and A. López Denis
Dislocations, Robert Storr , 1972
Disorderly Constructs: Feminist Frameworks For Clinical Psychology, Jeanne Marecek
Distance Perception And The Visual Horizon In Head-Mounted Displays, Ross Benjamin Messing , '04 and Frank H. Durgin
Distinguishing Between Animates And Inanimates: Not By Motion Alone, R. Gelman, Frank H. Durgin, and L. Kaufman
Disturbances In The Field: Essays In Honor Of David L. Miller, Christine Downing , editor, 1952
Diverse Topics In Theoretical And Mathematical Physics, Roman Jakiw , 1961
Divided They Govern, Richard M. Valelly
Do Animals Use Language?, Donna Jo Napoli
Dobzhansky, Waddington, And Schmalhausen: Embryology And The Modern Synthesis, Scott F. Gilbert
"Doch Sehnend Stehst /Am Ufer Du” (“But Longing You Stand On The Shore”): Hölderlin, Philosophy, Subjectivity, And Finitude, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Do College Admissions By Lottery, Barry Schwartz
Doctors Afield, Andrew W. Nichols , 1959
Documentary Practice And Transnational Feminist Theory: The Visibility Of FGC, Patricia White
Documents And Correspondence On New Guinea's Boundaries, Paul W. van der Veur , 1949
Do Epigraphs Matter?, Rachel Sagner Buurma
Does Helplessness Cause Depression, Or Do Only Depressed People Become Helpless: Comment, Barry Schwartz
Does Labor Market Status Influence Self-Assessed Health?, Philip N. Jefferson and Frederic L. Pryor
Does Trade With Low-Wage Countries Hurt American Workers?, Stephen S. Golub
Do Individual Interests Make A Difference?, K. Ann Renninger
Doing Better But Feeling Worse: The Paradox Of Choice, Barry Schwartz and Andrew Ward
Doing Genre, S. Black, Nora Johnson, L. McGrane, S. Newman, K. Poole, K. Rowe, L. Shohet, and J. Yates
Doing Social Life: The Qualitative Study Of Human Interaction In Natural Settings, John Lofland , 1958
Dolly On The Road To Polly, Scott F. Gilbert
Domain Specificity Of Fairness Judgments In Economic Transactions, David A. Seligman , '95 and Barry Schwartz
Domestic Production And Consumption, Robert S. DuPlessis
Domination, Resistance, And Accommodation In China's One-Child Campaign, Tyrene White
Dominion Undeserved: Milton And The Perils Of Creation, Eric B. Song
Dominique Bouhours (15 May 1628 - 27 May 1702), Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Do Multiple Languages Mean A Multi-Cultural Society? Nationalist ‘Frontiers’ In Rural Austria, 1880-1918, Pieter M. Judson
Doomsday Cult A Study Of Conversion, Proselytization, And Maintenance Of Faith, John Lofland , 1958
Do Poets (First and Foremost) Have Ideas?, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Dorothea Rockburne: New Paintings, Pascal And Other Concerns, Robert Storr , 1972
Dorothea Rockburne: Recent Paintings And Drawings, Robert Storr , 1972
Dorothy And Elinor: And Three More Plays, William L. Huganir , 1942
Dorothy Gillespie, Richard Martin , 1967
Dorothy Swain Thomas: Soziologischer Objectivismus: Der Harte Weg In Die Profession, Robert C. Bannister
Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining And Domestic Politics, Robert Putnam , 1963
Do We Need A God?, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Downloads, Copies, And Reboots: "Battlestar Galactica" And The Changing Terms Of TV Genre, Bob Rehak
Dr. Abravanel's Anti-Craving Weight Loss Diet: Based On The 8-Week Skinny School Program, Elizabeth A. King , 1966
Dragon Fire: Ocean Mist, Yvonne Palka , 1960
Drawings From The Kröller-Müller National Museum, Otterlo, William S. Lieberman , editor, 1943
Drawings: Recent Acquisitions, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Drawing The Line: Benvenuto Cellini On The Principles And Method Of Learning The Art Of Drawing And The Question Of Amateur Drawing Education, Patricia L. Reilly
Dr. Chuckle And Missed Her Ride: Puns And Malapropisms, Paul Frishkoff , 1960
Dream Machines: New Freedoms Through Computer Screens: A Minority Report, Theodor H. Nelson , 1959
Dreams Before Sleep: Poems, T. Alan Broughton , 1962
Dreamship Surprise: Period 1, Sunka Simon
Dreamtime: Remembering Ed Ruhe, 1923-1989, Edward Ruhe , 1948
Dressed, Undressed, Cross-Dressed. Review Of The Third International Gombrowicz Festival, Allen J. Kuharski
Dr. Frankenstein's Dilemma, Kenneth J. Gergen
Drinking Discretely: Parsons's Old Peculiar, Alan Richard Baker
Driveway From Childhood /, Pamela Miller Ness , 1972
Dr. Miles: The Life Of Dr. Franklin Lawrence Miles, 1845-1929, Martha Merrill Pickrell , 1960
Drug Binding By Branched DNA: Selective Interaction Of Tetrapyridyl Porphyrins With An Immobile Junction, M. Lu, Q Guo, Robert F. Pasternack, D. J. Wink, N. C. Seeman, and N. R. Kallenbach
Drug Dealers Fight A Deadly War For A Shrinking Market, Peter Andreas , '87 and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Drug Policy, Kenneth Evan Sharpe and Eva Bertram , '86
Drug War Crimes: The Consequences Of Prohibition, Jeffrey A. Miron , 1979
Drug War Inflates The Price Of Hypocrisy, Kenneth Evan Sharpe and Eva Bertram , '86
Drug War Money Brings Ever More Corruption, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Drug War Politics: The Price Of Denial, Eva C. Bertram , '86; M. J. Blachman; Kenneth Evan Sharpe; and Peter Andreas , '87
DSM-5 And Beyond: A Critical Feminist Engagement With Psychodiagnosis, Jeanne Marecek and N. Gavey
Dublin In The Age Of William Butler Yeats And James Joyce, Richard M. Kain , 1930
Dukakis: An American Odyssey, Michael Dukakis , 1955
Dukakis And The Reform Impulse, Michael Dukakis , 1955
Du Sang Sur L'Oscar, Elsie Lee , 1933
Dusty Exile: Looking Back At Japanese Relocation During World War Ii, Catherine Embree Harris , 1941
Dusty Was My Friend: Coming To Terms With Loss, Andrea Clardy , 1965
Dylan: What Happened?, Paul Williams , 1969
Dynamical Gauge Symmetry Breaking: A Collection Of Reprints, Roman Jakiw , editor, 1961
Dynamic Efficiency In The Gift Economy, Stephen A. O'Connell and S. P. Zeldes
Eagle Defiant: United States Foreign Policy In The 1980s, Kenneth A. Oye , editor, 1971
Eagle Entangled: U.S. Foreign Policy In A Complex World, Kenneth A. Oye , editor, 1971
Eagle In A New World: American Grand Strategy In The Post-Cold War Era, Kenneth A. Oye , editor, 1971
Eagle Resurgent?: The Reagan Era In American Foreign Policy, Kenneth A. Oye , editor, 1971
Early Catalan Contacts With Byzantium, Stephen P. Bensch
Early Christian Contempt For The Flesh And The Woman Who Loved Too Much In The Gospel Of Luke, Mark I. Wallace
Early Herbal, Nathalie Anderson
Early Liberalism In Austrian Society, Pieter M. Judson
Early Orangemen On The Road To Armagh, Nathalie Anderson
Earth God: Cultivating The Spirit In An Ecocidal Culture, Mark I. Wallace
Earthing The Spirit: With Mark Wallace, M. Manolopoulos and Mark I. Wallace
Earth, Stars, And Writers, Norman Rush , 1956
East Coast Men Of Conscience, Carol Nackenoff
Eastern Zhou Ritual Bronzes From The Arthur M. Sackler Collections, Jenny F. So , 1971
East Of Cleveland: Moral Imagination In Industrial Culture 1820-1940, Richard Cartwright Austin , 1956
Eater's Choice: A Food Lover's Guide To Lower Cholesterol, Ron Goor , 1962
Eat Well, Seek Justice, Mark I. Wallace
Echoes In Hemlock Gorge: An American Sequence For The New Millennium: Poems, Douglas Worth , 1962
Ecological Developmental Biology: Developmental Biology Meets The Real World, Scott F. Gilbert
Ecological Developmental Biology: Environmental Signals For Normal Animal Development, Scott F. Gilbert
Ecological Developmental Biology: Integrating Epigenetics, Medicine, And Evolution, Scott F. Gilbert and D. Epel
Ecological Developmental Biology: Preface To The Symposium, Scott F. Gilbert and J. A. Bolker
Ecological Developmental Biology: Redefining The Spatial Limits Of Development, Scott F. Gilbert
Ecological Toxicity Testing: Scale, Complexity, And Relevance, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Ecology, Impact Assessment, And Environmental Planning, Walter E. Westman , 1966
Economic Apartheid In America: A Primer On Economic Inequality & Insecurity, Felice Yeskel , 1979
Economic Change In Precolonial Africa Senegambia In The Era Of The Slave Trade, Philip D. Curtin , 1945
Economic Development Through Estate Agriculture: The Case Of Malawi, Frederic L. Pryor and C. Chipeta
Economic Evolution And Structure: The Impact Of Complexity On The U.S. Economic System, Frederic L. Pryor
Economic Lessons, Philip N. Jefferson
Economics, Weldon Welfling , 1933
Economics, Michael John Reay
Economics, A Tool For Understanding Society, Tom Riddell , 1966
Economics, A Tool For Understanding Society, Tom Riddell , 1966
Economics: Macroeconomics, Mark Kuperberg
Economics Made Easy: Think Friction, Barry Schwartz
Economics Of Labor In Industrial Society, Clark Kerr , 1932
Economics Of The Business Firm: Economics Of Decision Making In The Business Enterprise, Joseph David Coppock , 1933
Economic Systems Of Developing Nations, Frederic L. Pryor
Economic Systems Of Foragers, Frederic L. Pryor
Economic Systems Of Foraging, Agricultural, And Industrial Societies, Frederic L. Pryor
Economic Systems Of OECD Nations: Impact And Evolution, Frederic L. Pryor
Economies In Transition: Comparing Asia And Eastern Europe, Wing Thye Woo , 1976
Economy And Consumption, Robert S. DuPlessis
Educating For Civic Responsibility In A Multicultural World, Barry Schwartz
Educating For Social Responsibility: Changing The Syllabus Of Developmental Biology, Scott F. Gilbert and A. Fausto-Sterling
Educating The 21st Century Cop: Developing Blue Courage And Practical Wisdom, M. J. Nila, Barry Schwartz, and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Educational Achievement: Its Causes And Effects, Martin David , 1955
Educational Policy Making And The Courts: An Empirical Study Of Judicial Activism, Arthur R. Block , 1970
Education, Land, And Location, Gregory K. Ingram , co-editor, 1965
Education Records: A Manual, Mary H.B. Gelfman , 1957
Education, Technology, And Business A Case Study Of Business In The Future--Problems And Opportunities, John Diebold , 1949
Edvard Munch, A Selection Of His Prints From American Collections, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Edward Palmer, Plant Explorer Of The American West, Rogers McVaugh , 1931
Edwin Booth And Melodrama: Writing The History Of Shakespearean Elitism, Nora Johnson
Effective Index Of Refraction, Optical Rotation, And Circular Dichroism In Isotropic Chiral Liquid Crystals, D. Lacoste, Peter J. Collings, and T. C. Lubensky
Effect Of A Home Intervention Program On Pediatric Asthma In An Environmental Justice Community, Z. Shani; Richard G. Scott , '14; Lynne Steuerle Schofield; J. H. Johnson; E. R. Williams; J. Hampton; and V. Ramprasad
Effect of a Stabilized Microbubble Echo Contrast Agent on Hemolysis of Human Erythrocytes Exposed to High Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, A. A. Brayman, M. Azadniv, I. R. S. Makin, M. W. Miller, E. L. Carstensen, S. Z. Child, C. H. Raeman, R. S. Meltzer, and E. Carr Everbach
Effect of cognitive style on perceived satisfaction and performance among students and teachers, K. Ann Renninger and S. S. Snyder
Effect Of Nuclear Power Plant Lights On Migrants, J. E. Marsden; Timothy C. Williams , '64; V. Krauthamer; and H. Krauthamer
Effects Of ACTH On Conditioned Suppression: A Time And Strength Of Conditioning Analysis, Allen M. Schneider, J. Weinberg, and R. Weissberg
Effects Of Amiloride On Taste Responses Of Drosophila Melanogaster Adults And Larvae, John B. Jenkins and L. Tompkins
Effects Of Treadle Training On Autoshaped Keypecking: Learned Laziness And Learned Industriousness Or Response Competition?, Barry Schwartz; Daniel Reisberg , '75; and Teresa A. Vollmeck , '77
Efficient Graph Automorphism By Vertex Partitioning, G. Fowler, R. Haralick, F. G. Gray, C. Feustel, and Charles M. Grinstead
Effort And Interest, K. Ann Renninger
Egocentric Reference Frame Bias In The Palmar Haptic Perception Of Surface Orientation, Allison Coleman , '13 and Frank H. Durgin
Egypt, Farha Ghannam
Egypt And Israel, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
Eh?, Nathalie Anderson
Eight Men Out: The Black Sox And The 1919 World Series, Eliot Asinof , 1940
Eine Kindheit: Wien, Zürich, Paris, U.S.A., Henry O. Leichter , 1948
Elaborating The Constructionist Thesis, Kenneth J. Gergen
El Arte Como Agente Transformador En El Teatro Romántico, María Luisa Guardiola Tey
Elasticity-Dependent Self-Assembly Of Micro-Templated Chromonic Liquid Crystal Films, M. A. Lohr, M. Cavallaro Jr., D. A. Beller, K. J. Stebe, R. D. Kamien, Peter J. Collings, and A. G. Yodh
Elbert Hubbard, Rebel With Reverence: A Granddaughter's Tribute, Mary Roelofs Stott , 1940
Elbert Hubbard, Rebel With Reverence: A Granddaughter's Tribute, Mary Roelofs Stott , 1940
El Campesino De La Sierra: El Problema De Vivir, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
El Comerç Català A La Romània En El Segle XIV, Stephen P. Bensch
E-Leaders, Peter Cohan , 1979
Election Odyssey, Carol Nackenoff
Electroanalytical Chemistry, Galen Wood Ewing , 1931
Electrostatic Control Of Enzyme Reactions: Effect Of Ionic Strength On The pKa Of An Essential Acidic Group On Glucose Oxidase, Judith G. Voet; James V. Coe , '80; J. Epstein; V. Matossian; and Thomas Shipley , '82
Electrostatic Control Of Enzyme Reactions: The Mechanism Of Inhibition Of Glucose Oxidase By Putrescine, Judith G. Voet and E. C. Andersen
Elegance, Beauty and Truth, Lewis Pyenson , editor, 1969
Elegy For My Aunt, Margaret S. Ridland, Scotland 1884 - California 1977, John Ridland , 1953
Elemental Things: The Poetry Of Hugh Macdiarmid, Henry Oxenhorn , 1972
Elemental Tourist, Nathalie Anderson
Elementary, William H. Matchett , 1949
Elementary Particle Physics: An Introduction, Gerard K. O'Neill , 1950
Elementary Programming For Kids In Basic, Eugene Galanter , 1950
Elements, Compounds And Mixtures: Middle And High School: Innovative Resources For The Science Classroom, Nevin Katz , 1967
Eleusis And Athens: Documents In Finance, Religion, And Politics In The Fifth Century B.C., Maureen B. Cavanaugh , 1975
Elizabeth Murray: [Exhibition] Jun. 20-Jul. 21 1990, Robert Storr , 1972
El Joven Einstein: El Advenimiento De La Relatividad, Lewis Pyenson , 1969
Ellacuría On The Dialectic Of Truth And Justice, Hugh Lacey
Ellen Gallagher, Robert Storr , 1972
Ellis Island: An Illustrated History Of The Immigrant Experience, Fred Wasserman , editor, 1978
Ellsworth Kelly: New Work : 2 November-3 December, 1988, Robert Storr , 1972
El Misha, Braulio Muñoz
El Postmodernismo Como Una Forma De Humanismo, Kenneth J. Gergen
El Salvador: How Much Change Is Possible?, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
El Salvador Revisited: Why Duarte Is In Trouble, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Elsie Lee's Book Of Simple Gourmet Cookery, Elsie Lee , 1933
Elsie Lee's Party Cookbook, Elsie Lee , 1933
El Sistema De Control En El Mercado De Cafe, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
El Trovador, A. G. Gutiérrez and María Luisa Guardiola Tey
Embracing Complexity: Organicism For The 21st Century, Scott F. Gilbert and S. Sarkar
Embryology: Constructing The Organism, Scott F. Gilbert and A. M. Raunio
Emergency Care Handbook: How To Deal With People In Emergencies, Arthur R. Ciancutti , 1965
Emergent Organization In Expert-Novice Relationships, K. Ann Renninger and L. T. Winegar
Emerging Challenges For Theory And Psychology, Kenneth J. Gergen
Emerging Challenges Redux, Kenneth J. Gergen
Emerging From The Rib: Resolving The Turtle Controversies, R. Rice, P. Riccio, Scott F. Gilbert, and J. Cebra-Thomas
Emery Blagdon, Kenneth J. Gergen
Emil And Karl, Jeffrey Shandler , translator, 1978
Éminence: Cardinal Richelieu And The Rise Of France, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Emma Speaks Out: Life And Writings Of Emma Molloy (1839-1907), Martha Merrill Pickrell , 1960
Emotional Muscle: Strong Parents, Strong Children, Kerry Kelly Novick , co-author, 1964
Empire, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
Empire Of Reason: Exact Sciences In Indonesia, 1840-1940, Lewis Pyenson , 1969
Empirical Note On Tipping Point, Frederic L. Pryor
Employer-Provided Child Care Benefits, Ellen B. Magenheim
Empty Ideas: A Critique Of Analytic Philosophy, Peter Unger , 1962
Encontrar/Fundar La Convicción: El Público De Filosofía, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Encyclopedia Of The Ancient Greek World, David Sacks , 1976
Encyclopedia Of U.S. Political History, Richard M. Valelly , editor, 1975
Encyclopedia Of Women And Crime, Nicole Hahn Rafter , 1962
Ending Hunger In Africa, Raymond F. Hopkins
End Of The Affair: The Collapse Of The Anglo-French Alliance, 1939-40, Eleanor M. Gates , 1952
End Of The Line, Stanley Baron , 1943
End Of The Line, Stanley Baron , 1943
End Of The Line: A Novel, Stanley Wade Baron , 1943
Endoscopic measurement of lesion size: Improved accuracy with image processing, N. Vakil, W. Smith, K. Bourgeois, E. Carr Everbach, and K. Knyrim
Energetic Particles And Magnetohydrodynamic Activity In The Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment, G. Qin; Vyacheslav S. Lukin , '00; C. D. Cothran; Michael R. Brown; and W. H. Matthaeus
Energy And Conflict: The Life And Times Of Edward Teller, Gwinn Owens , 1947
Energy Basis For Man And Nature, Elisabeth C. Odum , 1947
Enfermedades, Medicos Y Cultura Higienica, Diego Armus
Engaging Minds: Motivation And Learning In America's Schools, David A. Goslin , 1958
Engaging With Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy And Modern European Thought, Carolyn Burke , editor, 1961
Engendering Slavic Literatures, P. Chester and Sibelan E. S. Forrester
English Diplomatic Administration, 1259-1339, George Peddy Cuttino , 1935
English Medieval Diplomacy, George Peddy Cuttino , 1935
Entertaining America: Jews, Movies, And Broadcasting, Jeffrey Shandler , editor, 1978
Entitlement Politics: Medicare And Medicaid, 1995-2001, David G. Smith
Entre Médicos Y Curanderos: Cultura, Historia Y Enfermedad En La América Latina Moderna, Diego Armus
Entrevista: Hugh Lacey, Revista and Hugh Lacey
Enumeration Of Rational Plane Curves Tangent To A Smooth Cubic, C. Cadman and Linda Chen
Environmental Justice, Neopreservationism, And Sustainable Spirituality, Mark I. Wallace
Environmental Mathematics In The Classroom, Patricia Clark Kenschaft , editor, 1961
Environmental Protection In The People's Republic Of China, Kenneth Bowman , 1972
Environmental Theology, Richard Cartwright Austin , 1956
Enzymatic Adaptation And The Entrance Of Molecular Biology Into Embryology, Scott F. Gilbert
Epigenetic Landscaping: Waddington Use Of Cell Fate Bifurcation Diagrams, Scott F. Gilbert
Epistolary Novel, Sunka Simon
E-Profit: High Payoff Strategies For Capturing The E-Commerce Edge, Peter S. Cohan , 1979
Equal Education A New National Strategy, Anne O. Hughes , 1951
Equivariant Quantum Schubert Polynomials, D. Anderson and Linda Chen
Eric, Doris Herold Lund , 1939
Ernest Meissonier: Master In His Genre, Constance Cain Hungerford and J.L. E. Meissonier
Eros, Steven P. Hopkins
Erythrophobia: Fear Of Blushing, Nathalie Anderson
Erzählung, Moralische Identität Und Historisches Bewußtsein: Eine Sozialkonstruktionistische Darstellung, Kenneth J. Gergen
Esoteric Writing Of Vodou: Grimoires, Sigils, And The Houngan’s Notebook, Yvonne Patricia Chireau and M. V. Z. K. LaMenfo
Essays In Aesthetic Education, David Swanger , 1962
Essays On Literature And Politics, 1932-1972, Arabel J. Porter , editor, 1939
Essays On The Iliad: Selected Modern Criticism, John Wright , editor, 1962
Essays On The Viennese Classical Style: Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, H. C. Robbins Landon , 1946
Essential College Physics, Richard Wolfson , 1969
Essentials Of Illinois School Finance: A Guide To Techniques, Issues And Resources, James B. Fritts , 1960
Essentials Of Psychology, Harriet Nerlove Mischel , 1958
Essential University Physics, Richard Wolfson , 1969
Estimating The Diversity Of Dinosaurs, Steve C. Wang and P. Dodson
Estimating The Hazard Of Chemical Substances To Aquatic Life, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Etchings By Matisse, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Ethical And Legal Issues Of Social Experimentation, Alexander Morgan Capron , 1966
Ethical Challenges In Managed Care: A Casebook, Mary M. Solberg , editor, 1968
Ethics In The Practice Of Law, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., 1953
Ethiopia Today, Martin Ernst-Wolfgang Luther , 1946
Ethnic Conflict And Regional Instability: Implications For Us Policy And Army Roles And Missions, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. , editor, 1956
Ethnicity And Representation, Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Ethnographically Informed Language Documentation, K. David Harrison
Ethnographic Representation As Relationship, M. M. Gergen and Kenneth J. Gergen
Ethnopharmacologic Search For Psychoactive Drugs: Proceedings Of A Symposium Held In San Francisco, California, January 28-30, 1967, Nathan Kline , 1932
Ética, Produção Agroindustrial E Biotecnologia, Hugh Lacey
Eucharist: Christ's Feast With The Church, Laurence Hull Stookey , 1959
European Integration Revisited: Progress, Prospects, And U.S. Interests, Michael Calingaert , 1955
European Psychology De Novo, Kenneth J. Gergen
Europe Leaves The Middle East, 1936-1954, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
Eva Hesse: A Retrospective, Robert Storr , 1972
Evaluating Manpower Training Programs: Revisions Of Papers Originally Presented At The Conference On Evaluating Manpower Training Programs, Princeton University, May 1976, Farrell E. Bloch , editor, 1969
Evaluation And Management Of Infectious Vulvovaginitis, Gilles R.G. Monif , 1957
Evaluation Of Refractive Index Approximations Used For Mode Determination In Multiple Quantum Well Slab Waveguides, R. E. Smith; Lynne A. Molter , '79; and M. Dutta
Evaluative Affixes In Italian, Donna Jo Napoli and B. Reynolds
Evaluative And Descriptive Dimensions From Italian Personality Factors, L. Di Blas, M. Forz, and Dean Peabody
Evans's 'The Turducken' And Chekhov's 'The Seagull', Brian R. Johnson
Evdokiia Petrovna Rostopchina (23 December 1811 - 3 December 1858), Sibelan E.S. Forrester
Evenings At Five, Frances Halsband illustrator, 1965
Even Kakutani Equivalence And The Loose Block Independence Property For Positive Entropy Zᵈ Actions, Aimee S. A. Johnson and A. A. Şahin
Everybody's Business: A Field Guide To The 400 Leading Companies In America, Robert Levering , editor, 1966
"Every German Visitor Has A Volkisch Obligation He Must Fulfill": Nationalist Tourism In The Austrian Empire, 1880-1918, Pieter M. Judson , '78
Every Man Should Try: Adventures Of A Public Interest Activist, Jeremy J. Stone , 1957
Everything's Relative: And Other Fables From Science And Technology, Tony Rothman , 1975
Evidence For An Unusual Kinetic Phenomenon In The Metallation Of Porphyrins, F. González-Vílchez, R. A. Vilaplana, and Robert F. Pasternack
Evidence For A Supercritical ‘Transition’ To The Isotropic Phase In A Highly Chiral Liquid Crystal, Z. Kutnjak; C. W. Garland; John Loren Passmore , '94; and Peter J. Collings
Evidence For The Neural Crest Origin Of Turtle Plastron Bones, K. Clark; Günes Bender , '02; B. Patrick Murray , '01; Kristen A. Panfilio , '01; Stephen L. Cook , '04; Raquel E. Davis , '03; Katherine F. Murnen , '04; R. S. Tuan; and Scott F. Gilbert
Evidence That A Late-Emerging Population Of Trunk Neural Crest Cells Forms The Plastron Bones In The Turtle Trachemys Scripta, J. A. Cebra-Thomas; Erin A. Betters , '06; Melinda R.-L. Yin , '97; Callie E. Plafkin , '09; Kendra B. McDow , '07; and Scott F. Gilbert
EvoDevo And Niche Construction: Building Bridges, K. N. Laland, J. Odling-Smee, and Scott F. Gilbert
Evo-Devo, Devo-Evo, And Devgen-Popgen, Scott F. Gilbert
Evolution, Robert C. Bannister
Evolutionary Developmental Biology And Intelligent Design, Scott F. Gilbert
Evolutionism, Including Social Darwinism, Robert C. Bannister
Evolution Through Developmental Changes: How Alterations In Development Cause Evolutionary Changes In Anatomy, Scott F. Gilbert
Evolving Theories Of Public Budgeting, John A. Bartle , 1979
E Vuillard: Drawings, 1885-1930, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Examining The Social Landscapes Of Alternative Reproductive Strategies, Vincent A. Formica and E. M. Tuttle
Exceptional Language And Linguistics, Lise Menn , editor, 1962
Excitation Energy Dependence Of Fluorescence Intermittency In CdSe/ZnS Core-Shell Nanocrystals, Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch; Robert T. Mohr , '09; Thomas B. Emmons , '08; S. Wang; and M. Drndić
Exclusive Revolutionaries: Liberal Politics, Social Experience, And National Identity In The Austrian Empire, 1848-1914, Pieter M. Judson , '78
Existe Uma Distinção Relevante Entre Valores Cognitivos E Sociais?, Hugh Lacey
Expanding The Temporal Dimensions Of Developmental Biology: The Role Of Environmental Agents In Establishing Adult-Onset Phenotypes, Scott F. Gilbert
Experience And (Civic) Education, Ben Berger
Experience, Purpose, Pedagogy, And Theory: Ritual Activities In The Classroom, Mark I. Wallace
Experimental Evidence For Self-Similar Structures In The Aggregation Of Porphyrins In Aqueous Solutions, F. Mallamace, N. Micali, S. Trusso, L. M. Scolaro, A. Romeo, A. Terracina, and Robert F. Pasternack
Experimental Evidence Of Rapid Relaxation To Large-Scale Structures In Turbulent Fluids: Selective Decay And Maximal Entropy, Michael R. Brown
Experimental Mathematics, Alan Richard Baker
Experimental Neurobiology: A Laboratory Manual, Bruce Oakley , 1958
Experimental Observation Of Correlated Magnetic Reconnection And Alfvénic Ion Jets, Thomas W. Kornack , '98; Peter K. Sollins , '98; and Michael R. Brown
Experimental Observation Of Energetic Ions Accelerated By Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection In A Laboratory Plasma, Michael R. Brown; C. D. Cothran; Matthew Joseph Landreman , '03; David J. Schlossberg , '01; and W. H. Matthaeus
Experimental Organic Chemistry, David Todd , 1933
Experimentation In Social-Psychology: A Reappraisal, Kenneth J. Gergen
Experimentation With Human Beings The Authority Of The Investigator, Subject, Professions, And State In The Human Experimentation Process, Alexander Morgan Capron , 1966
Expert Performance By Athletes In The Verbal Estimation Of Spatial Extents Does Not Alter Their Perceptual Metric Of Space, Frank H. Durgin; Keenan R. Leonard-Solis , '12; Owen T. Masters , '12; Brittany P. Schmelz , '12; and Z. Li
Explaining African Economic Growth: The Role Of Anti-Growth Syndromes, A. K. Fosu and Stephen A. O'Connell
Explaining The Applicability Of Mathematics In Science, Alan Richard Baker
Explaining The Boom In Check-Cashing Outlets And Pawnshops, John P. Caskey
Explanatory Critique, Hugh Lacey
Explanatory Critique And Emancipatory Movements, Hugh Lacey
Exploiting Laboratory And Heliophysics Plasma Synergies, J. Dahlburg; W. Amatucci; Michael R. Brown; V. Chan; J. Chen; C. D. Cothran; D. Chua; R. Dahlburg; G. Doschek; J. Egedal; F. Cary; R. Howard; J. Huba; Y.-K. Ko; J. Krall; J. M. Laming; R. Lin; M. Linton; Vyacheslav S. Lukin , '00; R. Murphy; C. Rakowski; D. Socker; A. Tylka; A. Vourlidas; H. Warren; and B. Wood
Exploration And Contestation In The Study Of World Politics, Peter J. Katzenstein , editor, 1967
Explorations In Consciousness, Atala Dorothy Toy , 1963
Exploring And Reexploring Issues Of Integrality, Perceptual Sensitivity, And Dimensional Salience, Deborah G. Kemler Nelson
Exploring CTOS, Edna Ilyin Miller , 1969
Exploring Genetic Mechanisms, Maxine Singer , editor, 1952
Exploring Multishaft Design, Bonnie Inouye , 1969
Exploring The Postmodern: Perils Or Potentials?, Kenneth J. Gergen
Export Competitiveness And Development In LDCs, Stephen A. O'Connell; Stephen S. Golub; and Wexin Du , '08
Eye Infection, Robert Storr , 1972
Fabulous Voyager: James Joyce's Ulysses, Richard M. Kain , 1930
Facing Facts In El Salvador: Reconciliation Or War, Kenneth Evan Sharpe and M. Diskin
Facing Reality In Central America, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Factorization And Primality Testing, David M. Bressoud , 1971
Factors In Depression, Nathan Kline , 1939
Factors Influencing Self-Aggregation Tendencies Of Cationic Porphyrins In Aqueous Solution, K. Kano, K. Fukuda, H. Wakami, R. Nishiyabu, and Robert F. Pasternack
Factors Influencing Women's Participation In Consciousness-Raising Groups, D. Kravetz, Jeanne Marecek, and S. E. Finn
Facts And Artifacts In The Blinking Statistics Of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch; Orion E. Sauter , '11; X. Wu; Robert W. G. Purcell , '11; C. Querner; M. Drndić; and M. Pelton
Facts And Values, William Thomas Jones , 1931
Fact/Value Dichotomy, Hugh Lacey
Failing To Win: Perceptions Of Victory And Defeat In International Politics, D. D.P. Johnson and Dominic Tierney
Failure to Act, Regrets, and Why Inertia Can Be a Good Thing: Lessons on Choice From Barry Schwartz, K. Dunn and Barry Schwartz
Failure To Produce Response Variability With Reinforcement, Barry Schwartz
Faith, Courage, And Survival In A Time Of Trouble, France Juliard Pruitt , 1956
Faith Focus: The Rev. Dr. Nora Johnson, R. Kasley and Nora Johnson
Faith, Hope, And Parody, Ken Hechler , 1935
Fall From Fashion: Exhibition, May 23-September 26, 1993, The Aldrich Museum Of Contemporary Art, Richard Martin , 1967
Family And Civilization, C. C. Zimmerman and James Kurth
Family And Parent-Child Therapy, Jane Gillham
Family Composition And Consumption, Martin Heidenhain David , 1955
Family In Contemporary Egypt, Andrea B. Rugh , 1957
Family: New Work, David Swanger , 1962
Family Roles And Women's Mental Health, Jeanne Marecek and D. J. Ballou
Famine And Famine Relief: Viewing Africa In The 1980s From China In The 1920s, Lillian M. Li
"Famous" Fetuses In Rabbinic Literature, Gwynn Kessler
Far From Home: Poems, T. Alan Broughton , 1962
Farm Town: A Memoir Of The 1930's, J. W. McManigal , 1941
Far-Off-Resonant Ring Trap Near The Ends Of Optical Fibers, Frank Moscatelli, C. Sackett, S. Du, and E. Oh
Farwelliana: An Account Of The Life And Botanical Work Of Oliver Atkins Farwell, 1867-1944, Rogers McVaugh , 1931
Fast Fabulous Desserts, Jack Lirio , 1949
Fast Fourier Transform-Based Correlation Of Dna-Sequences Using Complex-Plane Encoding, Erik Allen Cheever , '82; G. C. Overton; and D. B. Searls
Fast High Resolution Echelle Spectroscopy Of A Laboratory Plasma, C. D. Cothran; Jerome Fung , '06; Michael R. Brown; and M. J. Schaffer
Fate Maps, Gene Expression Maps, And The Evidentiary Structure Of Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Scott F. Gilbert
Father Land: A Study Of Authoritarianism In The German Family, Bertram Schaffner , 1933
Fathers And Children: In Literature And Art, Charles Sullivan , 1955
Faulkner's Subject: A Cosmos No One Owns, Philip M. Weinstein
Favorite Subjects In Western Art, Alden L. Todd , 1939
FDR And The Spanish Civil War: Neutrality And Commitment In The Struggle That Divided America, Dominic Tierney
February, Nathalie Anderson
Federal Budget Deficits: America's Great Consumption Binge, Paul N. Courant , 1968
Federal Convicts, Numbers 1128 And 1129: College To Prison, Frederick Howard Richards , 1945
Federal Estate And Gift Taxation In A Nutshell, John K. McNulty , 1956
Federal Health Grants And Regional Health Politics, David G. Smith
Federal Income Taxation Of Individuals In A Nutshell, John K. McNulty , 1956
Federal Income Taxation Of S Corporations, John K. McNulty , 1956
Feeding China's One Billion: Perspectives From History, Lillian M. Li
Feeding Postures Of Suspension-Feeding Larval Black Flies: The Conflicting Demands Of Drag And Food Acquisition, D. D. Hart; Rachel Merz; Salvatore J. Genovese , '87; and B. D. Clark
Feeling A Little Bit Afraid, Jean Michener Nicholson , 1949 and Judy Nicholson Asselin , illustrator, 1975
Feeling A Little Bit Lonely, Jean Michener , 1949
Féis, Nathalie Anderson
Felt Boots (Valenki), Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Female Psychology: An Annotated Psychoanalytic Bibliography, Eleanor Schuker , editor, 1961
Female Spectator, Lesbian Specter: "The Haunting", Patricia White
Female Subjects In Black And White: Race, Psychoanalysis, Feminism, Elizabeth Abel , editor, 1967
Feminism And Film, Patricia White
Feminism and Poststructuralism: A Deleuzian Approach, Tamsin E. Lorraine
"Feminism And Psychology" Going Forward, C. Macleod, Jeanne Marecek, and R. Capdevila
Feminist Lines Of Flight From The Majoritarian Subject, Tamsin E. Lorraine
Feminist Theory, Feminist Psychology: A Bibliography Of Epistemology, Critical Analysis, And Applications, M. Crawford and Jeanne Marecek
Feminist Theory, U.S. American, Sunka Simon
Feminist Views Of Christianity: A Study Guide And Reader, Jennie B. Bull , 1967
Femtosecond Laser-Induced Formation Of Submicrometer Spikes On Silicon In Water, M. Y. Shen, Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch, J. E. Carey, and E. Mazur
Ferns Of Georgia, Rogers McVaugh , 1932
Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals: The 2004 Benjamin Franklin Medal In Physics Presented To Robert B. Meyer Of Brandeis University, Peter J. Collings
Fertilization Narratives In The Art Of Gustav Klimt, Diego Rivera And Frida Kahlo: Repression, Domination And Eros Among Cells, Scott F. Gilbert and S. Brauckmann
Festival De Théâtre Des Amériques: Montréal, 22 May - 8 June 2003, Allen J. Kuharski
Feudalism As An Economic System, Frederic L. Pryor
Fiddling Psychologists, Barry Schwartz
Field-Dependent Tilt And Birefringence Of Electroclinic Liquid Crystals: Theory And Experiment, J. V. Selinger, Peter J. Collings, and R. Shashidhar
Field Isotope Shifts In The 3p⁵4p-3p⁵5d 604.3 Nm Transition In Argon I, Frank Mosacatelli, D. E. Murnick, and R. B. Robinson
Field Work: Sites In Literary And Cultural Studies, Marjorie B. Garber , editor, 1966
Fighting Famine In North China: State, Market, And Environmental Decline, 1690s-1990s, Lillian M. Li
Fighting While Talking In Afghanistan, Dominic Tierney
Fighting Words: From War, Rebellion, And Other Combative Capers, Christine Parker Ammer , 1952
Fighting Words: Individuals, Communities, And Liberties Of Speech, Kent Greenawalt , 1958
Figures Of Resistance: Essays In Feminist Theory, Patricia White
Film And Video Festivals, Patricia White
Film Theory And Criticism: Introductory Readings, Leo Braudy , editor, 1963
Film Theory And Criticism: Introductory Readings, Leo Braudy , editor, 1963
Film Theory And Criticism: Introductory Readings, Leo Braudy , editor, 1963
Final Report, Stock Of Metapenaeus Affinis In Kuwait And Iraq Waters, Christopher P. Mathews , 1963
Final Victory: Taking Charge Of Your Life When You Know The End Is Near, Thomas A. Preston , 1955
Financial Exclusion In The United States, John P. Caskey
Financial Reporting And Changing Prices: A Review Of Empirical Research, Paul Frishkoff , 1960
Financing American Enterprise The Story Of Commercial Banking, Paul B. Trescott , 1949
Financing Business Enterprise, Weldon Welfling , 1933
Financing Medicaid: Federalism And The Growth Of America's Health Care Safety Net, Shanna Rose , 1997
Financing New York City, William Foote Whyte , 1933
Finding A Lazarus, Keith Reeves , '88
Finding A Mate For Evolution, Scott F. Gilbert
Finding Facts Fast: How To Find Out What You Want And Need To Know, Alden L. Todd , 1939
Finding Facts Fast: How To Find Out What You Want To Know Immediately, Alden L. Todd , 1937
Finding God In The Singing River: Christianity, Spirit, Nature, Mark I. Wallace
Fire In The Hills, Donna Jo Napoli
Fireweed And Other Poems, William H. Matchett , 1949
First Year Reports, Theodore Herman , 1935
Fiscal Policy, Philip N. Jefferson
Fishy Riddles, Lisa Wright Eisenberg , 1971
Fitness Consequences Of Social Network Position In A Wild Population Of Forked Fungus Beetles (Bolitotherus Cornutus), Vincent A. Formica; Corlett Wolfe Wood , '08; W. B. Larsen; R. E. Butterfield; Malcolm Elliot Augat , '09; Helen Yang Hougen , '10; and E. D. Brodie III
Fit To Serve: Reflections On A Secret Life, Private Struggle, And Public Battle To Become The First Openly Gay U.S. Ambassador, James C. Homel , 1955
Flamingo Dream, Donna Jo Napoli
Flannery O'Connor's Dark Comedies: The Limits Of Inference, Carol Schloss , 1968
Flight From The Quagmire, Kenneth J. Gergen
Floating Gardens, Nathalie Anderson
Flora Of Peru, Rogers McVaugh , 1931
Flora Of The Columbia County Area, New York, Rogers McVaugh , 1931
Flourishing And Its Enemies: The Ideology Of Self-Interest As Self-Fulfilling, Barry Schwartz
Flow Mediates Predator-Prey Interactions Between Triclad Flatworms And Larval Black Flies, Randi A. Hansen , '89; D. D. Hart; and Rachel Merz
Floyd Collins Of Sand Cave: A Photographic Memorial, William R. Halliday , 1946
Fluid And Kinetic Structure Of Magnetic Merging In The Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment, W. H. Matthaeus; C. D. Cothran; Matthew Joseph Landreman , '03; and Michael R. Brown
Fluorescence Blinking Statistics From CdSe Core And Core/Shell Nanorods, S. Wang; C. Querner; Thomas B. Emmons , '08; M. Drndic; and Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch
Flying Higher: A True Story, Morten S. Beyer , 1943
Focus On Shoot The Piano Player, Leo Braudy , editor, 1963
Folk Mythology, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Folk Religion, Yvonne Patricia Chireau
Folk Song, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Following Fred Astaire, Nathalie Anderson
Folon's Folons, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Food, Agriculture Policies And Famine: Implications For African International Relations, Raymond F. Hopkins
Food Aid And Policy-Based Lending To Africa: Dilemmas For States And Donors, Raymond F. Hopkins
Food Aid And Trade: An Assessment, Raymond F. Hopkins
Food Aid: Solution, Palliative, Or Danger For Africa's Food Crisis?, Raymond F. Hopkins
Food Crises And Global Warming: Critical Realism And The Need To Re-Institutionalize Science, Hugh Lacey and M. I. Lacey
Food In The Global Arena: Actors, Values, Policies, And Futures, Raymond F. Hopkins, R. L. Paarlberg, and M. B. Wallerstein
Food Policy In The United States: An Introduction, Parke Wilde , 1990
Food Policy-Making, Raymond F. Hopkins
Food, Politics, And Agricultural Development: Case Studies In The Public Policy Of Rural Modernization, Raymond F. Hopkins, D. J. Puchala, and R. B. Talbot
Food Security, Policy Options And The Evolution Of State Responsibility, Raymond F. Hopkins
Football How To Understand And Enjoy The Game, John M. Austin , 1948
For Better Politicians Lower Their Salaries, Barry Schwartz
Forces And Motion, Amy Lisa Graves
Foreword, Scott F. Gilbert
Foreword, Scott F. Gilbert
Foreword, Kenneth J. Gergen
Foreword, Kenneth J. Gergen
Foreword, Kenneth J. Gergen
Foreword, Kenneth J. Gergen
Foreword, Kenneth J. Gergen
Foreword For Regulation In The Fringe Economy Symposium, John P. Caskey
For Gerty Had Her Dreams That No-One Knew Of, Philip M. Weinstein
Forgiveness Or Fairness?, Krista Karbowski Thomason
Form, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Form And Content: An Aesthetic Theory Of Art, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Formation Kinetics Of Insulin-Based Amyloid Gels And The Effect Of Added Metalloporphyrins, Robert F. Pasternack; E. J. Gibbs; S. P. Sibley; L. Woodard; Peter H. Hutchinson , '00; Joseph C. Genereux , '01; and Kathleen E. Kristian , '04
Formation Of Supramolecules In Solution. Interaction Between Transition-Metal Complexes And Water-Soluble Porphyrins, R. A. Vilaplana, F. González-Vílchez, and Robert F. Pasternack
Formic Acid, Nathalie Anderson
Forming A New Congregation: The Uneasy Tension Between Freedom And Community, Barry Schwartz
Fort-Da, Nathalie Anderson
For The Love Of Venice, Donna Jo Napoli
Fortiter, Feliciter, Fideliter: Centennial Lectures Of The Graduate School Of The University Of Southwestern Louisiana, Lewis Pyenson , editor, 1969
Fortunes And Four More Plays, William L. Huganir , 1942
Fostering Human Well-Being And Respect For Nature, Hugh Lacey
Four-Stroke A Novel, Don Mitchell , 1969
Four Traditions: Women Of New York During The American Revolution, Linda Grant DePauw , 1961
Fra Filippo Lippi: Life And Work With A Complete Catalogue, Jeffrey Ruda , 1969
Fragile X Syndrome: Diagnosis, Treatment, And Research, Amy Cronister Silverman , editor, 1979
Fragments, Bernard Wagacha , 1973
Fragments Of The Spirit: Nature, Violence, And The Renewal Of Creation, Mark I. Wallace
France: French Empire To 1789, Robert S. DuPlessis
Francois VI, Duc De La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), Harold E. Pagliaro
Franklin, David Freeman Hawke , 1948
Franklin On Franklin, Paul M. Zall , 1948
Frank Mason North: His Social And Ecumenical Mission, Creighton Lacy , 1941
Freedom, Choice, And Well-Being, Barry Schwartz
Freedom, Choice, Wealth, And Welfare, Barry Schwartz
Freedom From Stress: How To Take Control Of Your Life, David Gamow , 1978 and Karen Gamow , 1979
Freedom of Religion: Bibles, Public Schools, And Philadelphia’s Bloody Riots Of 1844, Bruce Dorsey
Free For All: Joe Papp, The Public, And The Greatest Theater Story Ever Told, Kenneth Turan , 1967
Freemasonry In Indonesia From Radermacher To Soekanto, 1762-1961, Paul W. van der Veur , 1949
Freeware, Rudy Rucker , 1967
French, A Linguistic Introduction, Fred Jenkins , 1952
French, German, And Swiss Links In Pennsylvania: Descendants And Ancient Ancestors, Lewis Wesley Argo , 1957
Freud On The Acropolis: A Detective Story, Risto Fried , 1950
Friedman-Savage Utility Function In Cross-Cultural Perspective, Frederic L. Pryor
Friendly Havens For A Vague Alien, Ben Wolverton , 1947
Friends' Central School: 1845-1984, Clayton L. Farraday , 1935
Friends Everywhere, Donna Jo Napoli
Fringe Banking And The Rise Of Payday Lending, John P. Caskey
Fringe Banking: Check-Cashing Outlets, Pawnshops, And The Poor, John P. Caskey
From A Housewife's Diary, Janet Gay Nyholm , 1947
From Cezanne Through Picasso: 100 Drawings From The Collection Of The Museum Of Modern Art, New York, William S. Lieberman , 1943
From Chinese Exclusion To Guantánamo Bay: Plenary Power And The Prerogative State, Natsu Taylor Saito , 1977
From Control To Coconstruction: New Narratives For The Social Sciences, Kenneth J. Gergen
From Development To Evolution: The Re-Establishment Of The "Alexander Kowalevsky Medal", A. T. Mikhailov and Scott F. Gilbert
From Disordering Discourse To Transformative Dialogue, Kenneth J. Gergen
From Dream From Circumstance: New And Selected Poems, 1963-1983, Douglas Worth , 1962
From Epistemology To Aesthetics, Richard Thomas Eldridge
From Helplessness To Hope: The Seminal Career Of Martin Seligman, S. F. Maier, C. Peterson, and Barry Schwartz
From Identity To Relational Politics, Kenneth J. Gergen
From Moral Autonomy To Relational Responsibility, Kenneth J. Gergen
From Parody To Simulacrum: Japanese SF, Regionalism, And The Inauthentic In The Early Works Of Komatsu Sakyô And Tsutsui Yasutaka, William O. Gardner
From Prizes Of War To Domestic Merchandise: The Changing Face Of Slavery In Catalonia And Aragon, 1000-1300, Stephen P. Bensch
From Sad To Glad: Kline On Depression, Nathan Kline , 1939
From The Ends Of The Earth The Peoples Of Israel, Howard M. Sachar , 1947
From Voluntary To Relational Action: Responsibility In Question, Kenneth J. Gergen
Frontier Germans: The Invention Of The Sprachgrenze, Pieter M. Judson , '78
Frontiers, Islands, Forests, Stones: Mapping The Geography Of A German Identity In The Habsburg Monarchy, 1848-1900, Pieter M. Judson
Frontiers Of Modern Physics: New Perspectives On Cosmology, Relativity, Black Holes, And Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Tony Rothman , 1975
Frontiers Past And Future: Science Fiction And The American West, Carl Abbott , 1966
Frontier: The Definitive Guide, Matt Neuburg , 1975
Fruitcakes and Couch Potatoes, And Other Delicious Expressions, Christine Parker Ammer , 1952
Frustration Solitaire, P. G. Doyle, Charles M. Grinstead, and J. L. Snell
Functional Testing Of Aquatic Biota For Estimating Hazards Of Chemicals, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Fundamental Issues In Psychology, Michael Wetheimer , 1947
Fundamentals Of Biochemistry: Life At The Molecular Level, D. Voet, Judith G. Voet, and C. W. Pratt
Fundamentals Of Biochemistry: Life At The Molecular Level, Student Companion, D. Voet, Judith G. Voet, and C. W. Pratt
Fusion In The Era Of Burning Plasma Studies: Workforce Planning For 2004-2014, E. Thomas Jr., G. Morales, Michael R. Brown, T. Carter, D. Correll Jr., K. Gentle, A. Post-Zwicker, K. Schultz, D. Steiner, and E. Scime
Fusions Of Vibrio Fischeri Lux Genes To Escherichia Coli Stress Promoters: Detection Of Environmental Stress, T. K. Van Dyk, S. Belkin, Amy Cheng Vollmer, D. R. Smulski, T. R. Reed, and R. A. LaRossa
Future Fire: Weapons For The Apocalypse, Mariana Fitzpatrick , 1950
Futures And Options: Theory And Applications, Hans R. Stoll , 1966
Future Trends In Education Policy, Jane Newitt , 1955
Gallery Route One Presents: Twenty-One Artists From The Fellowship For Experimental Art...: April 29-May 30, 1988, Barbara J. Hazard , 1953
Gallstone movement during lithotripsy: mechanisms and effects on fragmentation, N. Vakil, E. Carr Everbach, and S. M. Gracewski
Ganymedes And Kings: Staging Male Homosexual Desire In The Winter's Tale, Nora Johnson
Gascon Register A (Series Of 1318-1319), George Peddy Cuttino , 1935
Gas in gallstones: quantitative determinations and possible effects on fragmentation by shock waves, N. Vakil and E. Carr Everbach
Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655), Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Gay and Lesbian Poetry In Our Time: An Anthology, Joan Moffitt Larkin , 1960
Gazelles, Nathalie Anderson
Gendai Heburaigo Jiten = Ha-Milon He-ḥadash ʻIvri-Yapani, Jindo Akira , editor, 1966
Gender And Political Economy: Incorporating Diversity Into Theory And Policy, Ellen Mutari , 1978
Gender And School Leadership: Using Case Studies To Challenge The Frameworks, Lisa Smulyan , 76
Gender And Text In Modern Hebrew And Yiddish Literature, Naomi B. Sokoloff , editor, 1975
Gender And The Evaluation Of Physicists, Amy Lisa Graves, E. Hoshino-Browne, and K. Lui
Gendered Citizenship: Alternative Narratives Of Political Incorporation In The United States, 1875-1925, Carol Nackenoff
Gender Goes Global: Women's Lives In Transnational Perspective, Jeanne Marecek
Gender In The Gym: Evaluation Concerns As Barriers To Women's Weight Lifting, Jessica A. Salvatore , '02 and Jeanne Marecek
Gender, Politics, And Psychology's Ways Of Knowing, Jeanne Marecek
Gender Roles In The Relationships Of Lesbians And Gay Men, Jeanne Marecek, S. E. Finn, and M. Cardell
Gene Expression Maps: The Cartography Of Transcription, Scott F. Gilbert
General Chemistry, Jean Blanchard Umland , 1945
Generalizability Theory: A Primer, Noreen M. Webb , 1973
Generalized Eigenproblem And Nonlinear Elliptic Equations With Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, Nsoki Mavinga
Generalized Ohm's Law In A 3-D Reconnection Experiment, C. D. Cothran; Matthew Joseph Landreman , '03; Michael R. Brown; and W. H. Matthaeus
Generalized Switching Properties Of Three-Guide Circular Fiber Arrays Using Coupled-Mode Analysis, David John Jones , '93 and Lynne Molter , '79
General Theory In Social Psychology, L. H. Strickland, F. Aboud, Kenneth J. Gergen, G. Jahoda, and H. Tajfel
Genes Classical And Genes Developmental: The Different Uses Of The Gene In Evolutionary Synthesis, Scott F. Gilbert
Genes, Judaism, And Western Ethics: Ethical Genius Or God's Voice, William I. Rosenblum , 1957
Genetic Counseling: Facts, Values, And Norms, Alexander Morgan Capron , 1966
Genetic Determinism: The Battle Between Scientific Data And Social Image In Contemporary Developmental Biology, Scott F. Gilbert
Genetics And Genetic Services: A Child Welfare Workers' Guide, Julia B. Rauch , 1957
Genetics In Primary Care and Clinical Medicine, Margretta Reed Seashore , 1961
Genotoxic Sensors, Amy Cheng Vollmer
Genotoxin Detection By Bacterial Strains Harboring recA'::lux Fusions, Y. Davidov, D. R. Smulski, T. K. Van Dyk, Amy Cheng Vollmer, R. A. LaRossa, and S. Belkin
Genre Profile: First-Person Shooting Games, Bob Rehak
Genus Och Kultur I Psykologi: Teorier Och TilläMpningar, E. Magnusson and Jeanne Marecek
Geometry, Relativity, And The Fourth Dimension, Rudy Rucker , 1967
George Beadle, An Uncommon Farmer: The Emergence Of Genetics In The 20th Century, Maxine Singer , 1952
George Cruikshank: A Revaluation, Robert L. Patten , editor, 1960
Geothermal Energy: Investment Decisions And Commercial Development, Peter D. Blair , 1973
Geriatric Home Health Care: The Collaboration Of Physicians, Nurses, And Social Workers, Philip Brickner , editor, 1950
German Art Of The Twentieth Century, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Germany And The Reemergence Of Mitteleuropa, James Kurth
Getting Back To Full Employment: A Better Bargain For Working People, Dean Baker , co-author, 1980
Getting Help: The Consumer's Guide To Therapy, Christine Parker Ammer , 1952
Getting Through The Wilderness: The Fuel Crisis, Global Warming, And The Hydrogen Frontier, Mary Ann Segal , 1962
Ghosts Of Ballots Past, Richard M. Valelly
Giorgio Armani: Images Of Man, Richard Martin , 1967
Girls, Boys, Books, Toys: Gender In Children's Literature And Culture, Beverly Lyon Clark , 1970
Give And Take, Donna Jo Napoli
Give God A Flower: Poems, Richard Cartwright Austin , editor, 1956
Gleanings: Essays 1982-2006, Christine Downing , 1952
Gli Studi Classici E Il Precario Raggiungimento Della "Rilevanza", Jeremy B. Lefkowitz
Global Dancing In Kolkata, Pallabi Chakravorty
Global Flows Of Women’s Cinema: Nadine Labaki And Female Authorship, Patricia White
Global Food Interdependence: Challenge To American Foreign Policy, Raymond F. Hopkins and D. J. Puchala
Globalization And Governance, Jeffrey A. Hart , 1969
Globally Networked Teaching In The Humanities: Theories And Practices, A. S. Moore and Sunka Simon
Global Management Networks: The Internationalization Of Domestic Bureaucracies, Raymond F. Hopkins
Global Organization And The Potential For Ethical Inspiration, Kenneth J. Gergen
Global Organization: From Imperialism To Ethical Vision, Kenneth J. Gergen
Global Precedence In Visual Search? Not So Fast: Evidence Instead For An Oblique Effect, Frank H. Durgin and Sarah E. Wolfe , '97
Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, And Sex Workers In The New Economy, Arlie Russell Hochschild , 1962
Gnostic Novel Of Mikhail Bulgakov: Sources And Exegesis, George Krugovoy
Goals And Objectives For Developing Normal Movement Patterns: A Manual Of Gross Motor Behavior Objectives, With An Emphasis On The Quality Of Movement, Julie Biddle Zimmerman , 1968
God Bless Our Aunts, Rachel Meisenhelder , 1938
God Did Not Curse The Serpent: She Is Love: To The Glory And Praise Of God The Giver, Roberts C. Smith , 1963
God Is Underfoot: Pneumatology After Derrida, Mark I. Wallace
Gods In Our Midst: Mythological Images Of The Masculine: A Woman's View, Christine Downing , 1952
God's Last Offer: Negotiating For A Sustainable Future, Ed Ayres , 1963
God's Word In Culture, Elena Scott Whiteside , 1959
Going Back: An Ex-Marine Returns To Vietnam, William Daniel Ehrhart , 1973
“Going To Hell” Is A Relative Matter, Barry Schwartz
Going To Law School?: Readings On A Legal Career, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., 1953
Going To Sleep On Purpose, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Gombrowicz and Company, Allen J. Kuharski
Gombrowicz and Faust, Allen J. Kuharski
Gombrowicz In Berkeley, Allen J. Kuharski
Gone Boy: A Walkabout, Gregory Gibson , 1967
Good Goodbyes: Knowing How To End In Psychotherapy And Psychoanalysis, Kerry Kelly Novick , co-author, 1964
Good Offense Vs. Poor Defense: The 2007 Women’s World Cup, Philip J. Everson
Good Shelter: A Guide To Mobile, Modular, And Prefabricated Houses, Including Domes, Judith Rabb , 1962
Gordon Gammack, Columns From Three Wars, Andrea Clardy , editor, 1965
Governing Lesbian Desire: Nocturne’s Oedipal Fantasy, Patricia White
Government Agencies Of Consumer Installment Credit, Joseph David Coppock , 1933
Government Contract Disputes, Peter S. Latham , 1962
Government Policies, Smuggling, And The Informal Sector, Stephen S. Golub
Governments Under Fire: Civil Conflict And Imperialism, William Eckhardt , 1953
Governors Island: The Jewel Of New York Harbor, Ann L. Buttenwieser , 1957
Gracie The Pixie Of The Puddle, Donna Jo Napoli
Gradual Assembly Of Avian Body Plan Culminated In Rapid Rates Of Evolution Across Dinosaur-Bird Transition, S. L. Brusatte, G. T. Lloyd, Steve C. Wang, and M. A. Norell
Graduate Student Forum, Sibelan E. S. Forrester
Grain Prices In Zhili, 1738-1910: A Preliminary Study, Lillian M. Li
Grand, Nathalie Anderson
Grand Finales: Desserts And Sweets Flavored With Liqueurs, Rums, And Brandies, Dick Taeuber , 1953
Grandpa's Poems, John Oliver Simon , 1964
Grandpa's Syllables, John Oliver Simon , 1964
Grand Traité De L'Orchestration Et D'Orchestration Modernes, Peter Bloom , editor, 1965
Granma Nineteen And The Soviet's Secret, Stephen Henighan , translator, 1984
Great Awakening, Bruce Dorsey
Greater Washington Area Bicycle Atlas, Ken Moskowitz , editor, 1976
Great Film Directors: A Critical Anthology, Leo Braudy , editor, 1963
Green Christianity, Mark I. Wallace
Green Christianity: Five Ways To A Sustainable Future, Mark I. Wallace
Group Dynamics, Research And Theory, Dorwin Cartwright , editor, 1938
Growth And Fluctuations Of Production In O.E.C.D. And East European Countries, Frederic L. Pryor
Growth Deceleration And Transaction Costs: A Note, Frederic L. Pryor
Guardian Of Love, Elsie Lee , 1933
Guardians Of The Nation: Activists On The Language Frontiers Of Imperial Austria, Pieter M. Judson , '78
Guarding Beijing's Food Security In The Qing Dynasty: State, Market, And Police, Lillian M. Li and A. Dray-Novey
Guideposts For Banking Expansion, Gavin Spofford , 1948
Guide To State Environmental Programs, Deborah Hitchcock Jessup , 1956
Guilt and Child Soldiers, Krista Karbowski Thomason
Guilt And Its Vicissitudes: Psychoanalytic Reflections On Morality, Judith Markham Hughes , 1962
Gulliver’s Troubles: Great Powers And Failed States, Dominic Tierney
Gwendolyn, Ruth Helm , 1932
Gwen John: An Interior Life, Cecily Langdale , 1961
Gwen John: With A Catalogue Raisonné Of The Paintings And A Selection Of The Drawings, Cecily Langdale , 1961
G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831), Richard Thomas Eldridge
Gymnophobia, Nathalie Anderson
Gypsy Gold, Valerie Worth Bahlke , 1955
Há Alternativas Ao Uso Dos Transgênicos?, Hugh Lacey
Habituation Of Mealworm Pupae, Tenebio-Molitor Coleoptera-Tenebrionidae, J. C. Somberg, G. M. Happ, and Allen M. Schneider
Hagiophobia: Fear Of Saints, Nathalie Anderson
Haiti: The Politics Of Squalor, Christopher K. Clague , 1960
Handbook Of Ecotoxicology, John Cairns Jr. , editor, 1947
Handbook Of Liquid Crystal Research, Peter J. Collings and J. S. Patel
Handbook Of Liquid Crystals, J. W. Goodby, Peter J. Collings, T. Kato, C. Tschierske, H. F. Gleeson, and P. Raynes
Handbook Of Low Temperature Electronic Spectra Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Jacques Joussot-Dubien , 1949
Handbook Of Mathematical Psychology, Eugene Galanter , editor, 1950
Handbook Of Socialization Theory And Research, David A. Goslin , 1958
Handel And His World, H. C. Robbins Landon , 1946
Handel, Messiah, And The Jews, Michael Marissen
Hands And Hearts: With 15 Words In American Sign Language, Donna Jo Napoli and A. J. Bates
Handy Stories To Read And Sign, Donna Jo Napoli
Hanging Together: The Seven-Power Summits, Robert Putnam , 1963
Hang In There, Donna Jo Napoli
Hannah Cowley, Gender Identity, And A Bold Stroke For A Husband, Betsy Bolton
Hansard, Thomas Curson (1776-1833), Rachel Sagner Buurma
Happiness And Economic Systems, Frederic L. Pryor
Happy Birthday, Bach, Peter Schickele , 1957
Happy Holidays, Donna Jo Napoli
Happy In An Ordinary Thing, John Ridland , 1953
Hard Disk Secrets, John M. Goodman , 1960
Harold A. Goolishian (1924–1991): Obituary, S. H. McDanial and Kenneth J. Gergen
Harper's Dictionary Of Music, Christine Parker Ammer , 1952
Harper's University: The Beginnings A History Of The University Of Chicago, Richard J. Storr , 1937
Harrison, Wittgenstein, Donne, And The Powers Of Literary Art, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Harvard Guide To Contemporary American Writing, Leo Braudy , 1963
Harvest Of Blossoms: Poems From A Life Cut Short, Irene Silverblatt , editor, 1970 and Helene Silverblatt , editor, 1970
Has Feminism Changed Physics?, Amy Lisa Graves
Hattie: A Woman's Mission To Burma, Joan W. Swift , 1940
Hauntings, Nathalie Anderson
Haute Couture, Richard Martin , 1967
Have A Nice Day - No Problem!: A Dictionary Of Cliches, Christine Parker Ammer , 1952
Haydn, A Documentary Study, H. C. Robbins Landon , 1946
Haydn Symphonies, H. C. Robbins Landon , 1946
H.C. Westermann, Robert Storr , 1972
Head Injury: Basic And Clinical Aspects, Robert G. Grossman , 1953
Heads Against The Wall, Kenneth J. Gergen
Healing By Heart: Clinical And Ethical Case Stories Of Hmong Families And Western Providers, Mary M. Solberg , editor, 1968
Healing The Split: The Collected Essays Of Marc Elihu Hofstadter, Marc Elihu Hofstadter , 1967
Health And Disease: Latin America, Diego Armus and S. Palmer
Health And Identity In Egypt, H. Sholkamy and Farha Ghannam
Health Care, Ruth Rand Kolman , 1956
Health Care Of Homeless People, Philip Brickner , editor, 1950
Health Centers And Community Needs, Mariana Robinson , 1931
Heartland Views: Columns And Articles From The Ames Daily Tribune, 1976-1979, Andrea Clardy , 1965
Hearts And Bonds: Resisting Classification And Closure, M. S. Stroebe, M. M. Gergen, Kenneth J. Gergen, and W. Stroebe
"He Come And Spoke For Me": Scripting Lucas Beauchamp's Three Lives, Philip M. Weinstein
Hegel On Music, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Hegel’s Account Of The Unconscious And Why It Matters, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Hegel, Schiller, And Hölderlin On Art And Life, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Helen And The Hudson Hornet, Nancy Hope Wilson , 1969
Helmet Of The Wind Poems, Nancy Cardozo , 1940
Helping Children Left Behind: State Aid And The Pursuit Of Educational Equity, John Yinger , editor, 1969
Helping Your Child Sleep Through The Night, Joanne Cuthbertson , 1971
Helplessness, Illusions, And Depression: Final Comment, Barry Schwartz
Henri Matisse, William S. Lieberman , 1943
Henry Fielding: A Literary Life, Harold E. Pagliaro
Here Is My Kingdom: Hispanic-American Literature And Art For Young People, Charles Sullivan , 1955
Hermeneutics Of Personality Description, Kenneth J. Gergen, A. Hepburn, and D. C. Fisher
Hermit Points On A Box, R. Hess, Charles M. Grinstead, M. Grinstead, and Deborah J. Bergstrand
Herodotus, Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Herodotus, Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Herodotus And The Heroic Age: The Case Of Minos, Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Hero Of The Rhine: The Karl Timmermann Story, Ken Hechler , 1935
Hero-Surfing, Anne Sheldon , 1967
Hickory, Palmer Brown , 1941
Hidden, Donna Jo Napoli
Hidden Attributes And The Display Of Information In Multiobjective Analysis, D. A. Schilling, Arthur E. McGarity, and C. S. ReVelle
Hidden Buddhas: A Novel Of Karma And Chaos, Liza Dalby , 1972
Hidden In Plain Sight: Profiles Of Fresno's Unsung Progressive Activists, Richard Stone , 1965
Hidden Secrets Of The Self : E.T.A. Hoffmann's Reading Of Don Giovanni, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Hidden Traditions: Black Religion, Magic And Alternative Spiritual Beliefs In Womanist Perspective, Yvonne Patricia Chireau
High Cotton: Four Seasons In The Mississippi Delta, Gerald Helferich , 1976
High-Density Regular Arrays Of Nanometer-Scale Rods Formed On Silicon Surfaces Via Femtosecond Laser Irradiation In Water, M. Y. Shen, J. E. Carey, Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch, M. Kandyla, H. A. Stone, and E. Mazur
Higher-Yielding Human Systems For Agriculture, William Foote Whyte , 1939
High Pressure Optical Measurements On BP III And The Isotropic Phase Of A Highly Chiral Liquid Crystal, J. Hollmann, P. Pollmann, and Peter J. Collings
High-Resolution Measurements Of The Specific Absorption Rate Produced By Small Antennas In Lossy Media, M. S. Mirotznik; Erik Allen Cheever , '82; and K. R. Foster
Hippie Artifacts: Mind-Blowing Stuff To Collect, Gary Moss , 1970
Hispano Homesteaders: The Last New Mexico Pioneers, 1850-1910, F. Harlan Flint , 1952
Historia, Kultur Och Politik, Jeanne Marecek
Historia Natural Y Moral De Las Indias, Barbara G. Beddall , 1941
Historically Informed Rendering Of The Librettos From Bach's Church Cantatas, Michael Marissen
Historical Studies In The Physical Sciences, Lewis Pyenson , editor, 1969
Historical Truth And Lies About The Past: Reflections On Dewey, Dreyfus, De Man, And Reagan, Alan B. Spitzer , 1948
Historiographical Reflections On Health And Medicine In Latin America: A Conversation With Diego Armus, S. Palmer and Diego Armus
Historiography: Medieval European And Mediterranean Slavery, Stephen P. Bensch
History And Psychology: Three Weddings And A Future, Kenneth J. Gergen
History Of Biology At Swarthmore College, Anne Matthews Rawson , 1950
History Of Health And Disease In Modern Latin America, Diego Armus
History Of Japanese Art, Penelope E. Mason , 1957
History Of Social Psychology: Insights, Challenges, And Contributions To Theory And Application, L. Ross, M. Lepper, and Andrew Ward
History Of The Cuttino Family, George Peddy Cuttino , 1935
History Vs. (Epistemological) Theory, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Hitchcock And Hom(m)osexuality, Patricia White
Hmong Means Free: Life In Laos And America, Sucheng Chan , editor, 1963
Ho And The Other Kherwarian Languages, G. D. S. Anderson, T. Osada, and K. David Harrison
Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Hölderlin's Ethical Thinking: "The Process Of The Actual" In "Heidelberg", Richard Thomas Eldridge
‘Holding’ And ‘Endorsing’ Claims In The Course Of Scientific Activities, Hugh Lacey
Home And Away: A Novel, Peter Filene , 1960
Homeotropic Alignment Of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals Using Noncovalent Interactions, J. Jeong, G. Han, A. T. C. Johnson, Peter J. Collings, T. C. Lubensky, and A G. Yodh
Home Remedies, Ruth Ellenbogen Flaxman , 1957
Homer's Sun Still Shines: Ancient Greece In Essays, Poems And Translations, Charles A. Miller , editor, 1959
Home to School: Numeracy Practices and Mathematical Identities, Diane Downer Anderson and E. Gold
Homework Assignments By Computer Mail, Stephen B. Maurer
Homologies Of Process, Scott F. Gilbert
Homologies Of Process And Modular Elements Of Embryonic Construction, Scott F. Gilbert and J. A. Bolker
Homologies Of Process: Modular Elements Of Embryonic Construction, Scott F. Gilbert
Hooded Americanism The First Century Of The Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1965, David M. Chalmers , 1949
Hooded Americanism: The History Of The Ku Klux Klan, David M. Chalmers , 1949
Hope For The Land: Nature In The Bible, Richard Cartwright Austin , 1956
Hostile Witness: A Novel, William Lashner , 1979
Hotel Jungle, Donna Jo Napoli
House Of Peace: Poems, Marc Elihu Hofstadter , 1967
Housework: Poems, Joan Moffitt Larkin , 1960
Howard A. Schneiderman: A Brief Autobiography, Howard A. Schneiderman , 1948
How Can Tragedy Matter For Us?, Richard Thomas Eldridge
How Cells Learn, How Cells Teach: Induction And Education In The Body, Scott F. Gilbert and S. Borish
How Children And Adults Name Broken Objects: Inferences And Reasoning About Design Intentions In The Categorization Of Artifacts, Deborah G. Kemler Nelson; Lindsay Noel Herron , '00; and Catherine Morris , '00
How Cities Won The West: Four Centuries Of Urban Change In Western North America, Carl Abbott , 1966
How Do Parents Respond To Children's Questions About The Identity Of Artifacts?, Deborah G. Kemler Nelson and Kelly Ann O'Neil , '05
How Do We Teach Religion?, Donald K. Swearer
How Hungry Are You?, Donna Jo Napoli and A. Walrod
How Movies Think: Cavell On Film As A Medium Of Art, Richard Thomas Eldridge
How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?, R. Sutton-Spence and Donna Jo Napoli
How Not To Fight Drugs: Clinton Only Gives Lip Service To Treating Abusers, Eva Bertram , '86 and Kenneth Evan Sharpe
How The Turtle Forms Its Shell: A Paracrine Hypothesis Of Carapace Formation, J. A. Cebra-Thomas; Fraser E. Tan , '04; Seeta A. Sistla , '04; Eileen M. Estes , '02; Günes Bender , '02; C. Kim; Paul N. Riccio , '05; and Scott F. Gilbert
How The Turtle Gets Its Shell, Scott F. Gilbert, J. A. Cebra-Thomas, and A. C. Burke
How The US Can Really Help In El Salvador, Kenneth Evan Sharpe and M. J. Blachman
How The U.S. Fights Its Wars, I. Tharoor and Dominic Tierney
How To Break 100: Golfing Shortcuts The Pros Don't Teach You, Steve Mucha , 1949
How To Get Money For Research, Mary Rubin , 1979
How To Make Food Work, Raymond F. Hopkins
How To Write Your Own Memoirs (Plus Where To Get Help If You Need It), Elena Scott Whiteside , 1959
How We Fight: Crusades, Quagmires, And The American Way Of War, Dominic Tierney
Huabei De Liangjia Yu Jihuang, Lillian M. Li
Hubert's Freaks: The Rare-Book Dealer, The Times Square Talker, And The Lost Photos Of Diane Arbus, Gregory Gibson , 1967
Huganir's Seven Best Plays, William L. Huganir , 1942
"Human Beings Don't Know How To Use These Homes Of Theirs:" Strategies Of Poetic Dramatization In "The Master Builder", Richard Thomas Eldridge
Human Longevity, David W.E. Smith , 1956
“Human Nature” Is Often The Product Of Nurture, Barry Schwartz
Human Relations In The Restaurant Industry, William Foote Whyte , 1936
Humans Have Precise Knowledge Of Familiar Geographical Slants, Anthony Stigliani , '12; Z. Li; and Frank H. Durgin
Humans In Nature: The World As We Find It And The World As We Create It, Gregory E. Kaebnick , 1986
Human Values In Critical Care Medicine, Stuart J. Younger , 1966
Human Well-Being And Economic Goals, Frank Ackerman , editor, 1967
Humboldt's Cosmos: Alexander Von Humboldt And The Latin American Journey That Changed The Way We See The World, Gerard Helferich , 1976
Humor, Michael John Reay
Hungry For Light: The Journal Of Ethel Schwabacher, Brenda Schwabacher Webster , editor, 1958
Hungry Start-Up Strategy: Creating New Ventures With Limited Resources And Unlimited Vision, Peter S. Cohan , 1973
Hurry Home, Grandma!, Arielle North Olson , 1953
Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale, Donna Jo Napoli
Hydra Of Carnage: The International Linkages Of Terrorism And Other Low-Intensity Operations: The Witnesses Speak, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., 1956
Hypertension Essentials: Current Concepts Of Cause And Control, Theodore L. Goodfriend , 1953
Hypocrisy For Nicaragua, Kenneth Evan Sharpe
Hypostasizing The Buddha: Buddha Image Consecration In Northern Thailand, Donald K. Swearer
Hypotheses, Criterial Claims, And Perspicuous Representations: Wittgenstein's 'Remarks On Frazer's "The Golden Bough"', Richard Thomas Eldridge
‘I Always Turn It On Super’: User Decisions About When And How To Operate Room Air Conditioners, W. Kempton, D. Feuermann, and Arthur E. McGarity
I. A. Richards' Theory Of Literature, Jerome P. Schiller , 1955
Ibādah, Tariq Al-Jamil
Ibādah, Tariq Al-Jamil
Ibn Taymiyya And Ibn Al-Mutahhar Al-Hilli: Shi'i Polemics And The Struggle For Religious Authority In Medieval Islam, Tariq Al-Jamil
Ida Applebroog: Bilder, Robert Storr , 1972
Idealism In 19th Century British And American Literature, Richard Thomas Eldridge
Ideal Marriage: A Novel, Peter Friedman , 1958
Identification Guide To North American Birds: A Compendium Of Information On Identifying, Ageing, And Sexing "Near-Passerines" And Passerines In The Hand, Peter Pyle , 1979
Identification Guide To North American Passerines: A Compendium Of Information On Identifying, Ageing, And Sexing Passerines In The Hand, Peter Pyle , 1979
Identification Of A Cellulose Synthase-Associated Protein Required For Cellulose Biosynthesis, Y. Gu, Nicholas J. Kaplinsky, M. Bringmann, A. Cobb, A. Carroll, A. Sampathkumar, T. I. Baskin, S. Persson, and C. R. Somerville
Identifying Heterogeneity In Rates Of Morphological Evolution: Discrete Character Change In The Evolution Of Lungfish (Sarcopterygii; Dipnoi), G. T. Lloyd, Steve C. Wang, and S. L. Brusatte
Identity And Improvisation: Backstage In The Theater Of Jan Kott, Allen J. Kuharski
Identity Formation In Nonviolent Struggles, Lee A. Smithey
"I Drank It To Put An End To Me": Narrating Girls' Suicide And Self-Harm In Sri Lanka, Jeanne Marecek and C. Senadheera
I'd Rather Be Wright: Memoirs Of An Itinerant Tackle, Kenneth Turan , 1967