Browse the Peace & Conflict Studies Collections by Author or Creator

Sabeen Ahmed, Philosophy
Sa'ed Atshan, Peace & Conflict Studies
Nanci Buiza, Spanish
Alexandra Gueydan-Turek, French & Francophone Studies
Nina Johnson, Sociology
Barbara Ann Milewski, Music
Emily Paddon Rhoads, Political Science
Ellen M. Ross, Religion
Lee A. Smithey, Sociology
Andrew Ward, Psychology
Mike Wilson Becerril, Peace & Conflict Studies


Submissions from 2013


The Rise Of Dz-Manga In Algeria: Glocalization And The Emergence Of A New Transnational Voice, Journal Of Graphic Novels And Comics, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek


Eastern Europe: Introductory Thoughts, Nineteenth-Century Choral Music, Barbara Ann Milewski


Poland, Nineteenth-Century Choral Music, Barbara Ann Milewski

Identity Formation In Nonviolent Struggles, Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance In Liberation Struggles, Lee A. Smithey

Submissions from 2012

La Circulation Transculturelle Du Texte Littéraire: Stratégies Éditoriales Et Représentations Des Auteures Algériennes, Le Livre, "Produit Culturel"?: Politiques Éditoriales, Stratégies De Librairie Et Mutations De L'Objet De L'Invention De L'Imprimé À La Révolution Numérique, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek


Józef Kropiński, Lexikon Verfolgter Musiker Und Musikerinnen Der NS-Zeit, Barbara Ann Milewski


More Music For The Kinohalle!: Józef Kropiński's Compositions In The Buchenwald Concentration Camp, OREL Foundation, Barbara Ann Milewski


Review Of "A Jewish Orchestra In Nazi Germany: Musical Politics And The Berlin Jewish Culture League" By L. E. Hirsch, Musica Judaica Online Reviews, Barbara Ann Milewski


Quakers, Culture, And The Transforming Power Of Love, Friends Journal, Ellen M. Ross

Review Of "Lucretia Mott's Heresy: Abolition And Women's Rights In Nineteenth-Century America" By C. Faulkner, Quaker History, Ellen M. Ross


The Solace Of History: Reflections On Quakers And The Environment, Friends Journal, Ellen M. Ross


The Mural Mapping Project, The Mural Mapping Project, Lee A. Smithey

Submissions from 2011


"Homeland Beyond Homelands": Reinventing Algeria Through A Transnational Literary Community: Assia Djebar's "Le Blanc De L'Algérie", Cincinnati Romance Review, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek


Review Of "Dialogues Francophones, Nº 16" Edited By A. Gheorghiu, Women In French Studies, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek


Visions Of Odalisques: Orientalism And Conspicuous Consumption In Leila Sebbar's "Le Peintre Et Son Modele" (2007), Research In African Literatures, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek

Review Of "Music In Chopin's Warsaw" By H. Goldberg, Nineteenth-Century Music Review, Barbara Ann Milewski

The Power Of Nonviolent Resistance, Atlantic, Lee A. Smithey


Unionists, Loyalists, And Conflict Transformation In Northern Ireland, Unionists, Loyalists, And Conflict Transformation In Northern Ireland, Lee A. Smithey

Affirming The Self To Promote Agreement With Another: Lowering A Psychological Barrier To Conflict Resolution, Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin, Andrew Ward, D. C. Atkins, M. R. Lepper, and L. Ross

Who Likes Evolution? Dissociation Of Human Evolution Versus Evolutionary Psychology, Journal Of Social, Evolutionary, And Cultural Psychology, Andrew Ward; Matthew Richard Wallaert , '05; and Barry Schwartz

Submissions from 2010


Magical Returns And The Interior Landscape Of Chopin's Mazurkas, The Sources Of Chopin's Style: Inspirations And Contexts, Barbara Ann Milewski


Neural Recruitment During Self-Control Of Smoking: A Pilot fMRI Study, What Is Addiction?, John Robert Monterosso , '92; T. Mann; Andrew Ward; G. Ainslie; J. Bramen; A. Brody; and E. D. London


History Of Social Psychology: Insights, Challenges, And Contributions To Theory And Application, Handbook Of Social Psychology, L. Ross, M. Lepper, and Andrew Ward


Northern Ireland, Peace People Of, Oxford International Encyclopedia Of Peace, Lee A. Smithey

Northern Ireland Timeline, Northern Ireland Timeline, Lee A. Smithey


Review Of "Contesting Patriotism: Culture, Power, And Strategy In The Peace Movement" By L. M. Woehrle, P. G. Coy, And G. M. Maney, Critical Mass Bulletin, Lee A. Smithey

Parading Protest: Orange Parades In Northern Ireland And Temperance Parades In Antebellum America, Social Movement Studies: Journal Of Social, Cultural And Political Protest, Lee A. Smithey and M. P. Young


Explicit Control Of Implicit Responses Simple Directives Can Alter IAT Performance, Social Psychology, Matthew Richard Wallaert , '05; Andrew Ward; and T. Mann

Submissions from 2009

Crossing Borders: The Limits Of Negotiations In Mouloud Mammeri's "La Traversee", Contemporary French And Francophone Studies, Alexandra Gueydan-Turek


Krystyna Żywulska: The Making Of A Satirist And Songwriter In Auschwitz-Birkenau Is Discovered Through Camp Mementos, Swarthmore College Bulletin, Barbara Ann Milewski


Re-Examination Of Maximization: Psychometric Assessment And Derivation Of A Short Form Of The Maximization Scale, Advances In Consumer Research, G. Y. Nenkov, M. Morrin, Andrew Ward, and Barry Schwartz


Conflict Transformation, Cultural Innovation, And Loyalist Identity In Northern Ireland, Culture And Belonging In Divided Societies: Contestation And Symbolic Landscapes, Lee A. Smithey


Social Movement Strategy, Tactics, And Collective Identity, Sociology Compass, Lee A. Smithey

Submissions from 2008

Attention And The Self-Control Of Eating, Annals Of Behavioral Medicine, T. Mann, A. Moskovich, J. Tomiyama, and Andrew Ward

Essay, Annotations, And Translations For "Ballads And Broadsides: Songs From Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1940-1945" By A. Kulisiewicz, Ballads And Broadsides: Songs From Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1940-1945, Barbara Ann Milewski


A Short Form Of The Maximization Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability And Validity Studies, Judgment And Decision Making, G. Y. Nenkov, M. Morrin, Andrew Ward, Barry Schwartz, and J. Hulland


Grassroots Unionism And Conflict Transformation, Shared Space, Lee A. Smithey


Acknowledging The Other Side In Negotiation, Negotiation Journal, Andrew Ward, L. G. Disston, L. Brenner, and L. Ross


Stepping Up The Pressure: Arousal Can Be Associated With A Reduction In Male Aggression, Aggressive Behavior, Andrew Ward; T. Mann; E. H. Westling; J. D. Creswell; J. P. Ebert; and Matthew Richard Wallaert , '05

Submissions from 2007


Privilege, Empowerment, And Nonviolent Intervention, Peace And Change, Ivan Maxfield Boothe , '05 and Lee A. Smithey

Attention, Self-Control, And Health Behaviors, Current Directions In Psychological Science, T. Mann and Andrew Ward


Aleksander Kulisiewicz, Music And The Holocaust, Barbara Ann Milewski


Krystyna Żywulska, Music And The Holocaust, Barbara Ann Milewski

Review Of "Music In The Holocaust: Confronting Life In The Nazi Ghettos And Camps" By S. Gilbert, Holocaust And Genocide Studies, Barbara Ann Milewski

Health Information Processed Under Limited Attention: Is It Better To Be "Hot" Or "Cool"?, Health Psychology, Sara Jennifer Parent , '03; Andrew Ward; and T. Mann


A Christian Vision Of The Earth, Friends Journal, Ellen M. Ross


An Interview With ASA President Frances Fox Piven, Newsletter Of The Peace, War, And Social Conflict Section Of The American Sociological Association, Lee A. Smithey

Nonviolent Social Movements, Teaching The Sociology Of Peace, War, And Military Institutions: A Curriculum Guide, Lee A. Smithey

Peace And Justice Activism At Swarthmore College, Peace Chronicle, Lee A. Smithey


Review Of "Convictions Of The Soul: Religion, Culture, And Agency In The Central America Solidarity Movement" By S.E. Nepstad, Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion, Lee A. Smithey


Review Of "The Moral Imagination: The Art And Soul Of Building Peace" By J. P. Lederach, Mennonite Quarterly Review, Lee A. Smithey


What Is Possible, Newsletter Of The Peace, War, And Social Conflict Section Of The American Sociological Association, Lee A. Smithey

Polarization Processes, Encyclopedia Of Social Psychology, Andrew Ward

Submissions from 2006


Accentuate The Negative: The Positive Effects Of Negative Acknowledgment, Psychological Science, Andrew Ward and L. Brenner


Self-Control Of Smoking: When Does Narrowed Attention Help?, Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, E. Westling, T. Mann, and Andrew Ward

Submissions from 2005

The Bargaining Bride: How To Have The Wedding Of Your Dreams Without Paying The Bills Of Your Nightmares, The Bargaining Bride: How To Have The Wedding Of Your Dreams Without Paying The Bills Of Your Nightmares, S. Kronzon and Andrew Ward


Review Of "The Age Of Chopin: Interdisciplinary Inquiries" Edited By H. Goldberg, Notes, Barbara Ann Milewski


Review Of "Moving Beyond Sectarianism: Religion, Conflict And Reconciliation In Northern Ireland" By J. Liechty And C. Clegg, Peace And Change, Lee A. Smithey

Submissions from 2004

To Eat Or Not To Eat: Implications Of The Attentional Myopia Model For Restrained Eaters, Journal Of Abnormal Psychology, T. Mann and Andrew Ward

Translation Of Poetry For "Letter To Warsaw" By T. Pasatieri, Letter To Warsaw, T. Pasatieri and Barbara Ann Milewski

Doing Better But Feeling Worse: The Paradox Of Choice, Positive Psychology In Practice, Barry Schwartz and Andrew Ward

Submissions from 2003

Parading Persuasion: Nonviolent Collective Action As Discourse In Northern Ireland, Research In Social Movements, Conflicts, And Change, Lee A. Smithey and L. R. Kurtz

Can't Quite Commit: Rumination And Uncertainty, Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin, Andrew Ward, S. Lyubomirsky, L. Sousa, and S. Nolen-Hoeksema

Submissions from 2002

Reactive Devaluation Of An "Israeli" Vs. "Palestinian" Peace Proposal, Journal Of Conflict Resolution, I. Maoz, Andrew Ward, M. Katz, and L. Ross


Maximizing Versus Satisficing: Happiness Is A Matter Of Choice, Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Barry Schwartz, Andrew Ward, J. Monterosso, S. Lyubomirsky, K. White, and D. R. Lehman

Submissions from 2001


Forbidden Fruit: Does Thinking About A Prohibited Food Lead To Its Consumption?, International Journal Of Eating Disorders, T. Mann and Andrew Ward


Visions Of Spirit: Prospects For Retrieving Medieval Spirituality, Women Christian Mystics Speak To Our Times, Ellen M. Ross

Submissions from 2000

The Search For Folk Sources In Chopin's Mazurkas, Polish Review, Barbara Ann Milewski


Why The Bias To Study Biases? Commentary On Krueger On Social-Bias, Psycoloquy, Andrew Ward


Don't Mind If I Do: Disinhibited Eating Under Cognitive Load, Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Andrew Ward and T. Mann

Submissions from 1999

Chopin's Mazurkas And The Myth Of The Folk, 19th-Century Music, Barbara Ann Milewski

Submissions from 1998


Review Of "The Soul Of Celtic Spirituality In The Lives Of Its Saints" By M. Milton, Church History, Ellen M. Ross

Submissions from 1997


Review of "English Preaching In The Late Middle-Ages" By H.L. Spencer, Church History, Ellen M. Ross


The Grief Of God: Images Of The Suffering Jesus In Late Medieval England, The Grief Of God: Images Of The Suffering Jesus In Late Medieval England, Ellen M. Ross

Submissions from 1996

Ethical Mysticism: Walter Hilton And The Scale Of Perfection, Studia Mystica, Ellen M. Ross

Submissions from 1991

Spiritual Experience And Women's Autobiography: The Rhetoric Of Selfhood In "The Book Of Margery Kempe", Journal Of The American Academy Of Religion, Ellen M. Ross