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Journal Of Chemical Physics
IR-UV double resonance spectroscopy has been used to characterize hindered internal rotor states (n(K) = 0(0), 1(1), and 1(0)) of the CN-Ne complex in its ground electronic state with various degrees of CN stretch (nu(CN)) excitation. Rotationally resolved infrared overtone spectra of the CN-Ne complex exhibit perturbations arising from Coriolis coupling between the closely spaced hindered rotor states (1(1) and 1(0)) with two quanta of CN stretch (nu(CN) = 2). A deperturbation analysis is used to obtain accurate rotational constants and associated average CN center-of-mass to Ne separation distances as well as the coupling strength. The energetic ordering and spacings of the hindered internal rotor states provide a direct reflection of the weakly anisotropic intermolecular potential between CN X-2 Sigma(+) and Ne, with only an 8 cm(-1) barrier to CN internal rotation, from which radially averaged anisotropy parameters (V-10 and V-20) are extracted that are consistent for nu(CN) = 0-3. Complementary ab initio calculation of the CN X-2 Sigma(+) + Ne potential using MRCI+Q extrapolated to the complete one-electron basis set limit is compared with the experimentally derived anisotropy by optimizing the radial potential at each angle. Experiment and theory are in excellent accord, both indicating a bent minimum energy configuration and nearly free rotor behavior. Analogous experimental and theoretical studies of the CN-Ne complex upon electronic excitation to the CN B (2)Sigma(+) state indicate a slightly more anisotropic potential with a linear CN-Ne minimum energy configuration. The results from these IR-UV double resonance studies are compared with prior electronic spectroscopy and theoretical studies of the CN-Ne system. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3586810]
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J. M. Beames, B. A. O'Donnell, M. Ting, M. I. Lester, and Thomas Alex Stephenson.
"Experimental Characterization Of The Weakly Anisotropic CN X(2)Σ(+) + Ne Potential From IR-UV Double Resonance Studies Of The CN-Ne Complex".
Journal Of Chemical Physics.
Volume 134,
Issue 18.
DOI: 10.1063/1.3586810
This work is freely available courtesy of the American Institute of Physics.