Date of Award
Spring 2024
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Terms of Use
© 2024 Jose Sandoval. All rights reserved. Access to this work is restricted to users within the Swarthmore College network and may only be used for non-commercial, educational, and research purposes. Sharing with users outside of the Swarthmore College network is expressly prohibited. For all other uses, including reproduction and distribution, please contact the copyright holder.
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Educational Studies Department
First Advisor
Edwin Mayorga
Students with Interrupted or Formal Education (SLIFE/SIFE) represent a sizable portion of the ELL population in U.S. schools. Most SLIFE are recent immigrants from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East who have not attended formal schooling or have only had access to low-quality education. Often, SLIFE are enrolled in ESL or general education programs under the assumption that they will be able to learn in those environments. However, given their complex backgrounds and limited schooling experiences, SLIFE present challenges that require additional forms of support. Currently, over two-thirds of SLIFE do not complete high school, indicating that their needs are being misunderstood and significantly overlooked in mainstream instructional approaches. This thesis consists of a thematic literature analysis aimed at better understanding the needs of SLIFE and how teachers in different contexts can work to address those needs. It was found that SLIFE need extensive support in developing literacy and content knowledge, maintaining emotional well-being, overcoming cultural dissonance, and achieving positive educational outcomes. It was also found that there are a variety of instructional frameworks, practices, and curricula that teachers of SLIFE can consider implementing to meet those specific needs. However, further researchers may need to examine how queer identity shapes SLIFE educational experiences, and if TruUDL should be adopted as another form of support for this population.
Recommended Citation
Sandoval, Jose , '24, "Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Students With Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)" (2024). Senior Theses, Projects, and Awards. 891.
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