De La Fabrique Du Réel (Apocalyptique) Dans La Bande Dessinée Beyrouth Bye Bye... De Barrack Rima
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International Journal Of Francophone Studies
This article examines the Lebanese bande dessinée, Beyrouth bye bye... (2015) by Barrack Rima, through the lens of anticipation narrative. Set in a dystopic place where ninja turtles cross path with crocodiles, censors and refugees, and in which the proliferation of trash threatens to drown all citizens, the characters are gradually expelled from the story and from the Lebanese capital, whose future the reader is invited to (re)consider. Rima’s sequential work, this article contends, reflects on the future of the Lebanese society and space. It also reflects on the modalities of representation and transmission of the reality it depicts. As such it is a work ‘engagé’ that tries to untangle the components of an apocalyptic future. The work becomes the receptacle of collective memory and history. While increasing awareness, it calls for a mobilization of civil society and works as an agent of socio-political action.
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C. Calargé and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek.
"De La Fabrique Du Réel (Apocalyptique) Dans La Bande Dessinée Beyrouth Bye Bye... De Barrack Rima".
International Journal Of Francophone Studies.
Volume 20,
Issue 1-2.
DOI: 10.1386/ijfs.20.1-2.57_1