
Crossings: Swarthmore Undergraduate Feminist Research Journal


This essay seeks to understand the author’s relationship to her body through theoretical feminist texts. It uses Iris Marion Young’s “Throwing Like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment, Motility, and Spatiality,” Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, and the author’s own life to examine the relationship between perception, queerness, and self-confidence. The account put forward here applies Young’s discussion of feminine bodily comportment and spatiality to the author’s experiences learning to fight and subsequently accept her own body. Tying Young’s comparison of the body to feminine existence to Woolf’s discussion of a room of one’s own, the author conceptualizes her lived experiences in terms of how she is perceived and positioned by the people in her life. The author uses a narrative application of Young’s theory to understand her own lived bodily experience.
