The National Census Of Writing

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The National Census Of Writing


Launched in March 2013, the National Census of Writing seeks to provide a data-based landscape of writing instruction at two- and four-year public and not-for-profit institutions of higher education in the United States. Despite numerous calls for empirical data to ground the design and administration of writing programs and writing centers, this is the first comprehensive study of its kind and covers the following sections: sites of writing; first-year writing/English composition; identifying and supporting diversely-prepared students; writing across the curriculum (WAC) and writing beyond the first year; the undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor; writing centers; administrative structures; demographics of respondents. With data from 900 institutions, the National Census of Writing will help educators and administrators across the country to better understand the variety of ways in which writing instruction is delivered in the twenty-first century. The research team has made the processed data available through this open-access database, which allows individuals to gather national data on pressing local questions. The database is searchable by type of institution, institutional size, geographical location, and, when we have consent, by the name of the institution.
