Editorial Board | Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies at Swarthmore College | Swarthmore College


Edwin Mayorga


Maria Aghazarian

Jasmine Anouna

Elias Blinkoff

Kate Carter

Jill Gladstein

Ashley Hong

Ava Shafiei

Roberto Vargas

Robert T. Zipp


Elaine Allard

Jasmine Anouna

Jessica Arian

Elias Blinkoff

Amanda Epstein

Madeleine Feldman

Ashley Hong

Nora Kerrich

Michelle McEwen

Joseph Nelson

Chinyere Odim

Alondra Rosales

Amit Schwalb

Ava Shafiei

Sophia Schuster

Jessica Xu

Robert T. Zipp


Maria Aghazarian

Kate Carter

Roberto Vargas

Writing Center and Editorial Support

Jill Gladstein

Maggie Christ

Web Design and Production

Alondra Rosales

At Large Journal Members

Brian Acosta

Esteban Cabrera-Duran

Min Cheng

Andres Cordero

David Ding

Sarah Dobbs

Medgine Ellie

Daniel Orr

Kelsey Owyang

Heitor Santos

Tania Uruchima

George Woodliff-Stanley

Rock Ward

Julia Thomas

Meghan Kelly

Rachel Yang

Maya Henry