Ken Vavrek Assemblages: In The Company Of Light
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Ceramics: Art And Perception
The new ceramic wall sculptures of the artist Ken Vavrek project a reserved and elegant physical beauty. Using a pared-down cast of geometric forms, these assemblage pieces propose a relationship between architecture, painting, motion, and play. They are remarkable for the way in which, unlike other assemblage pieces, they do not reveal the method by which they are held together. In comparison to Vavrek's more dramatic earlier works, these pieces converse more easily with the cool Minimalism of Bauhaus design. They located Vavrek firmly in the lineage of a number of iconic mid-20th century modernists. They represent the work of a mature artist at the peak of his powers, employing methodical yet always compelling probes into his own experience and imagination.
Recommended Citation
Syd Carpenter.
"Ken Vavrek Assemblages: In The Company Of Light".
Ceramics: Art And Perception.
Issue 74.