Browse the French & Francophone Studies Collections by Author or Creator
Jean-Vincent Blanchard, French & Francophone Studies
Alexandra Gueydan-Turek, French & Francophone Studies
Jean Ashmead Perkins, French & Francophone Studies
Micheline Rice-Maximin, French & Francophone Studies
Robert Roza, French & Francophone Studies
Marshall Smith, French & Francophone Studies
Francis P. Tafoya, French & Francophone Studies
Carina Yervasi, French & Francophone Studies
Submissions from 2019
Introduction: De La Case À La Gouttière: La Bande Dessinée D'Expression Française Et Ses Marges, Nouvelles Études Francophones, C. Calargé and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Unreading Beirut In The Age Of Disaster Capitalism: Jorj Abou Mhaya’s "Madinah Mujawirah Lil Ard", Journal Of Graphic Novels And Comics, C. Calargé and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Le Collectif Samandal Récompensé Au Festival D'Angoulême, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Le Renouveau De La Bande Dessinée Maghrébine Contemporaine: Vers Une Éthique Relationnelle1, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Assia Djebar Et La Transgression Des Limites Linguistiques, Littéraires Et Culturelles" Edited By W. Asholt And L. Gauvin and "Approaches To Teaching The Works Of Assia Djebar" Edited By A. Donadey, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Entretien Avec Nawel Louerrad, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek and N. Louerrad
Submissions from 2018
Afrique Du Nord Et Mashreq, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Penser L’Échange Artistique Franco-Algérien: La Bande Dessinée "Alger–Marseille: Allers-Retours" De Nawel Louerrad Et Benoît Guillaume, Et Le Musée Du MuCEM, Nottingham French Studies, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Maroc: La Guerre Des langues?" By Y. Adnan Et Al., Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Writing After Postcolonialism: Francophone North African Literature In Transition" By J. Hiddleston, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Youth And Média-Engagé: Is This West Africa’s Heterolinguistic Cinéma-Monde?, Cinema-Monde: Decentred Perspectives On Global Filmmaking In French, Carina Yervasi
Submissions from 2017
At The Edge Of The World: The Heroic Century Of The French Foreign Legion, At The Edge Of The World: The Heroic Century Of The French Foreign Legion, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Review Of "L’Âge Classique Et Les Lumières" By A. Viala, French Review, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
De La Fabrique Du Réel (Apocalyptique) Dans La Bande Dessinée Beyrouth Bye Bye... De Barrack Rima, International Journal Of Francophone Studies, C. Calargé and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Des Féminismes Du Sud Dans "Bilqiss" De Saphia Azzeddine, Expressions Maghrébines, C. Calargé and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Je N'Ai Qu'Une Langue, Ce N'Est Pas La Mienne: Des Écrivains À L'Épreuve" By K. Harchi, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Submissions from 2016
Review Of "Dictionnaire Richelieu" Edited By F. Hildesheimer And D. Harai, H-France Review, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Figure Of An Anartist: Keeping Local Francophone Literature Engaged With Mustapha Benfodil's Literature-Action, Contemporary French And Francophone Studies, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Perspectives Européennes Des Études Littéraires Francophones" By C. Coste And D. Lançon, French Review, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Afrique Subsaharienne, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek and Carina Yervasi
Submissions from 2015
Afrique Du Nord, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Cave Culture In Maghrebi Literature" By C. Jones, French Review, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Libération Sexuelle Ou Aliénation Textuelle: La Subalterne Peut-Elle Parler De Son Corps, Présence Francophone, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek and C. Calargé
Re-Envisioning Diasporas In The Globally Connected Classroom, Globally Networked Teaching In The Humanities: Theories And Practices, Sunka Simon and Carina Yervasi
Submissions from 2014
Beyond Belief: Sovereignty And The Spectacle Of Martyrdom In Early Modern France, Seventeenth-Century French Studies, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
La Guerre Du Liban À/Et L'Écran Des Souvenirs Dans: "Le Jeu Des Hirondelles" Et "Je Me Souviens Beyrouth" De Zeina Abirached, French Cultural Studies, C. Calargé and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Afrique Du Nord, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Cute Girls, Tough Boys: Performing Gender In Algerian Manga, European Comic Art, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
En Mal D’Archives Franco-Algériennes: Le Cas Des "Algéries En France" De Leïla Sebbar, Nouvelles Etudes Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Le Rouge Aux Joues: Virginités, Interdits Sexuels Et Rapport De Genre Au Maghreb" By I. Charpentier, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Les Écrivains Maghrébins Francophones Et L’Islam—Constance Dans La Diversité" By N. Redouane, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Les Prémices Littéraires Des Révolutions Arabes—Yasmina Khadra, Assia Djebar, Abdellah Taïa" By S. P. El Maarouf, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Translation Of "Golden Bullets" By G. Tirolien, Golden Bullets, G. Tirolien; Micheline Rice-Maximin , translator; R. Sale , translator; and A. Gionet , translator
Submissions from 2013
De Quoi Donner Une Jaunisse À Richelieu: Autour D’Une Lettre De Descartes À Guez De Balzac, Littératures Classiques, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Review Of "Screens And Veils: Maghrebi Women's Cinema" By F. Martin, Research In African Literatures, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
The Rise Of Dz-Manga In Algeria: Glocalization And The Emergence Of A New Transnational Voice, Journal Of Graphic Novels And Comics, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Submissions from 2012
La Description Des Grandes Cascades De La Maison Royale De Saint-Cloud, Corps Et Interprétation (XVIe-XVIIIe Siècles), Jean-Vincent Blanchard
La Circulation Transculturelle Du Texte Littéraire: Stratégies Éditoriales Et Représentations Des Auteures Algériennes, Le Livre, "Produit Culturel"?: Politiques Éditoriales, Stratégies De Librairie Et Mutations De L'Objet De L'Invention De L'Imprimé À La Révolution Numérique, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Submissions from 2011
Éminence: Cardinal Richelieu And The Rise Of France, Éminence: Cardinal Richelieu And The Rise Of France, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
The 10 Best French Villains, Huffington Post Blog, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
"Homeland Beyond Homelands": Reinventing Algeria Through A Transnational Literary Community: Assia Djebar's "Le Blanc De L'Algérie", Cincinnati Romance Review, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Review Of "Dialogues Francophones, Nº 16" Edited By A. Gheorghiu, Women In French Studies, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Visions Of Odalisques: Orientalism And Conspicuous Consumption In Leila Sebbar's "Le Peintre Et Son Modele" (2007), Research In African Literatures, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Submissions from 2010
Review Of "Théâtres Des Antilles: Traditions Et Scènes Contemporaines" By S. Bérard, Journal Of Haitian Studies, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Submissions from 2009
Claude-François Ménestrier And The "Querelle Des Monuments", Papers On French Seventeenth Century Literature, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Dies Irae: Le Coup D'État De Louis XIII, Les Pamphlets Et L'Institution Du Public, Littératures Classiques, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Crossing Borders: The Limits Of Negotiations In Mouloud Mammeri's "La Traversee", Contemporary French And Francophone Studies, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek
Submissions from 2008
Entretien Avec Véronique Tadjo, Écrivaine Ivoirienne, French Review, Micheline Rice-Maximin and K. Anyinefa
Anti-Colonial Resistance In The Former Belgian Colonies, A Historical Companion To Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe And Its Empires, Carina Yervasi
"Ouaga Saga," Magical Realism, And Postcolonial Politics, Research In African Literatures, Carina Yervasi
Patrice Émery Lumumba, A Historical Companion To Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe And Its Empires, Carina Yervasi
Submissions from 2007
Film, Gender and Eroticism: Section I, History Of, Encyclopedia Of Sex And Gender, Carina Yervasi
Submissions from 2006
Condé, Maryse: February 11, 1937, Encyclopedia Of African-American Culture And History: The Black Experience In The Americas, Micheline Rice-Maximin and L. Moudileno
Submissions from 2005
L'Optique Du Discours Au XVIIe Siècle: De La Rhètorique Des Jésuites Au Style De La Raison Moderne (Descartes, Pascal), L'Optique Du Discours Au XVIIe Siècle: De La Rhètorique Des Jésuites Au Style De La Raison Moderne (Descartes, Pascal), Jean-Vincent Blanchard
L'Invraisemblance Du Pouvoir: Mises En Scène De La Souveraineté Au XVIIe Siècle, L'Invraisemblance Du Pouvoir: Mises En Scène De La Souveraineté Au XVIIe Siècle, Jean-Vincent Blanchard and H. Visentin
African Film, Comedy: A Geographic And Historical Guide, Carina Yervasi
Green, Julien Hartridge (1900-1998), France And The Americas: Culture, Politics, And History, Carina Yervasi
Submissions from 2003
Dominique Bouhours (15 May 1628 - 27 May 1702), Seventeenth-Century French Writers, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (27 September 1627 - 12 April 1704), Seventeenth-Century French Writers, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Postcolonial Courtiers: Performing French Classicism From Versailles To Nouvelle-France, Postcolonial Moves: Medieval Through Modern, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Dambury, Gerty (1957– ), Oxford Encyclopedia Of Theatre And Performance, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Gwoka, Oxford Encyclopedia Of Theatre And Performance, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Quadrille, Oxford Encyclopedia Of Theatre And Performance, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Schwarz-Bart, Simone (1938- ), Oxford Encyclopedia Of Theatre And Performance, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Submissions from 2002
Conversation And The Genealogy Of Recognition, Rethinking Cultural Studies 2: Exemplary Essays, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Desargues, Girard (1591-1661), Absolutism And The Scientific Revolution: 1600-1720: An Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionary, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Descartes, René (1596-1650), Absolutism And The Scientific Revolution: 1600-1720: An Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionary, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655), Absolutism And The Scientific Revolution: 1600-1720: An Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionary, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Mersenne, Marin (1588-1648), Absolutism And The Scientific Revolution: 1600-1720: An Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionary, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Submissions from 2001
Atlantic Cross-Currents: Transatlantiques, Atlantic Cross-Currents: Transatlantiques, S. Z. Andrade, E. Julien, Micheline Rice-Maximin, and A. Songolo
Architecture Et Rhetorique Politique: Du Recit D'Entrée Royale A La Promenade De Versailles, Dix-Septième Siècle, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Entre Fiction Et Réalité: Contrôle Et Résistance Dans "Laissez Brûler Laventurcia" De Xavier Orville, Atlantic Cross-Currents: Transatlantiques, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Submissions from 2000
Optique Et Rhétorique Au XVIIe Siècle: De L'Ekphrasis Jésuite Au Fragment Pascalien, Recherches Des Jeunes Septiémistes, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Submissions from 1999
Credit Et Non Videt: L'Autre Du Visible, Scepticisme Et Religion (De Jésuites À Port-Royal), L'Autre Au XVIIème Siècle, Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Submissions from 1998
Karukéra: Présence Littéraire De La Guadeloupe, Karukéra: Présence Littéraire De La Guadeloupe, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Submissions from 1997
Review Of "Postcolonial Representations: Women, Literature, Identity" By F. Lionnet, Contemporary French Civilization, Micheline Rice-Maximin
Submissions from 1996
Postcolonial Subjects: Francophone Women Writers, Postcolonial Subjects: Francophone Women Writers, M. J. Green, K. Gould, Micheline Rice-Maximin, K. L. Walker, and J. A. Yeager
Nouvelle Ecriture From The Ivory Coast: A Reading Of Veronique Tadjo's "A Vol D'Oiseau", Postcolonial Subjects: Francophone Women Writers, Micheline Rice-Maximin