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Published In

The Oxford Handbook Of Philosophy And Literature


This introductory article explains the coverage of this book, which is about the relations of complementarity and opposition between philosophy and literature. This book explores the interests for human life of specific genres of literature, considers broad modes of attention that have marked off certain large cultural periods from one another, traces workings of certain central literary devices for achieving attention and evaluates the use of literature as a practice in relation to the practices of inquiry, morality and politics. It also discusses the significance of the works of some philosophers in analyzing literary practice.


philosophy, literature, literary genre, attention, literary devices, morality, politics, literary practice

Published By

Oxford University Press


Richard Thomas Eldridge


This work is edited and features an introduction by Richard Thomas Eldridge. The introduction of this work has been made freely available courtesy of Oxford University Press.

This material was originally published in The Oxford Handbook Of Philosophy And Literature edited by Richard Eldridge, and has been reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press. For permission to reuse this material, please visit

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