Peristaltic Aortomyoplasty

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Published In

Proceedings Of The 17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference


Aortomyoplasty is a new surgical treatment for heart failure in which the latissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) is wrapped around the aorta and electrically activated to provide diastolic counterpulsation. We hypothesized that blood displaced from the wrapped aortic region could be preferentially directed by separately activating regions of the LDM in a peristaltic-like motion. In dogs, the LDM was instrumented with stimulus electrodes and wrapped around the descending thoracic aorta, and a heart pacing lead was positioned in the right ventricle. In a terminal study (following muscle conditioning and induction of heart failure via rapid ventricular pacing), left ventricular and aortic pressures were measured while LDM stimulation was systematically time-shifted between two muscle segments. For each data run, endocardial-viability ratio was calculated. Results suggest that it is possible to preferentially direct blood flow during aortomyoplasty.

Published By

17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference


C. M. Agrawal and K. A. Athanasiou


17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference

Conference Dates

February 6-8, 1998

Conference Location

San Antonio, TX

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