The Negotiated Order Approach To The Analysis Of Social Organization
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Published In
Foundations Of Interpretive Sociology: Original Essays In Symbolic Interaction
Series Title
Studies In Symbolic Interaction
Describes the negotiated order perspective on social organization. How social organization was handled by some of the early scholars whose work is associated with the symbolic interactionist tradition is reviewed, and a series of empirical and theoretical analyses that served as the building blocks of the perspective are described. These include analysis of the agricultural sciences, school systems, the American liquor industry, and passage of the Age Discrimination Act. Analytical issues in the perspective that are regarded as critical areas for further theoretical and empirical investigation include the nature of negotiations, historical processes and contexts, and the limits and consequences of negotiations. The most fundamental analytic thrust of the negotiation order perspective is its continual probing of the relation of negotiation processes to social orders. It is designed and is best utilized as a way of thinking systematically about social orders, rather than the dynamics internal to some particular episode of negotiation.
Published By
H.A. Farberman and R.S. Perinbanyagam
Recommended Citation
D. R. Maines and Joy Charlton.
"The Negotiated Order Approach To The Analysis Of Social Organization".
Foundations Of Interpretive Sociology: Original Essays In Symbolic Interaction.