In Your CORT: Corticosterone And Its Receptors In The Brain Underlie Mate Choosiness In Female Cope’s Gray Treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis)

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Hormones And Behavior


Selecting an attractive mate can involve trade-offs related to investment in sampling effort. Glucocorticoids like corticosterone (CORT) are involved in resolving energetic trade-offs. However, CORT is rarely studied in the context of mate choice, despite its elevated levels during reproductive readiness and the energetic transitions that characterize reproduction. Few systems are as well suited as anuran amphibians to evaluate how females resolve energetic trade-offs during mate choice. Phonotaxis tests provide a robust bioassay of mate choice that permit the precise measurement of inter-individual variation in traits such as choosiness–the willingness to pursue the most attractive mate despite costs. In Cope's gray treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis), females exhibit remarkable variation in circulating CORT as well as choosiness during mate choice, and a moderate dose of exogenous CORT rapidly (<1 h) and reliably induce large increases in choosiness. Here we measured the expression of glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors in the brains of females previously treated with exogenous CORT and tested for mate choosiness. We report a large decrease in GR expression in the hindbrain and midbrain of females that were treated with the moderate dosage of CORT–the same treatment group that exhibited a dramatic increase in choosiness following CORT treatment. This association, however, does not appear to be causal, as only forebrain GR levels, which are not affected by CORT injection, are positively associated with variation in choosiness. No strong effects were found for MR. We discuss these findings and suggest future studies to test the influence of glucocorticoids on mate choice.


Choosiness, Corticosterone, Decision making, Glucocorticoid receptor, Mate choice, Mineralocorticoid receptor, Phonotaxis, Proceptivity, Sexual selection, Stress

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