
Crossings: Swarthmore Undergraduate Feminist Research Journal


This zine is the product of our independent study course Queer Ecologies, which is an exploration of bio-social systems using a queer and feminist theoretical lens. We aim to look critically at knowledge formation and construct alternative visions for more just and sustainable relationships between science, nature, and ourselves. While queer theory most directly interrogates the normative structure of heterosexuality both in humans and in biology more broadly, these studies include analyses of hierarchy, power, and value. Queer Ecology can be used to examine phenomena such as climate change, extinction, pollution, species hierarchies, agricultural practices, resource extraction, and human population debates – all of which are deeply tied to cultural valuations of the natural world. We also examine the core questions and debates in the field pertaining to gender and environment, queer ecofeminism, and the development of environmentalism from global perspectives.
